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★► [TU] Wasteland 3 - DISPO (aussi sur Xbox Game pass)


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Posté le 27-01-2021 à 19:27:22  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :

BillyCorgan a écrit :

En effet, tu devrais pouvoir en profiter dans les meilleures conditions.  
Le titre n'a rien de révolutionnaire mais est très agréable. J'ai vraiment passé un bon moment dessus.

Je ne saurais mieux dire  :jap:   Et l'idée d'un post-apo glacé est très bien, car après tout le grand froid est aussi terrible que la chaleur excessive. Les nombreuses références à la pop culture des années 1980 ne plairont pas à tout, mais moi j'aime bien car je mets les pieds où je veux et c'est souvent dans la gueule! Yeah !  [:macho man]

"A toute chose sa saison, et à toute affaire sous les cieux, son temps"
Posté le 27-01-2021 à 19:27:22  profilanswer


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Posté le 28-01-2021 à 10:17:19  profilanswer

Je viens de lancer ma partie :jap:
J'esperais que ce soit un peu moins moche :D

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 28-01-2021 à 10:56:28  profilanswer

Étrange, j'ai trouvé les graphismes plutôt corrects pour un titre du genre.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

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Posté le 28-01-2021 à 11:04:21  profilanswer

Sortant de D:OS2 ou même de PoE ça pique un peu

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 09-03-2021 à 18:44:52  profilanswer

1.3 3 Dispo






Permanent Death (aka Permadeath) is here to challenge your sanity. This is an optional mode that can only be enabled when starting a new game.


If enabled, your squad members will be permanently killed if their Downed timer during combat expires. Once they’re dead, they’re dead forever. How death normally works.


Permadeath is a single player-only mode.


Difficult Skill Checks


Difficult Skill Checks is here to challenge your squad-building prowess. This is an optional mode that can only be enabled when starting a new game.


If enabled when starting a new game, all Skill, Attribute, and Perception checks are increased by +2 over their base value (up to a max of 10). This applies to in-world interactions, conversations, and equipment requirements.


We recommend this only for veteran players who want an extra challenge that puts their squad optimization to the test.




You can now respec your squad members to reallocate their Attributes, Skills, and Perks!


While at Ranger HQ, a new “Retrain” option is available in the Manage Squad screen, which refunds all points to be spent again. This excludes unique gameplay bonuses such as Cyborg Tech and the Tarjan Machine perks, and any Quirks chosen at character creation.


Retraining characters has a cost which is shared with Recruiting new Rangers.


Recruitment Cost


Recruiting at Ranger HQ now incurs a cost that is shared with Retraining.


The cost is waived for the first two Rangers recruited from Ranger HQ.


The Recruitment/Retrain cost starts at $200 and increases 1.75x (rounded to the nearest $50) with each use, up to a maximum of $3000.


New Character Customization Options


Since you’ll need to start a new game to turn on permadeath and difficult skill checks, we have 23 new character customization options to use including helmets, masks, makeup, scars, and tattoos are available.


Multiple helmets were designed alongside renowned post-apocalyptic costume designers for this update. Check for photos and info.


Additional Crash and Performance Fixes


We’ve been continually working to improve stability on systems with low amounts of memory (older consoles, primarily) and this update resolves one of our most impactful issues. For those of you experiencing crashes after longer play sessions, we’d love for you to give this update a try and let us know if it resolved your issue. If not, we’d also like to hear from you on the inXile forums so we can continue to make improvements.


We’ve taken a pass at textures across the game to either reduce or increase texture sizes to create a more consistent memory footprint. This should result in slightly more even performance.


Additional misc. changes and fixes that should result in overall improved stability.


[PC] Added voice chat options to enable Push to Talk, show microphone input source, manage volume, or disable it entirely. The Push to Talk key can be customized in keyboard bindings.




Game options now have descriptive text in case our very intelligently named options weren’t clear enough.


Fixed the Poindexter quirk for Rangers recruited from HQ. They’ll now correctly receive their bonus skill points as intended… NERDS.


Resolved an issue with the bonus Hit Chance from Leadership not increasing correctly as it’s leveled up.


We just made the Hoon Homestead always available from the world map regardless of choices and progression. So that better fix it.


We screwed up the intercom before Vic and now we have unscrewed it.


Resolved a softlock that could occur while arresting Vic.


