Citation :
* Bug fix: Corrected LPAD2 night light rendering artefacts (texture wrap)
* New landing pad type "LPAD2A" uses different texture layout. Used at
Canaveral base.
* Bug fix: "Free" user-controlled spacecraft in a playback now allow mouse
interaction in panels and VCs.
* Recorder: Vessel attachment/detachment events are now written and read to/from
ATC streams.
* Bug fix: State vectors of attached (passive) vessels were sometimes not
correctly updated.
* Bug fix: glass cockpit buttons no longer mouse-sensitive in external view.
* Bug fix: Vessel fast-switching (Ctrl-F3) caused CTD when previous focus
vessel had been deleted.
* Vessel selection dialog (F3) now immediately updates its list when vessels
are created or deleted.
* Replaced Iapetus textures with Rolf's new version.
* MFD interface: Keyboard shortcuts for selecting MFD modes from mode list
(via Shift-F1) have been enabled again. Selection by highlighting has been
removed. Direct mode selection from within a mode remains disabled.
* Bug fix: Align Plane MFD: target plane defined by custom elements should now
work again.
* Documentation: oapiSetTexture added to API Reference manual.
* API: new function oapiLoadTexture
* DG: is skinnable now. A "blue" variant is included as an example
* Iapetus: Steve Albers' map now 180deg longitude-shifted applied to L6 and L7
* Base config files: Comment lines (beginning with ';') are now allowed at the
beginning of the file (before the BASE-V2.0 tag).
* Bug fix: problem with orbit stabilisation for docked vessels when crossing SOI
* Bug fix: 1-frame flicker during mesh reorganisation (e.g. Atlantis SRB and
ET separation)
* Bug fix: animation setting for meshes with index >= 1 was not recognised after
mesh rearrangement.
* Longitude-corrected Iapetus textures included
* Preliminarily replaced cloud microtexture with one based on McWgogs' addon
(reduced to 256x256 and converted to DXT3) -> reduced file size from 1MB to 65kB
* API: new functions
* Atlantis: code updated to take advantage of selective mesh deletion.
* Carina: mesh no longer emissive.
* Lighting model: direct (diffuse) component toned down in atmosphere.
* Vessel config files: Option "GravityGradientDamping" added.
* Bug fix: undefined state of vessels docked throughout a playback session.
* Bug fix: oapiOpenMFD (MFD_NONE, ...) now closes the MFD.
* Bug fix: oapiGetMFDMode crashing when called for an external MFD window.
* Bug fix: Joysticks other than first in the list should now be recognised.
* Bug fix: reset scaling parameters to fix "black hole in Saturn" problem.
* Bug fix: transition between dynamic/stabilised update mode could cause
deterioration of orbit parameters for docked vessels.
* Upgraded TransX to v3.10, including additional documentation and new
scenarios in Scenarios/Navigation/TransX
NOTE: Requires deletion of previous scenarios in that folder.
* Dynamic state propagation: Added new integrator methods. Supported are now
Runge-Kutta methods RK2, RK4, RK5, RK6, RK7, RK8 and symplectic methods
SY2, SY4, SY6, SY8.
* Launchpad: new "Extra" tab for advanced or less often used parameters.
* Integrators are now user-selectable from the Extra/Dynamic propagators option.
Up to 5 integrator schemes for different step interval ranges can be defined.
* Symplectic integrators are now used by default.
* New document Doc/Technotes/dynamics.pdf contains details of integrators used
in orbiter.
* Launchpad: Orbit stabilisation parameters now moved to "Extra" tab.
* DG: "blue" version uses Roger's cleaned-up textures.
* API: new class LaunchpadItem for defining custom items in the Launchpad
"Extra" list.
* API: new functions
* SDK: new sample LaunchpadParamTemplate to demonstrate usage of custom param
* Bug fix: CTD when deleting a docking HUD target referenced by the "legacy
method" (Ctrl-Alt-R).
* Bug fix: Mars atmosphere discontinuity at 4km.
