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[Topik Unik] Super Mario Galaxy [Wii]

jedi maste​r
PSN & Gamertag: Angelgally
Transactions (17)
Posté le 04-04-2007 à 13:39:29  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
J'ai hate et je plante mon drapeau par la mm occasion

Netendances, le blog des tendances web 2.0
Posté le 04-04-2007 à 13:39:29  profilanswer

liam prodi​gy
I will fight with honor
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Posté le 10-04-2007 à 22:31:15  profilanswer

[:abnocte invictus]  
Vivement la fin de l'année !
stout  [:cosmoschtroumpf]

Ces girafes que tu m'as vendues ne s'accouplent pas, elles errent en ne faisant que manger, sans s'accoupler ! Tu m'as vendu des girafes sodomites !
Kiki le Vrai !
Transactions (1)
Posté le 10-04-2007 à 22:33:21  profilanswer

Prévu pour une sortie mondiale ou ça sera plus tôt aux US ? :whistle:

liam prodi​gy
I will fight with honor
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Posté le 10-04-2007 à 22:38:17  profilanswer

KikitheKing a écrit :

Prévu pour une sortie mondiale ou ça sera plus tôt aux US ? :whistle:

Sur gamekult, il y'a juste ça comme info  
Plate-forme : Nintendo Wii (En développement)
Date de sortie française : n/c - USA : 2007 - Japon : 2007

Ces girafes que tu m'as vendues ne s'accouplent pas, elles errent en ne faisant que manger, sans s'accoupler ! Tu m'as vendu des girafes sodomites !
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Posté le 28-04-2007 à 12:21:31  profilanswer

Citation :

Mario Galaxy et Smash Bros Brawl : les deux Super se précisent un peu...
En quelques jours, Nintendo aura annoncé beaucoup de choses : des résultats plus que satisfaisants, 45 jeux en préparation dans leurs locaux et ceux de leurs développeurs first-party, 3,3 millions de jeux Console Virtuelle téléchargés...! Et Satoru Iwata, Président de Nintendo, nous lache une information supplémentaire, sur deux killer-apps de la Wii : Super Mario Galaxy et Super Smash Bros. Brawl...
Iwata confirme une nouvelle fois que ces jeux sont confirmés pour une sortie cette année. Jusque là rien d'anodin, pas de quoi se mettre quelque chose sous la dent. Lisez la suite...
Alors que Famitsu allait de ses estimations pour la date de sortie de ces deux jeux (voir ici), Satoru nous informe que les nouvelles aventures galactiques du plombier, et le cross-over bordélique made in Nintendo, pourraient (conditionnel, quand tu nous tiens, sic) être disponibles entre l'été et l'automne prochain.
Gardons tout de même une certaine méfiance, puisqu'il n'est pas indiqué quel(s) marché(s) (Japon, USA ou Europe) est/sont concerné(s) par cette annonce. Quant à Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, tout semble indiquer que le bébé de Retro Studios devrait sortir en fin d'année...
Source :


Transactions (0)
Posté le 04-05-2007 à 11:52:46  profilanswer

Citation :

2007, millésime de Mario et Samus
Satoru Iwata, le big boss de Nintendo, donne décidemment beaucoup d'informations rassurantes ces derniers temps, et l'une des dernières dépêches fait état de la satisfaction que devrait avoir les joueurs acharnés en attente de réels gros jeux comme l'a pu être The Legend Of Zelda : Twilight Princess à sa sortie.
Vous aurez bien compris au titre de la news que nous parlons de Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl ainsi que Metroïd Prime 3 : Corruption. Iwata déclare que ces jeux seront non seulement disponibles pour 2007, mais également dans le monde entier et pas uniquement comme au Japon comme nous l'avions évoqué dans une news précédente.
Une période de fin d'année où les dilemnes cornéliens tirailleront nos pauvres comptes en banque eu égard à tous les titres annoncés pour cette période.


Message édité par GameCube le 04-05-2007 à 12:27:18

Profil : O.O
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Posté le 04-05-2007 à 12:25:20  profilanswer

/me prépare 120€ de côté pour noel :o  [:afrojojo]

PSN : XprtZ - BattleTag : XprtZ#2257 - 3DS : 2492-4109-3060
- Since 1999 -
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Posté le 29-05-2007 à 15:24:01  profilanswer

liam prodigy a écrit :

Sur gamekult, il y'a juste ça comme info  
Plate-forme : Nintendo Wii (En développement)
Date de sortie française : n/c - USA : 2007 - Japon : 2007

j'ai lu premier juin sur ign mais ça doit être une vieille date provisoire :p

はくなまたた (´・ω・`)  
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Posté le 11-07-2007 à 20:35:54  profilanswer