Fixed an issue where you sometimes couldn’t save the game after a combat where you hacked a robot or tamed an animal. How does that even happen? Who knows. Well, someone does, just not me. Making games sounds hard.


Fixed an issue with the Pyromaniac Quirk catching you on fire with elemental damage types other than Fire and Explosive.


Fixed an issue where the pre-order bonus Colorado Survival Gear items could disappear from the inventory. Did you really pre-order, though? Maybe not. Feels like that was 20 years ago. It’s hard to remember.


Rally will now properly apply to squad members that are at a different elevation.


Double-dipping into two containers at the same time, where one requires a skill check to open, will no longer cause loot to disappear.


Fixed a quest progression issue with “King Cordite,” reported by Ralph. Thanks Ralph!


The quest “One of Us” can now be correctly completed if you have Ironclad Cordite in your party.


Fixed a quest progression issue during "Heads or Tails" when a creature is tamed during combat and then runs away. Story of my life.


Fixed an issue where the last character in combat killing themselves would make it so you couldn’t end your turn.


Using the Brainwave Destabilizer on enemies in the Clown Museum no longer breaks their animations. Maybe though just shoot the horrifying clown people before they get too close?


Fixed a quest progression issue with “Hard Knox Life” when loading specific saves.


Llewellyn’s shit had gone missing and was un-interactable. We found the shit and have re-added the shit so you can interact with the shit again now.


Fixed an issue where the Optilaser 9000 couldn’t be used if your weapon was out of ammo or you had melee equipped.


Fixed an issue where getting Vic to join the Rangers and then cancelling out of the Manage Squad screen would make it impossible to add him later. But why would you do that? Add him immediately, it’s hilarious and terrible.


Fixed an issue with Close Call perk causing nitrogen, oil, and explosive tanks to sometimes not explode when attacked.


The “Call to Action” mission is no longer able to be completed more than once.


Mortar Blast now uses the correct amount of AP.


Rangers at max level (35) no longer “level up” when receiving the requisite XP. Can you imagine if life stopped at 35? Like a Logan’s Run Carousel situation and you’re running around with a gem in your hand and a robot is shouting about sea greens. I need to watch that again.


Fixed a possible softlock when taming a Glow Hopper during a combat.


The Minesweeper perk now correctly applies to gas mines, as god intended.


UI & Controls


Fixed some wonkiness with removing and re-adding custom characters in Squad Manager.


Making lots of custom Rangers no longer blocks the ability to scroll down to the Companion section.


[LOC] DEV: "<color=>104%"’ removed from Shockwave mortar description. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!


Fixed a display issue with the Mechanics skill showing an incorrect effectiveness value at level 5.


Changed the icon for Big Guns to not be a rocket launcher, which are explosive weapons. They’re also Big, but we had to pick one.


Fixed some mpre typos.


[Controller] Revive now shows the correct AP cost.




Fixed another issue where the host could drive the Kodiak around like a Ranger after their squad had been killed. Cool? Yes. But still a bug.


Misc. co-op bug fixes and improvements.


Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 08-04-2021 à 21:09:22  profilanswer

-50% sur Steam.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 16-04-2021 à 00:49:41  profilanswer

The Battle of Steeltown Releasing June 3 [...] ssion=true


Teaser :


Le CRAFT arrive dans la 1.4.0 : [...] 0-crafting

Message édité par BillyCorgan le 22-04-2021 à 18:04:17

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Transactions (142)
Posté le 06-05-2021 à 20:20:31  profilanswer

Je compte bien terminer le 2 que j'apprécie pas mal du tout, mais j'ai lu tellement de critiques négatives sur le 3 que j'attends un bon prix pour me laisser tenter :jap:

♫ I give in Again and again I give in Will you give it to me? I give in I'll say it again I give in ♫
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 06-05-2021 à 21:53:35  profilanswer

Bizarre, il est très bien le 3, même si plus "compact" que le 2.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

Transactions (2)
Posté le 08-05-2021 à 19:26:25  profilanswer

Bien aimé le 3 aussi.
C'est très bourrin, et il y a des passages sympa.
Juste la spé des persos qui tend vers des trucs WTF.  
Je le referai surement quand le DLC sortira.