* State integrators: Angular states (orientation, angular velocity) are now
included in the integrators. Appear to work ok with RK methods, but may be
problematic with SY methods. RK integrators are now used by default.
* During "stabilised" propagation of linear state, a RK4 method is used to
propagate the angular state. The required position parameter is obtained from
a 2-body orbit propagation.
* Bug fix: CTD when module calls ShiftCentreOfMass during ovcLoadState
* Included Chode's ephemeris modules for Phobos, Deimos, Uranus' moons and
* Scenario editor: Vessel types can now provide BMP pictures to be displayed
on the vessel creation page. A few of the standard vessels do this already.
Requires "ImageBmp" entry in the vessel config file.
* Scenario editor: Vessel config files can now be placed in subfolders below
Config\Vessels. The vessel type list in the Vessel creation page has been
replaced with a tree control that allows descending into subfolders.
* Scenario editor: vessel types with "EditorCreate=FALSE" tag in their config
files are not displayed in the vessel creation type list, even if they
located under the Config\Vessels directory.
* Atlantis: Started on code modifications for Atlantis module to adapt to the
model by "preacher_mg". This includes re-indexing of animation groups, control
surface animation and VC HUD.
* Atlantis: A new dialog for "payload bay operations" (operating bay doors and
radiators) has been added (available via Ctrl-Space). This follows the layout
and procedures of panel R13L to make future integration into VC code easier.
* State integration: angular states are now checked against kinetic energy
difference, to avoid instabilities. This code is copied over from the 2005
edition and not very satisfactory, but might avoid exposion of angular
* Error log: missing mesh file names are now displayed.
* Bug fix: CTD with docked assemblies.
* API: Bug fix: CTD in VESSEL::AddMesh after VESSEL::DelMesh
* API: VESSEL::DelMesh behaviour changed. Indices of remaining meshes
no longer change. Instead, the index of the deleted mesh becomes invalid.
* API: new functions VESSEL::InsertMesh (versions 1 and 2)
* API: New function oapiSetVCNeighbours
* Multiple VC positions are now supported. Switching with Ctrl-arrow keys
(same method as for 2D panels)
* Example: MG_Atlantis (pilot, co-pilot, payload bay view)
* Bug fix: Atlantis: view stuck in backward direction when switching from
payload VC position to glass cockpit (F8)
* Bug fix: CTD when multiple vessels are deleted within a single frame
* Bug fix: parent vessel not recognizing deletion of attached vessel
* Added scenario Navigation\Special orbits\Moliniya orbit.scn
* API: new function VESSEL::SetCameraMovement
* Atlantis: New VC mesh, commander HUD and MFD displays are now mirrored
on the pilot's side. Rear VC position has new movement encoding (looking
out of left or right payload bay window, out of top window, or bending
towards R13L).
* Ku-band operation now implemented in dialog.
* DG: now supports additional VC positions for passenger views (but may requrie
editing of VC mesh to provide missing surfaces, e.g. seat backs)
* DG: documentation moved from Orbiter.pdf to separate DeltaGlider.pdf.
* API: new function: DelAnimation
* API: DelMesh and ClearMeshes now have optional parameters to specify if
animations should be retained. This should fix problems with inconsistent
behaviour with previous versions.
* De-coupled angular from linear state vector updates so that separate
integration rules can be used as required. Intermediate object positions
(required for gravity gradient torque calculation) are obtained either by
linear interpolation (for small steps) or by Kepler orbit propagation.
* Cross-axis terms in the integration of Euler's equation are suppressed
whenever a time step leads to an object rotation of more than pi. This should
increase the stability of rotations at high time acceleration (at the cost
of physical accuracy)
* Bug fix: Main and hover acceleration indicators in generic cockpit view now
take into account reduction of Isp in atmosphere, and non-parallel engine
thrust vectors.
* Revised angular state updates. Step subdivisions are now supported. At very
high angular steps, torque is suppressed to improve stability (in addition
to the suppression of the cross-axis terms).
