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  ★► [TU] The Outer Worlds - TOW2 annoncé !



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★► [TU] The Outer Worlds - TOW2 annoncé !

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
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Posté le 06-02-2018 à 09:24:09  profilanswer
The Outer Worlds
Développeur : Obsidian Entertainent  
Editeur : Private Division
Genre : RPG
Langue :  VF texte et VO audio
Date de beta : -
Date de sortie : 25 octobre 2019 // 23 octobre 2020 sur STEAM
DLC 1 : 9 septembre 2020 - Peril on Gorgon
DLC 2 : 17 mars2021 - Murder on Eridanos
Site :
EPIC-Store pendant 1 an (et Microsoft Store)... puis sur Steam
Steam : [...] er_Worlds/
Reddit (détails sur le jeu) : [...] dians_the/
Solution complète : [...] guides.htm

  • Sortie STEAM pour le 23 octobre 2020
  • Annonce du 1er DLC : Peril on Gorgon :
  • 25 octobre : jeu disponible !
  • Trailer E3 :
  • 20 mars 2019 : Annonce d'une exclusivité EPIC Store (et MS Store) pendant un an avant une sortie Steam
  • 07 décembre 2018 : Annonce du jeu "The Outer Worlds" aux Games Award.
  • 28 novembre 2018 : Début du teasing sur le site d'Obsidian !
  • 06 février 2018 : Selon RPG-Codex, le titre du prochain OBSIDIAN (le  Project Indiana de Cain et Boyarsky) serait (possiblement) : The Outer Worlds !


  • Le jeu tournerai sous Unreal Engine 4. (des offres en ce sens ont été publiés...)
  • Ce jeu sera une toute nouvelle licence. Pas de Fallout, Arcanum ou autre Bloodline.
  • Tim CAIN et Leonard BOYARSKY (les papas de Fallout et Arcanum entre autre) sont à la tête du projet.
  • Lancement du projet en 2015


Tim Cain // Co-Creator / Project Director
Leonard Boyarsky  // Co-Creator / Project Director

Julia Kernan - Associate Producer
Ian Conway - Associate Producer
Robert Nesler - Art Director
Bobby Hernandez - Concept Artist / 3D Artist
Ken LeSaint - Senior 3D Artist
Brian Menze - Senior Artist
Michelle Vargas - 3D Environment Artist
Marina Bekeshko  - Junior Environment Artist
Geoff Schofield - FX Artist
Aaron Dubois- Senior FX Artist
Nicole Evanich - Animator
Antonio Govela - Animator
Shon Stewart  - Animator
Cathy Nichols - Character Animator
Dan Spitzley - Senior Programmer
Anthony Davis - Lead Programmer
Ankur Oswal - Junior Programmer
Scott Everts - Technical Designer
Constant Gaw - Senior Designer
David Williams - Senior Systems Designer
Dini McMurry - Senior Level Designer
Charles Staples  - Senior Designer
Tyson Christensen  - Senior Designer
Andrew Dearing - Senior Sound Designer
Justin Bell - Audio Director  

Message édité par BillyCorgan le 24-06-2021 à 09:28:08

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 09:24:09  profilanswer

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 09:36:06  profilanswer

The Outer Worlds is a new single-player first-person sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division. Lost in transit while on a colonist ship bound for the furthest edge of the galaxy, you awake decades later only to find yourself in the midst of a deep conspiracy threatening to destroy the Halcyon colony. As you explore the furthest reaches of space and encounter various factions, all vying for power, the character you decide to become will determine how this player-driven story unfolds. In the corporate equation for the colony, you are the unplanned variable.