Star Wars:Galaxy Of Heroes. Rejoignez l'élite HFR
Posté le 08-05-2021 à 19:26:25  profilanswer

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 24-05-2021 à 20:02:23  profilanswer

Sortie le 3 juin pour 14$ :

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 03-06-2021 à 18:25:58  profilanswer

The Battle of Steeltown is OUT NOW

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 30-06-2021 à 21:55:48  profilanswer

Scotchmo is great, but we’re certain his breath isn’t. And just like the breath mint we imagine he chews from time to time, this update is a deceptively small but potent addition. Packing a minty-fresh wallop that’s sure to air out the place like wintergreen on the palette of a curmudgeonly alcoholic with a closet full of Snake Squeezins.
Please note, Scotchmo’s Breath Mint’s notes are separated into changes that impact Steeltown specifically, and those that impact base game content or systems that span the entire game.
The Battle of Steeltown
The special Steeltown armor is now more affordable, and it drops more often. We want players to get into the new armor more easily, as it’s designed to withstand Steeltown’s elemental-heavy weapons. Also it looks cool.
Non-lethal playthroughs were more challenging than intended. We’ve made a number of changes to improve reliability of Disruption weapons and slightly boost their effectiveness in response to player feedback.
Disruption Baton hit chance increased to 85%.
Disruption Pulser’s mag size increased to 10 and its hit chance to 80%.
Disruption Web Launchers hit chance increased to 95%.
Disruption Trap’s AP cost reduced to 4.
Heavy Disruption Blaster had its AP cost reduced to 5 but its reload cost increased to 4.
Disruption Sniper AP cost reduced to 6.
Rioter punch damage reduced by 50% and powerfist impact damage increased by 10%.
Mechanic sniper damage bonus reduced by 10%.
Foundry Worker and Exo-Tech basic attack damage reduced by 50%. Their ability damage was unchanged.
Maintenance Worker melee damage reduced by 10%.
Construction Worker hit chance reduced by 10%.
The Patriarch now properly acknowledges all possible Steeltown outcomes, which is good because dealing with the Patriarch is not an insignificant part of the game.
Addressed an issue where loading a save during a cutscene could cause the game to display the cutscene bars for the remainder of that session. Imagine just waiting for that loooong cutscene to end. Something’s going to happen at any moment… Nope.
Skipping the conversation with the Computation Engine could cause some weird bugs. Were they bugs though or did the Computation Engine just not appreciate being skipped?
Resolved a softlock that could occur if a player (somehow) initiated combat with Guard-Bots after opening the Steeltown gate but before the Ghost Gang arrival.
Resolved an issue where the Gift of the Magi mission was not being failed when a player sided with Crow to eliminate Markham.
Blue now takes the correct amount of money during the Degausser negotiation.
Resolved an issue where squad members would pop in and out of cover like deranged jack-in-the-boxes.
Players will now no longer lose access to the Steeltown merchants after the raid, which is nice.
All NPCs on the Admin Level will now properly react to Crow and Blue being in charge, *cough* ...if that’s at all how things play out for you. Not saying they need to, you do you.
Hacked Guard-Bots in the Steeltown Spire will no longer block the path to the witches. I mean switches! lol I can’t believe I did that. I’m so random! xoxo
Assistance by Steeltown’s Computation Engine was extremely infrequent. We made it less infrequent by a specific percentage which you can never know.
Resolved an issue in the Steeltown Spire where the player was moved to a different spot than indicated when trying to interact with the Bot-Lift switch.
Bot-Lifts won’t draw quite as much aggro from followers and animal companions as they did before. Promise.
Dr. Breeler should no longer go missing after the raid. Strong emphasis on ‘should.’ He’s a free spirit.
Luis at Steeltown’s gates will no longer repeat the same conversation after the Factory’s situation has been resolved.
Bro, the Helping Hand bonus will like totally no longer activate before Handcraft offers help. It was pretty sketch but we fixed it up so you can get back to shredding the gnar.
Resolved a softlock that could occur in the Steeltown Spire during cutscenes there.
Resolved an issue which was preventing combat from ending when more than one robot was hacked on the player's side before the last enemy was killed.
Destroying the generator at the Scrapyard bridge will no longer break the Ghost Gang behavior during combat.