Preview de Gamekult sur la version de l'E3 2007

Destructureur d'intemporalité
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Posté le 11-07-2007 à 22:11:11  profilanswer

GameCube a écrit :

Preview de Gamekult sur la version de l'E3 2007


Posté le 11-07-2007 à 22:11:11  profilanswer

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Posté le 11-07-2007 à 22:31:45  profilanswer

Nouvelle vidéo: [...] _e32k7.wmv
mais :love: :love: quoi [:nafou]

NNiD: Sylfurd
Transactions (0)
Posté le 11-07-2007 à 22:54:57  profilanswer

Mais trop  :love:

The dark side of HFR
Transactions (5)
Posté le 11-07-2007 à 22:56:17  profilanswer

Need  [:palpatine]

''We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones.'' R.Dawkins
It is an awful waste of space
Transactions (14)
Posté le 12-07-2007 à 04:21:43  profilanswer

une date, je veux une date !

Ma Carrière de Joueur : 114 pages, 25 ans, 1 PDF
Transactions (0)
Posté le 12-07-2007 à 09:07:23  profilanswer

pas de précise, mais ça a été confirmé que ça sera en 2007 en europe [:nafou]

NNiD: Sylfurd
Transactions (0)
Posté le 12-07-2007 à 09:08:38  profilanswer

sseb22 a écrit :

une date, je veux une date !

Premier post :o

It is an awful waste of space
Transactions (14)
Posté le 12-07-2007 à 10:14:19  profilanswer

c trop vague !

Ma Carrière de Joueur : 114 pages, 25 ans, 1 PDF

Transactions (0)
Posté le 12-07-2007 à 10:26:43  profilanswer

Je le repost ici.
Impressions de jeu de IGN sur Super Mario Galaxy, là encore ca déboite tout, visiblement le digne successeur de Mario 64:

Citation :