  • Interview de Leonard BOYARSKY :

Was it a shame to leave when you did then? It sounds like you weren't enjoying yourself massively for the middle part of your stint at Blizzard but by the end you had found your groove - and then headed off to Obsidian. Was it a difficult decision?
No, it wasn't a difficult decision at all [laughs]. It had nothing to do with Blizzard. When I started talking to Chris Jones and Fergus [Urquhart, co-owner at Obsidian] and Tim [Cain, now co-Game Director at Obsidian] about doing this it was basically like 'hey, come make another game that you create from scratch, a hardcore RPG in the Obsidian/Troika style’. How can you pass that up? It wasn't really even a question.
We had a few different conversations talking about the possibility of it. I think you'd have to ask Fergus and Chris, but I feel like they had decided it was going to happen before I even realised the decision had been made. We slowly drifted into talking about when I was gonna come over and it's almost like the decision was never actually made between us. I started talking to them and it was like 'oh yeah, this is gonna happen’.
They're like 'Leonard's a sure thing, we'll plan on him being here, we'll work everything else out and then we'll go talk to him’.
Kind of, and the thing about Blizzard, as much fun as I was having doing that stuff, I had been working on Diablo for ten years. I think I worked there ten years and two months. I just don't know I could have done any more Diablo, as much fun as I was having. Another two, three years on a project based around Diablo - if we had been able to take it a completely different direction, possibly.
But then it isn't Diablo, right?
That's not Diablo. That's in the column of ideas that goes right next to 'let's make Diablo more of a hardcore RPG’ [laughs]. There's a lot of great stuff about that game that people love and you don't mess with that, you find ways to make that better. But if you look at the other games I've made in my career, it's pretty obvious I'm insane and dedicated to making very, very difficult games that have a lot of choice and consequence.
What's it like being back at Obsidian, is it everything you'd hoped for in that manner, and are you enjoying whatever it is that you're working on now?
Yeah, very much so. There are basic similarities anywhere you go when you're making games but everybody has their own little quirks and ways of doing things. The day I started and began talking to Tim about this, it was like this is my style of game making, this is how I learned how to make games. Because literally it's like we made games a certain way at Interplay, we brought that over to Troika, Obsidian did the same thing after Black Isle, they had the same practices and same mindset about the games they were making. So to go from some place that was completely different back to a place where it's exactly how I remember doing these things, it was really refreshing and it was like coming home in a lot of ways.
It's been great. I love what we're working on, I'm really happy about it, I'm really glad I got this opportunity to do this one more time.
You're at Obsidian but you're also back with the people you worked with before - but there was a ten year gap in there. Was it like going back to the way things used to be or is there stuff that has changed for the better?
Yeah. Obsidian has this fantastic dialogue writing tool that is just great. We were writing dialogues in Excel, literally, on Arcanum and Vampire. They have processes that have been in place for years and years and years that we never got a chance to do at Troika. It's not to say that I didn't learn a lot of valuable stuff at Blizzard. Working with a whole different set of people.
At Troika, and when we were working on Fallout at Interplay, and probably at the beginning of Obsidian, they would have said the same thing, we were maybe a bit myopically focused on hardcore RPGs. Over the course of the past ten years or so, working with other people and talking with people who are passionate about games but maybe not the same games that I'm passionate about, really gives you a different insight into things and you learn different ways of looking at games, and different ways to accomplish the same goals.
Some things you look at you're like 'yeah, I wouldn't do it that way' and some things you're like 'I never would have thought of that, that's a really good idea’. So, in a way, when I say it's like coming home it's not like nothing has changed, but the big thing is working on another game that's really, really focused on the story and the way you play the story. [That's] the thing I love and the thing that felt like coming home more than anything.
Finally - does Divinity: Original Sin 2 terrify you?
In what way?
That it's what you're competing with now and how far the genre has come while you were working on other things.
I haven't played the second one, I played the first one a little bit, I didn't get too far into it. I've talked to people who've played it and I've read up on it, I will play it one of these days when I get a chance.
When you get the spare 300 hours or whatever it is.
Yeaaah, I tend to like to work. Even if I'm not here, I'm doing research or thinking about the game we're working on.
I wouldn't say it terrifies me, I think it's great that they're doing it. When we were working on Arcanum, Planescape came out. In a way we were just like 'oh, we better up our game now’. That's obviously a new benchmark.
I think it's more like if people are doing this kind of game it pushes you to try to make yours better, in a healthy way. I'm glad there are people out there making this style of game still, because even before we made Fallout people were trying to say that style of game is dead. So the more people that make it the better.
RPGs are kind of a unique animal in the industry. First-person shooters, massively multiplayer games, people tend to gravitate their favourite. This is my game, I play it every time it comes out, I don't want to play any other shooter. This is my MMO, I'm not going to play any other MMOs - which is understandable since that's basically a full-time job.
I feel like RPG fans just want to play great RPGs. Obviously there are people who just love the different series and would love to see more of those specific series. But I feel like if you come up with a great RPG, the RPG people are gonna play it. That's been my experience my whole career. I feel like it's all based around the core of what an RPG is, if you can evoke that.
If there were a hundred games coming out a year that had that, like [there is] for shooters or games that [have] light RPG elements, it might be a different story if the field was really crowded. But maybe five, if even, that's a big number for games of this nature that come out on a yearly basis. Or you might have a year like this one where a couple come out, then you might have two or three years where no games that are in what I would consider that genre come out.
I feel like at least right now there's enough room in the marketplace for all the games. We definitely would look at a game like that and go we have to make a game that's at least as good or better than that. That to me isn't terrifying, it makes me more passionate in a way. It's something to aspire to, there's a new bar being set - same thing on Arcanum with Planescape, 'we better make sure that our stuff is gonna compare favourably to this’.
I'm not sure it did, but it made us try.