[PS4] Resolved some visual issues with the Power Loader attacks.
[Xbox] Resolved an issue that could cause framerate to drop while players engaged in the first combat with the Ghost Gang.
Resolved an issue where a co-op player would not get pulled into the conversation with Markham and Crow if they were too far from the scene. Yoink!
Addressed an issue that was resulting in the Kodiak’s parked location being desynchronized between the players. Alas, the philosophical debate about where Schrödinger's Kodiak is has finally been resolved.
Resolved an issue where only the guest could participate in the radio call from the Steeltown Refugee after the area was completed and the party was leaving Steeltown.
Resolved an issue where a softlock could occur when a guest spoke with Dr. Breeler as the session host spoke to Luis during the Flushed mission.
Resolved an issue where Beals would appear hostile for the guest, after the party defeated the Ghost Gang using non-lethal weapons.
Resolved an issue which was preventing the guest player from being pulled into the final conversation with the Computation Engine. Double-yoink.
UI & Display
Resolved a strange visual issue that was going on with Blue’s hair.
Assembling the warbot now has all the sparks and flashing lights warranted by the creation of a mobile death-machine.
The Power Loader melee smash now gibs and ragdolls bodies so you can feel the full effect of really screwing up that fight.
While hovering on the switch to shut down the Bot-Lift in the Steeltown Spire, the movement preview will no longer show a random nearby space.
Added the Disruption Turbine’s sound effects which were missing for its ambient, idle, and overloading states. What good is a turbine if it doesn’t go vrmmmvrmm, chunkachunk, and BRRZZZRRRZZ?
The all-important THUD! sound has been added for when a player falls off the treadmill within the Administration level.
Pressing the big, red, candy-like button to end the simulation in the Steeltown Spire now has proper sound effects.
You can stop holding it, the outhouse is now usable.
We’ve tweaked some things under the hood during the Steeltown final battle so that framerate doesn’t tank.
[Linux] Resolved an issue that could cause the game to crash if the camera was rotated while the screen was focused on the Steeltown gates.
Base Game
We’ve employed a general fix for crit damage calculations, which should help with one-shot crits from enemies. Don’t worry, you won’t have to do the calculations, the game will do that for you. I mean, you could on paper, but you don’t have to.
We found that enemies were calculating a higher crit damage value than intended. We’ve corrected the calculation. Player crit damage is unchanged.
Resolved an issue where hit chance previews would not display for enemies who weren't in your line of sight. Sneaky bastards thought they were just gonna go under the radar.
We addressed the freak of nature situation that was happening in Ironclad’s makeshift jail area where combat could become bugged-out to the extreme, preventing players from proceeding with the combat there.
The reward from the "Buzzkill" quest can no longer be acquired infinitely if Marshall Kwon is present in the squad.
Resolved an issue which was preventing Benjie Braddock from giving the ventilation system password to the player after he’s been “assisted.”
Resolved an issue which would sometimes prevent players from being able to click on the Kodiak to repair it during combat.
Resolved a softlock that could occur after interacting with computers in Aspen when their connected turrets had been destroyed.
[Xbox] We’ve employed stability fixes for a cutscene with Angela Deth at Hoon Homestead.
[Steam] Resolved an issue where enemies would not attack the party when concurrent movement had been disabled.
UI & Display
Resolved an issue where quickslot items could disappear after map transitions or save loads.
Resolved an issue that could prevent a player from accessing their character’s abilities while that character was aiming.
Resolved an issue where dialog barks would linger after combat ended. Do you have to, do you have to let it linger? Good luck not singing that for the rest of the day now.
The “highlight all” button will now no longer make non-interactive corpses show an outline because who needs that nonsense?
[Microsoft Store] We’ve attempted to fix an issue introduced with 1.4.0 that was causing the game to launch with the brightness defaulted to the lowest setting. If you continue to encounter this please report it through the inXile support site.
[Controller] Resolved an issue that could prevent a player from selecting status effects in the inventory with a controller.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