US, July 11, 2007 - This is the Mario you've been waiting for. We're at E3, we're months from the final review, and we can tell you with absolutely no hesitation that Super Mario Galaxy is the real deal, and that any self-respecting Nintendo fan will buy this game on day one, beat it by day two, and continue a daily ritual of replaying it over and over starting day three. During an E3 gameplay session with Nintendo of America today we had a chance to sit down with a few of the Big N's hottest titles, and two of them hooked us so much we needed to return tonight for more. Metroid was one of them, and Mario Galaxy was the other. Read on to find out why.
For starters, Super Mario Galaxy is a return to former glory. As Reggie stated to day in the press conference, it's the closest Mario title to Super Mario 64 that Nintendo has created, and that means platforming, wall-jumping, and beautiful environments to play in. Many hardcore gamers (myself included) met the original Galaxy footage with a hint of skepticism. After all, it's different from what nostalgia tells us it should be, right? We've all seen countless videos of Mario leaping from planet to planet and pulling off larger-than-life acrobatics in outer space, but where're the larger full-world environments? Where's the traditional level design? Super Mario Galaxy still has it, and it still rocks.
A giant boss on a random, tiny planet? Ah the joys of such an open design...
In today's demo we had a chance to take a look at four different stages, each set within a different "Galaxy." We headed first to Star Dust Galaxy to check out "The Beam Star Trail", moved from there to Egg Planet Galaxy to battle "The Prehistoric Piranha," fluttered our wings to Honey Bee Galaxy for "Bee Mario Takes Flight," and wrapped it all up with Gateway Galaxy's "Imprisoned Grand Star." Each galaxy rocks its own fully-realized theme, made up of different gameplay elements, enemies, and missions very similar to the painting system on N64.
Despite what you encounter though, you'll have the same basic controls to work with. Players can control Mario with the analog stick, duck and crawl (as well as the trusty backflip) with the Z button, jump with A, and shoot stars at enemies with B. In addition you've got the spin attack with a simple shake, camera manipulation with C (centers it behind the pleasantly plump plumber) and d-pad, and use the IR with the A button for context-sensitive controls.  
As far as general gameplay is concerned, Mario feels pretty dang good, but it isn't quite perfect in our eyes. Maybe it's the pulled back camera, or maybe it was a design choice by Nintendo due to the generally smaller levels, but Mario seems a bit slow. Perhaps the wee little man put on a few pounds since his last outing, but whatever the reason Mario feels like he could use a speed boost, as his acceleration is perfect, but his top speed is lacking. True, this could turn into one of those debates among hardcore players, but we'd be down for a bit more quicks. Aside from that, the plumber is golden in our eyes.
Speaking of golden - and yes, we hate to use that transition, but we will - you've undoubtedly seen Bee Mario make an appearance in the E3 video footage. This was another area where we were a bit worried at first sight (I recall shouting "What the hell is that!?" during the conference), but Mario has again won us over, as Bee Mario is the new frog suit. Just like in Super Mario 3, Mario has the ability to rock some magical transformations in Super Mario Galaxy, including everything from bee, to boo, to who the hell knows what else Miyamoto can think up. It works though, and it made Honey Bee Galaxy stand out from the others in a big way. As one of the larger levels we've seen, "Bee Mario Takes Flight" is played like a traditional Super Mario 64 level, having the world mysteriously floating in space, with a wrong step meaning eternal falling. Since the world is more immense, you'll need a few new tricks, and that's where Bee Mario (official name) makes an appearance.
After activating a power-up spot, a black and golden mushroom will show up. Touch the mushroom, and you go into Bee Mario mode, where Mario dons a new sleek bee suit, and can now hover for about five seconds. Once you jump, holding A will put you into fly mode, where Mario will actually gain height over time, allowing him to reach new areas. In addition Bee Mario can also land on gigantic flower petals that normal Mario falls through, making for some decent low-gravity platforming. As the yang to Bee Mario's ying, a simple drop of water will strip Mr. Overalls from his cute little suit, sending him crashing to the ground in regular-Mario fashion. Honey Bee Galaxy uses that to its advantage, putting huge waterfalls and tons of pooled sections all around the level's star.
As another interesting mechanic to Bee Mario, he can also climb on giant honeycombs or other surfaces (a gigantic bee friend, for example) and free-climb up them. Wall climbing isn't some never-before-seen mechanic in platformers, but we sure as hell haven't seen an overweight plumber do it while in a furry suit, and it's downright hilarious. Call it immature; we call it entertainment. Bee Mario can also combine the wall climbing with jumps and hovering, making for some amazing potential for level design in the future. Yes it's a little odd, but we're a fan of Bee Mario.
Moving to the other galaxies, there's still a ton of ground to cover. As one of the highlights of our many playthroughs "The Beam Star Trail" in Star Dust Galaxy was a hit, combining tiny chunks of floating levels with the blue gravity orbs that suck Mario freely in space, tons of star warps that send him blasting from planet to planet in flight, and an awesome level-building mechanic that gives the world its own soul. During a few key moments of Star Dust Galaxy, Mario walks out onto a seemingly dead-end chunk of level. Out of nowhere gravity kicks in, and starts sucking chunks of off-screen debris into view, literally building the level seconds before Mario steps off the ledge and into a black hole.  
Fire world will have to wait for next time. It looks amazing though, doesn't it?
As you run, the level pulls away behind you and is built in front of you (or on branching paths, depending on the situation). You're on a set path, but you can't see where you can and can't walk until new pieces fly in, which is again based on how close you are to the ledge. At the beginning we took this area slow, as it was freaky and pretty damn intimidating. Once we started to get the fell though, it was a dead on sprint as we went with the flow and ran though a level that literally built itself as we explored it, and it felt great. Galaxy is truly next-generation Mario because of moments like these.
And they continued on and on throughout the playthrough. In just these four levels we navigated a gravity-flipping pill-like world, fought a huge plant boss (shown in the E3 trailer), crawled around on some creepy giant bee's body to find star pieces, dropped into holes that took us through the middle of a planet only to slingshot back out the other side, traversed a cool looking (though small) pirate ship in the middle of space, and dropped into warp pipes for self-contained gravity puzzles inside of larger planetary masses. Four levels showed off all that gameplay, and for that reason we're dying to see what Nintendo has in store for us in the final version.
Even the two-player mode, which is still basic and a little buggy at this point, was a neat addition to the demo. Nintendo hinted about this one for a while, but we saw it in effect today. With just an extra Wii-mote a second player can jump into the action and take control of an additional IR pointer. The IR can be used to hold enemies down, destroy some obstacles (such as annoying rolling boulders), freeze Mario at any time, collect the mini star gems, or fire those same gems to stun enemies. The system isn't perfect, as we had player two accidentally freeze Mario multiple times in the process of aiming for an enemy or messing around in the world, but it's still pretty fun. We even got into screwing the other player over for the fun of it with the Wii-mote, freezing Mario until player one threw a hiss fit. It still seems like there could be more though, as you still can't grab coins or other items and drag them to Mario, or give the plumber a friendly grab-n-toss every now and then. It's a neat addition, but it's still kind of gimmicky too, and is more of an entertaining distraction from the main game as opposed to actual two-player co-operative play.
As a final note on our playthrough, Super Mario Galaxy is shaping up to be one of the prettier games on Wii, and this demo was no different. Subtle effects such as reflections in crystals, distortion in the water, puffs of smoke when Mario runs, and some of the best textures we've seen in a Nintendo game all help make Galaxy a simply beautiful Wii showing. The lighting is fantastic, and the world seems full of ambient animations that really add to the experience. Character models morph and stretch in classic Mario fashion, and the overall presentation is bright and crisp. There are still a few oddities with the camera, as you'll sometimes have quick glitches when dealing with smaller worlds or strange gravity changes, but we're more than confident that it's just one of those "E3" things, and that all will be well for the title's release.
We could talk all day about what makes Super Mario Galaxy a must-have title for Wii, and come review time (or future hands-on) I'm sure we will, but in reality it's about one major thing: Super Mario Galaxy is fun. When we're finished playing it, we think about playing it again. While we explore the world we're half playing, half admiring the level design and gameplay concepts. Nintendo may be reaching out to casual players and basing its new system on things like Wii Sports and Wii Fit, but the fact of the matter is that the company is still all about the gamer, and all about the games, and Super Mario Galaxy is pure living proof of that. This is the Mario you've been waiting for.