  • Pas de micro-transactions !

Greetings Obsidian Fans !
We’re extremely excited about our upcoming RPG, and we know you are too. We wish we could tell you all about it right now… but we’re going to hold off until the time is right. What we did want to talk about was a question a lot of you have been raising: “Will this upcoming game feature any lootboxes or other microtransactions?”
The answer is simply: “no.” No microtransactions, of any kind, in our game.
We also wanted to say a word about our partnership with Private Division, our publisher on this title. Far from “pushing” us to put anything -- microtransactions or otherwise -- into our game, Private Division has been incredibly supportive of our vision, our creative freedom, and the process by which we work to make RPGs. They have been fantastic partners, and we are extremely excited to work with them through release, to put what we know is going to be an amazing game into as many hands as possible.
As always, thank you so much for your support. We know we couldn’t do what we do without our fans, and we want you to know that we put you guys first in every decision we make.

Message édité par BillyCorgan le 07-12-2018 à 04:19:00

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 09:39:28  profilanswer

Message édité par BillyCorgan le 28-10-2019 à 20:07:56

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Les beaufs c'est bien
Transactions (2)
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 09:48:11  profilanswer

Drap !
Voilà du coup je suis quand même le premier  :whistle:

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 09:49:19  profilanswer

Je pense que nous auront plus d'informations seulement après la sortie de Pillars 2... à l'E3 peut-être... mais sait-on jamais.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
God is a lie !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 09:52:43  profilanswer

Il faut encourager l'optimisme !

Spoons made me fat
Transactions (7)
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 10:03:37  profilanswer


★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 10:06:03  profilanswer

On retrouve déjà les mêmes.  :D  
Sinon, si ce titre est confirmé, je pense que l'on va s'orienter vers un RPG Sci-Fi ou un truc hybrideà la Planescape Torment... non ?  :pt1cable:

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Épée cheatée
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Posté le 06-02-2018 à 10:43:14  profilanswer

[:lardoncru:1] Rdv pour 2021 mini, non  :D

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 10:47:07  profilanswer

Je ne pense pas. Ils bossent sur le projet depuis 2015 déjà.  [:cosmoschtroumpf]

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 10:47:07  profilanswer

Michel de Hurlevent
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Posté le 06-02-2018 à 12:06:29  profilanswer


visiteur d​u futur
Futur du soir
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Posté le 06-02-2018 à 14:11:07  profilanswer

Drapeau! :love:

"Actually, doing things get you fired. In fact, I'm writing a book on this very phenomena." "Really, you're writing a book ?" "No because that would be DOING something !"
Les beaufs c'est bien
Transactions (2)
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 14:18:52  profilanswer

Toujours les mêmes tronches sur les topics RPG  [:clooney9]   :D

Transactions (1)
Posté le 06-02-2018 à 14:21:59  profilanswer

Je rajoute la mienne même si je sais pas de quoi ça parle.