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Posté le 01-07-2021 à 09:34:19  profilanswer

il y en a qui ont joués en Multi?

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 02-07-2021 à 09:42:31  profilanswer

Pas essayé non, et pas vu de vidéo sur le sujet.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

Transactions (5)
Posté le 04-07-2021 à 12:16:29  profilanswer

Je suis a 2 doigts pour le prendre pour pas trop cher sur Fanatical, ils ont résolu les problèmes de chargement indéterminable ?  Pour moi c'était clairement un deal breaker.

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 04-07-2021 à 16:26:34  profilanswer

Depuis longtemps.
Je n'ai jamais trouvé les chargements interminables en plus, même dès la version 1.0 c'était correct sur SSD.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 24-08-2021 à 19:39:10  profilanswer

DLC : Cult of the Holy Detonation

Message édité par BillyCorgan le 24-08-2021 à 19:50:25

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 02-10-2021 à 17:19:46  profilanswer

Patch 1.5.3  

Rangers, although you may have been washed in the blood of the lamb you haven’t yet prayed at the altar of the Holy Detonation… but fear not! We aim to change that and have you fully prepared for the glowing transformation that is soon to come. Today’s Patch 1.5.3 lays the behind-the-scenes groundwork that will make for a smooth update process when Cult of the Holy Detonation is released on October 5. Along with these discreet amendments, we have a few fixes and changes to the released content as well.
As ever, thanks for continuing the good fight with us in Colorado. Good luck to you and your squad in the adventure to come. Something tells us you’re gonna need it.
Assault Rifles have been beefed up to let you play out your deepest Rambo fantasies:
Double Tap will now crit on every bullet that hits its target, rather than just the first one. Heads will pop.
Puncturing Shot now does +100% damage on targets that are either Stunned or have Damaged Armor. Poke them holes!
Stormer now also applies to Assault Rifle weapons in addition to SMGs. Flank away!
Fixed a bug that caused the Opportunist perk to add +5% to the Strike Meter for all weapons. It now only works for handguns as intended.
Stun Resistance was giving us some resistance to working the way it should and now works as intended. A character with 100% Stun Resistance is now.... (you guessed it!) 100% resistant to being stunned!
We resolved a lingering issue that could result in a discrepancy between the Patriarch’s final dialog about Steeltown’s resolution, and the game’s ending slides.
The conversation with Quarex should now always trigger properly, allowing players to properly progress the mission ‘Quarex's Hellacious Journey.’
Fishlips now correctly takes off to Denver if he is directed there, instead of saying he’ll go and then just oddly hang out at Union Station like a friend who says they’re leaving the party and then you see them again an hour later and you’re like dude you’re still here? He won’t do that.
World map merchants can now properly reappear even after players have encountered them before.
Fixed a rounding error that could result in selling multiple items not yielding an equitable sum of video game currency the same as when said items are sold individually. It’s basic video game economics and we’re proud to adhere to this global standard.
User Interface
Improvements to the Inspection Window in the upper right corner of the game screen have been made. When using mouse & keyboard, it will now remember the last character you had hovered on, so that you can more easily view tooltips for their stats and status effects.
The pedestal out front of Ranger HQ no longer has a name displayed before players decide to name the statue that... (spoiler) may go there. In your heart, you can name the pedestal whatever you want though, we don’t mind. We named ours Hank.
Hank Pedestal. He’s an amateur microbiologist.
Holding the left stick or arrow key in the crafting screen will now also accelerate the quantities of items selected there.
Saving manually will reset the timer showing the time since last save.
Under the hood improvements were made for Yuma Speedway & Ranger HQ to reduce the amount of memory these scenes required, making these areas more stable.
We resolved an issue that was sometimes preventing players from changing new Rangers’ names
We resolved an issue that was resulting in guest players sometimes encountering doors with unresolvable lockpick skill checks.
Player UI markers in cooperative mode have been adjusted to help more clearly identify which character is selected and which squad group the character is being controlled from.
When Gonzalez radios players about the statue out front of Ranger HQ, both players will now receive that transmission.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

Transactions (21)
Posté le 27-03-2022 à 04:25:08  profilanswer

Leilu a écrit :

BillyCorgan vient de rejouer à BG2 juste avant donc il lui en faut peu pour trouver une interface correcte en comparaison. [:redmax]
Personnellement, ça me dérange beaucoup que l'interface soit (encore) un problème car, en tant que patient gamer, je remarque que ce n'est pas le genre de choses que les devs ont tendance à retoucher. Je sais déjà que par exemple l'espace gâché du personnage 3D pendant la création de personnage, les nombreux menus déroulants ou encore l'inventaire en 6 par 6 sans tri avancé m'agaceront dans quelques temps, quand je ferai le jeu, contrairement aux divers bugs qui seront sans doute corrigés (comme le délais sur les infobulles).