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Posté le 12-07-2007 à 10:28:45  profilanswer

plzhelp a écrit :

Je le repost ici.


Impressions de jeu de IGN sur Super Mario Galaxy, là encore ca déboite tout, visiblement le digne successeur de Mario 64:

mais ouais quoi [:shay]


sympa le pti fur shading sur le cotume Bee et le "bump" sur bowser sans parler des flammes qu'il crache [:nafou]

Message édité par Sylfurd le 12-07-2007 à 10:31:33

NNiD: Sylfurd
Transactions (0)
Posté le 12-07-2007 à 13:07:33  profilanswer

Vidéo de gameplay de bonne qualité, avec un mec qui sait jouer aux commandes, mais :ouch:


il est vraiment superbe, l'eau est trop bien faite :ouch:
et le mega fur shading sur la reine des abeille :ouch:

Message édité par Sylfurd le 12-07-2007 à 13:12:10

NNiD: Sylfurd
The dark side of HFR
Transactions (5)
Posté le 12-07-2007 à 13:14:13  profilanswer

Ca à vraiment l'air super fun :D

''We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones.'' R.Dawkins
Transactions (0)
Posté le 12-07-2007 à 13:29:51  profilanswer
Un style super maitrisé, c'est très fin au niveau des textures, les animations sont superbes mais :love: koi

NNiD: Sylfurd
Transactions (0)
Posté le 12-07-2007 à 14:20:39  profilanswer

Merci Sylfurd :jap:

It is an awful waste of space
Transactions (14)
Posté le 13-07-2007 à 10:52:07  profilanswer

j'ai regarde le trailer et ca m'a l'air tout bien sympa

Ma Carrière de Joueur : 114 pages, 25 ans, 1 PDF
Transactions (0)
Posté le 13-07-2007 à 12:33:42  profilanswer

Petite MAJ avec ajouts d'images et de preview :o

Transactions (0)
Posté le 13-07-2007 à 12:38:55  profilanswer

le costume abeille est trop bon [:rofl]


il est pas loin de rivaliser avec le meilleur costume mario, la botte dans SMB3 [:tusken]

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Sylfurd le 13-07-2007 à 12:39:22

NNiD: Sylfurd

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Posté le 13-07-2007 à 13:44:18  profilanswer

Des extraits de la Nintendo developer roundtable concernant Super Mario Galaxy:

Citation :