* Bug fix: Missing specular reflection on some planet surface tiles at low
* Added dialog for selecting integrators and parameters for angular state
propagation (under 'Extra' tab). Default max. subsampling steps set to 100.
* Added: Ability to propagate simulation by fixed delta t per frame (under
debug options in Extra tab).
* Increased max. stack size of orbiter executable to 4MB.
* MFD interface: new default key Shift-F2 (switch button page without invoking
the button menu display)
* Atlantis: Activated MFD buttons. Modified mesh to display the button labels
on the lower edge of the screen area. 6th button ("PG" ) is linked to Shift-F2.
If this button is pressed for longer than 1.5 seconds, it invokes Shift-F1
instead (MFD mode selection). Commander and pilot instruments are currently
* Bug fix: reading and writing scenario parameters for MFDs with index >= 3.
* Bug fix: Atlantis ET and SRBs visible through payload bay.
* Bug fix: Atlantis VC buttons not clickable in launch configuration.
* Mesh not found errors: downgraded fatal errors (program termination) to
warning messages in orbiter.log, to avoid exits on empty mesh file names
apparently generated by spacecraft3.dll. Something's amiss here ...
* Reworked perturbation integration for stabilised orbit calculation.
Subsampling of time steps is now supported. Subsampling parameters and
cutoff for nonspherical gravity can now be user-defined (via Orbit
Stabilisation item on Extra tab).
* DG: Added plugin "DGConfigurator". This adds an item to the Extra tab which
allows global configuration for the DG. Currently only supports selection
of texture resolution.
* DG: New "DG configurator" plugin for DG texture resolution selection. Appears
in Extra tab. Works by renaming DG highres texture directory.
* Atlantis: New "Atlantis configurator" pluging for Atlantis texture and mesh
resolution selection. Appears in Extra tab. Works by renaming directories and
* Directory structure: new directory "Modules\Startup". Similar to
"Modules\Plugin", but any plugins in this directory are always loaded, and
don't appear in the lists of the Launchpad Modules tab. Allows adding
essential plugins without cluttering the modules list. Addons should use this
with care. Don't put any addons here which eat CPU cycles during the
* New simulation session shutdown options (Extra tab, under Debugging options):
respawn orbiter process, terminate orbiter. Both bypass memory deallocation,
as suggested by Doug, and should be much faster. Default is respawn.
Command line option '-x' enforces termination regardless of Launchpad setting.
* Incorporated Doug's bug fix for DG flow rate indicators into sources.
* Activated talkbacks on VC panel R13L.
* TrackIR: Preliminary support via plugin (only cockpit camera supported yet).
* New camera API extensions to simplify camera control via external modules.
* Doc: Updated Atlantis.pdf and Orbiter.pdf to reflect new Atlantis features.
* Atlantis: bug fix which caused grappled objects to be displaced at simulation
* Atlantis: VC MFDs can now be operated during playbacks.
* API: Changed oapiSetVCNeighbours to oapiVCSetNeighbours.
* Bug fix: cleaned up fast shutdown code. MapMFD now doesn't cause CTD.
* Launchpad: "Sun glare" option disabled for the time being.
* Base.cfg: generic texture file names can now contain subdirectories (relative
to Textures or Textures2). The path must also be present in all references to
them from individual base config files.
* TrackIR module: now supports external track camera view.
* DG: Added Oliver's VC mesh upgrade for missing surfaces and pilot head.
* TrackIR module: added preliminary ground observer support (needs a reset
* Bug fix: beaconarray base elements not rendered.
* DG: bug fix: top hatch always closed on loading.
* Bug fix: new vessels rendered 1 frame late after creation (caused flicker
during staging operations)
* Playback: New tag "CAMERA PRESET x" in atc stream.
* API: Methods for displaying onscreen text similar to playback annotation.
* "Credits" and "contributions" buttons on launchpad "About" tab now combined and
generated directly from the Doc\Credit.pdf sources.