Après 7h de jeu, j'en ai déjà marre.

  • UI catastrophique. Le menuing, même sur Dark Souls c'est plus confort

  • Il y a de la musique dans le jeu ? 7h de jeu, je viens d'arrêter et j'en ai aucun souvenir.

  • Aucune fonctionnalité QoL: courir plus vite hors combat, dézoomer davantage, contrôle caméra sur la map monde, fast travel, tooltip sur des mots clés renvoyant à une encyclopédie

  • C'est moche. DA planplan. Techniquement en retard. Et il faut vraiment que les devs arrêtent les dialogues à la première personne pour les jeux topdown.

  • Progression de la difficulté débile : les 4h premières heures de jeu, j'ai dû vérifier si j'étais bien en difficulté max. A partir du moment où il faut faire un choix entre les deux sauvetages lvl5, celui du sud est impossible, celui du nord est difficile mais plus simple sans "ruser" en se réfugiant dans la maison, ce qui est tout à fait perturbant. Dans un RPG de ce type, les solutions de contournement sont toujours récompensées. Là non.

  • Des aberrations de game design en pagaille. La dernière : je me retrouve à défendre Bra** et son gang contre les Mar***** dans la discothèque. J'ai eu le malheur d'égratigner un robot allié lors d'une attaque à l'arme lourde, tous les alliés sont devenus ennemis. Comment est-ce possible de ne pas implémenter une tolérance aux balles perdues dans un jeu avec autant d'aléatoire dans la précision des tirs ?

Expert PAKRAM sur MOS 32 H-track en bibande PADIRAC | Logiciels utiles
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Posté le 04-04-2022 à 14:47:22  profilanswer

Leilu a écrit :

Après 7h de jeu, j'en ai déjà marre.

  • UI catastrophique. Le menuing, même sur Dark Souls c'est plus confort

  • Il y a de la musique dans le jeu ? 7h de jeu, je viens d'arrêter et j'en ai aucun souvenir.

  • Aucune fonctionnalité QoL: courir plus vite hors combat, dézoomer davantage, contrôle caméra sur la map monde, fast travel, tooltip sur des mots clés renvoyant à une encyclopédie

  • C'est moche. DA planplan. Techniquement en retard. Et il faut vraiment que les devs arrêtent les dialogues à la première personne pour les jeux topdown.

  • Progression de la difficulté débile : les 4h premières heures de jeu, j'ai dû vérifier si j'étais bien en difficulté max. A partir du moment où il faut faire un choix entre les deux sauvetages lvl5, celui du sud est impossible, celui du nord est difficile mais plus simple sans "ruser" en se réfugiant dans la maison, ce qui est tout à fait perturbant. Dans un RPG de ce type, les solutions de contournement sont toujours récompensées. Là non.

  • Des aberrations de game design en pagaille. La dernière : je me retrouve à défendre Bra** et son gang contre les Mar***** dans la discothèque. J'ai eu le malheur d'égratigner un robot allié lors d'une attaque à l'arme lourde, tous les alliés sont devenus ennemis. Comment est-ce possible de ne pas implémenter une tolérance aux balles perdues dans un jeu avec autant d'aléatoire dans la précision des tirs ?

Bizarre, j'avais beaucoup aimé le jeu, un des rares jeux que j'ai commencé et fini l'an dernier.
Les cRPG sont souvent exigeants en termes de difficulté quand on a pas l'habitude mais ça ne m'a jamais choqué au point de vouloir arrêter.


Transactions (0)
Posté le 04-04-2022 à 15:01:52  profilanswer

wasteland 3 serait un jeu exigeant ?  désolé mais  [:rofl]

Transactions (0)
Posté le 04-04-2022 à 16:20:40  profilanswer

_nepheast a écrit :

wasteland 3 serait un jeu exigeant ?  désolé mais  [:rofl]

Ca fait longtemps, je me souviens plus j'avoue  :D  
Mais je me souviens surtout du début sur DOS2 où j'avais bien souffert alors que le reste du jeu avait été assez facile (sauf quelques endroits relous :o )


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Posté le 04-04-2022 à 16:43:42  profilanswer

Le gros pb de W3, c’est surtout que son gamedesign était en partie cassé en day one, ou très mal foutu sur d’autres aspects, mais c’est pas du tout un jeu difficile, il engendre beaucoup plus de frustration que de difficulté.  :D  