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Posté le 06-02-2018 à 16:31:14  profilanswer

drap  [:lardoncru]

Topic escape game \o/ / Topic Artifact
Meilleur jeu du 20ème siècle
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Posté le 06-02-2018 à 21:51:59  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

On retrouve déjà les mêmes.  :D  
Sinon, si ce titre est confirmé, je pense que l'on va s'orienter vers un RPG Sci-Fi ou un truc hybrideà la Planescape Torment... non ?  :pt1cable:

Je pense pas que le titre puisse donner un indice tant ce titre est passe partout. Cela peut être autant de l'heroic fantasy que de la SF ou toute autre chose.
Tant que ça reste du rpg old school ça sera déjà bien.

Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 06-02-2018 à 23:21:58  answer

Qui dit Obsidian dit support Linux, et je trepigne d’impatience !!! [:nozdormu]

Féministe Ardant
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Posté le 07-02-2018 à 05:06:38  profilanswer

Drap' [:cloud_]
edit Et les 10 posts de HS concernant autre chose on s'en passe, merci. (posts édités)

Message édité par Meganne le 07-02-2018 à 05:08:55

#AOC2024 & #2028
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 07-02-2018 à 09:11:37  profilanswer

Ha oui... ça ne rigole pas.  [:persons pr0ject:7]  
Et Meg' ... [:the veggie boy:1]

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 07-02-2018 à 18:17:04  profilanswer

ravenloft a écrit :

Je pense pas que le titre puisse donner un indice tant ce titre est passe partout. Cela peut être autant de l'heroic fantasy que de la SF ou toute autre chose.
Tant que ça reste du rpg old school ça sera déjà bien.

C'est vrai.
Ceux qui fait pencher la balance vers de la Sci-FI ou du Cyberpunk c'est un tweet de Cain en 2014 disant qu'il avait plein d'idée Sci-Fi / Cyber et qu'il aimerait recréer un univers de tout cela (comme il l'avait fait par le passé)...
Quelques mois après ses tweets ont été effacés et on apprenait le développement d'un projet secret chez Obsidian.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Mixologue amateur
Transactions (1)
Posté le 08-02-2018 à 07:50:41  profilanswer


visiteur d​u futur
Futur du soir
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Posté le 08-02-2018 à 08:24:13  profilanswer

Pour le côté SF il y a aussi le titre du projet : "Outer worlds" ça me faisait fortement penser à du Dan Simmons, du Ringworld, etc.. :)

"Actually, doing things get you fired. In fact, I'm writing a book on this very phenomena." "Really, you're writing a book ?" "No because that would be DOING something !"
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 08-02-2018 à 08:31:52  profilanswer

Oui, en effet... s'il est vérifié que cette information est vraie. Pour l'instant le projet se nomme "indiana".   [:indiana jones]

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Meilleur jeu du 20ème siècle
Transactions (0)
Posté le 08-02-2018 à 18:33:11  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

Oui, en effet... s'il est vérifié que cette information est vraie. Pour l'instant le projet se nomme "indiana".   [:indiana jones]

Un RPg WWII, ça pourrait.

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 08-02-2018 à 18:41:31  profilanswer

Une Uchronie !  :love:

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
visiteur d​u futur
Futur du soir
Transactions (22)
Posté le 08-02-2018 à 19:07:16  profilanswer

Fallout à Indianapolis!

"Actually, doing things get you fired. In fact, I'm writing a book on this very phenomena." "Really, you're writing a book ?" "No because that would be DOING something !"
Transactions (1)
Posté le 09-02-2018 à 15:30:05  profilanswer

My little pony à Prypiat avec des aliens !