Transactions (21)
Posté le 05-04-2022 à 05:57:59  profilanswer

vilgefortz a écrit :

[…] Les cRPG sont souvent exigeants en termes de difficulté quand on a pas l'habitude […]

 [:caudacien:1] Tu n'as pas dû me repérer sur les topics idoines car je ne joue pratiquement qu'à ça et j'y cherche plutôt le challenge pour m'y amuser. Je ne me suis jamais caché d'être plus proche du profil power gamer que casual gamer d'ailleurs.
Je n'ai pas dit que le jeu était difficile, j'ai parlé d'au moins une grosse inconsistence en termes de difficulté en début de jeu (il y en a peut-être encore plus tard dans le jeu) et du côté illogique qu'a celui-ci de proposer des situations anormalement désavantageuses.
Dans l'exemple évoqué, normalement le fait d'avoir contourné l'ennemi pour me mettre à l'abri dans la maison avec les civils aurait dû me donner un avantage sur le combat. Dans les jeux de ce type, ça peut être plein de choses : certains des civils se joignent à moi, les ennemis prennent un gros débuff, j'ai une position avantageuse, certains ennemis fuient, on me donne une arme puissante, au hasard l'arme accrochée au-dessus de la cheminée à ce moment-là ? Elle appartenait à leur fils décédé et finalement même après les avoir sauvés, ils refusent de nous la donner. Nous la prêter pendant le combat sinon ? Non plus. Des choses usuels dans ce type de jeux à priori.
Bah là non, c'était beaucoup plus simple de ne pas surprendre les ennemis et de les confronter dehors, de face comme un bourrin.
Et puis ce "petit" souci n'était que la partie émergée de l'iceberg. Si j'avais voulu lister toutes les plus ou moins petites choses qui m'ont chafouinées durant mes 7h de jeu, il aurait fallu que je les note au fur et à mesure mais je suis joueur, pas testeur de jeux.
Je suis un habitué des cRPG austères et peu aguicheurs. J'ai joué 400h à Underrail par exemple. Seulement je pense pouvoir faire preuve d'un minimum de discernement concernant les jeux auxquels je joue.
Je n'ai pas le même niveau de conciliance quand c'est un seul dev au charbon pour son premier jeu (Underrail) ou quand c'est un studio de 110 personnes (inXile) avec à sa tête Brian Fargo qui n'est pas à son coup d'essai dans le domaine.

Expert PAKRAM sur MOS 32 H-track en bibande PADIRAC | Logiciels utiles
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 05-04-2022 à 20:32:39  profilanswer

Peut-être... mais au final j'avais passé un bon moment sur ce titre. Et, pour moi c'était suffisant (surtout quand je vois que des titres "bien mieux" me tombent des mains pour x raisons).

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
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Posté le 06-04-2022 à 15:16:36  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

Peut-être... mais au final j'avais passé un bon moment sur ce titre. Et, pour moi c'était suffisant (surtout quand je vois que des titres "bien mieux" me tombent des mains pour x raisons).

La même, ça faisait longtemps que j'avais pas autant accroché à un jeu solo, ça remontait au moins à DOS2 (bon maintenant y'a Elden Ring aussi  :o )
Comme quoi même chez les amateurs de cRPG (Underrail je l'ai acheté également mais j'ai pas accroché), il y a des divergences importantes  :D

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 07-04-2022 à 21:05:32  profilanswer

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Posté le 06-05-2022 à 15:04:10  profilanswer

Je l'ai pris sur le gamepass pc :o Des conseils de build pour bien démarrer ?


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Posté le 06-05-2022 à 15:53:48  profilanswer


Avec ça, tu ne pourras pas te tromper.


Surtout que maintenant, tu peux respec.

Message édité par Leilu le 06-05-2022 à 15:56:33

Expert PAKRAM sur MOS 32 H-track en bibande PADIRAC | Logiciels utiles

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Posté le 06-05-2022 à 16:13:02  profilanswer

Merci, si on peut respec c'est plus simple en effet

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 30-06-2024 à 10:07:43  profilanswer

Je viens (enfin, merci les soldes) de prendre les deux DLC.
J'hésite à reprendre ma partie avant la fin pour les faire ou tout recommencer...

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
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