Metalleux insomniaque.
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Posté le 16-05-2018 à 11:24:12  profilanswer


La lumière croit voyager plus vite que tout, mais elle se trompe. Elle aura beau foncer le plus vite possible, elle verra toujours que les ténèbres sont arrivées les premières et qu'elles l'attendent.
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 23-06-2018 à 14:04:03  profilanswer

Obsidian recrute encore, entre autre un "Senior Environment Artist" (Experience with Unreal 4 or CryEngine).

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

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Posté le 21-07-2018 à 09:26:47  profilanswer

Même si j'ai à peine démarrer POE2 :D
Mais j'ai de moins en moins de jeu à finir, je progresse :lol:

Message édité par Krest le 21-07-2018 à 09:27:18
Long Long Man
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Posté le 26-09-2018 à 18:28:22  profilanswer



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Posté le 26-09-2018 à 19:57:17  profilanswer

Un univers mélangeant Verne, Doyle, Wells me plairait bien. Mais c 'est perso  [:cetrio:1]

"A toute chose sa saison, et à toute affaire sous les cieux, son temps"
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 11-11-2018 à 10:56:57  profilanswer

Microsoft ayant racheté Obsidian l'avenir de ce futur titre semble assez incertain... à moins que ça devienne une exclu PC/Xbox... mais ça veut dire "interface console et compagnie"... :/

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Mixologue amateur
Transactions (1)
Posté le 11-11-2018 à 11:20:31  profilanswer

Cette plaie. [:novaklerageux:2]


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Posté le 11-11-2018 à 13:54:10  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

Microsoft ayant racheté Obsidian l'avenir de ce futur titre semble assez incertain... à moins que ça devienne une exclu PC/Xbox... mais ça veut dire "interface console et compagnie"... :/

Même sans le rachat, ça allait sortir sur console donc ça aurait aussi voulu dire interface console et compagnie. Un AAA avec 2K, ça n'allait pas être pensé Pc à la base.
Ce titre AAA qui allait penché vers l'ARPG, peut rentrer sans problème dans la politique de Microsoft et être le titre pour lancer la prochaine console.


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Posté le 11-11-2018 à 14:28:40  profilanswer

Rien n'empêche de refaire l'interface pour la version pc. Mais cela se fait rarement c'est vrai. Dire que sur Skyrim il a fallu attendre des mods pour avoir un inventaire pas trop mal. Pareil sur Fallout 4 pour les dialogues, avec  le mod Full dialog interface.
En étant optimiste, le rachat peut aussi vouloir dire plus de moyens pour le projet.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par doutrisor le 11-11-2018 à 14:29:38

"A toute chose sa saison, et à toute affaire sous les cieux, son temps"

Transactions (0)
Posté le 11-11-2018 à 14:49:09  profilanswer

doutrisor a écrit :

Rien n'empêche de refaire l'interface pour la version pc. Mais cela se fait rarement c'est vrai. Dire que sur Skyrim il a fallu attendre des mods pour avoir un inventaire pas trop mal. Pareil sur Fallout 4 pour les dialogues, avec  le mod Full dialog interface.
En étant optimiste, le rachat peut aussi vouloir dire plus de moyens pour le projet.

Skyrim est un exemple à part parce que même sur console l'interface a une ergonomie horrible malgré que ça soit pensé pour le pad.

doutrisor a écrit :

En étant optimiste, le rachat peut aussi vouloir dire plus de moyens pour le projet.

Plus de moyen oui mais je vois pas avec 2K derrière qu'ils n'en auraient pas eu suffisamment. Take 2 avec gta et rdr2 a de quoi financer un AAA autant que MS.

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 11-11-2018 à 15:26:27  profilanswer

Il ne faut pas oublier qu'Obsidian avait signé avec Private Division comme éditeur en début d'année. Ca va jouer aussi.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 28-11-2018 à 20:54:09  profilanswer
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 28-11-2018 à 20:57:12  profilanswer

Les images changent :
(avec une petite musique "années 50" à la Fallout... )

Message édité par BillyCorgan le 28-11-2018 à 21:18:20

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
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  ★► [TU] The Outer Worlds - TOW2 annoncé !


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