Galaxy includes an assist mode that enables a second player to help out the first. (We wrote about this in our hands-on preview of the game.)  
Going to be a lot of different types of gravity in Galaxy and many different types of spheres. Ideas span back to Mario 128, he says.  
Miyamoto thinks the two advantages of Galaxy are the gravity mechanics and the spherical objects, which eliminate the need to manage the camera system.  
As an aside from this conference, we were initially worried that Mario ran too slowly, but have since descovered a fantastic leaping move that is quite speedy. As a result, we're no longer worried.  
Miyamoto begins demo. He's playing a level we have not yet seen. He's feeding star pieces to a Kirby-like star, which sucks them in and grows fatter. With his belly filled, he forms a new planet for Mario to explore. As with all other planets in the game, it's gorgeous.  
Miyamoto is playing the game himself and he's pretty good.  
He flies Mario toward a capsule-shaped planet. Mario lands atop this object and goes inside, at which point the camera shifts backward and the action is shot from a more traditional quasi-2D view. Mario can jump from the floor to the ceiling of this area to traverse past objects. When the plumber jumps, Miyamoto swings the Wii remote to make him spin in the air, which gives him an extra second or two of hang time.  
There are about six specific different areas and about 40 different galaxies in all. All the different scenarios will combine together for 120 stars to collect. "There's definitely going to be quite a bit of volume to this game," says Miyamoto.  
This game rules. Miyamoto just ran and leaped off the edge of a platform with Mario, and the gravity of the satellite enabled the plumber to spin around the object in a full 360. It was sweet. We can only imagine the possibilities for puzzles with this kind of stuff.  
Mario walks out into space and platforms appear before his eyes. When he steps off them, they disappear again. Looks very impressive.  
Now showing a "Cookeie Factory" level. The level reminds us of the bonus missions from Super Mario Sunshine. Music is from Super Mario Bros. 3. Mario must run across a moving platform with a series of holes in it. If you're running and you press Z+A, Mario will do a long jump -- the same one we mentioned earlier as being an integral addition to the control scheme.  
Miyamoto is talking about Bee Mario. There's also a Boo Mario. "There maybe a few others, too."
Q&A Begins.  
Q: How did you make the bumblebee so fluffy?
A: That's actually fur-shading. It's very pretty. We've been using it since the GCN days. On Wii, it looks fantastic. Though it's not in HD, I still think this is a very graphically appealing game.  
Q: You said you had 120 stars in the game. Can you clear it without getting them all, and will you be re-using levels, assigning multiple stars to each location?
A: So yeah, the structure will be very similar. You wouldn't need to get all 120 stars.  
Q: Do you agree with Reggie's comment that this is the true successor to Mario 64? If so, what does that say about Sunshine?
A: Says Mario Galaxy feels new in the same way Mario 64 did. The control for Galaxy is much simpler than they had on GCN.  
Q: What other types of programs do you enision for the Wii Balance Board in the future?
A: I think there are a variety of different possibilities. Probably the simplest and most straightforward would be a snowboarding game.  
Q: Did you have any ideas for Galaxy that you later discarded?
A: There's always a lot of different ideas that don't make it in the final game. Once we get to the completion state, we'll be able to talk more about that.  
Q: Are you worried about the game being too disorienting?
A: We've been doing a lot of focus testing with the game and we've found that it's less disorienting than the majority of 3D games that have been released so far.  
Q: Any land masses in the game that will be comparable to Mario 64 or Sunshine? And will Luigi be playable?
A: The interesting thing about this system is that because it's all sphere-based, you can make them bigger and bigger. So if you make them incredily massive, it feels like you're running on a flat surface. So I think you can expect some big masses. As for the question about Luigi, that's a secret.  
Q: How long has Galaxy been in development and how large is the team?
A: It's been quite awhile. It's being developed by the team that developed Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, and they've been hard at work on it ever since they finished that game. That team was about 30 people initially, but as we're approaching completion, we've boosted that number to about 50.  
Q: What is your personal role in the development of Galaxy, and how much of the game is your vision?
A: As far as my involvement, with Mario 64 I was the main director. In this case, I'm more directly involved with game design. In one sense, I'm even more involved than I was with Super Mario 64.  
Q: Does Galaxy's difficulty level rival the second half of Sunshine's?
A: That's a question that I've struggled with for a very long time. There are a number of people on staff who think Sunshine was too difficult. But at the same time we have team members who liked the game because of the difficulty. In terms of Galaxy, my feeling is that it is a good thing to have a suitable level of difficulty. To be honest, the game was significantly easier until a few months ago, and then I started making it harder until the team in Tokyo became concerned that I was making it too difficult.

Ca donne enive [:nico54]

Message édité par plzhelp le 13-07-2007 à 13:48:10

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Posté le 13-07-2007 à 13:57:52  profilanswer

C'est sur, et meme si j'attends une bonne difficulté, je ne veux pas d'un Sunshine bis, que je n'ai jamais pu finir, pas assez accéssible et intuitif niveau maniabilité en plus de la difficulté du jeu.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par FpsFan le 13-07-2007 à 14:48:59

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Posté le 13-07-2007 à 14:47:59  profilanswer

FpsFan a écrit :

C'est sur, et meme si j'attends une bonne difficultée, je ne veux pas d'un Sunshine bis, que je n'ai jamais pu finir, pas assez accéssible et intuitif niveau maniabilité en plus de la difficulté du jeu.

Mario Sunshine n'est pas difficile à finir une première fois, c'est pour le finir à 100% que ca devient n'importe quoi tellement il y a de trucs à faire. Moi le truc qui m'avait gêné dans Sunshine c'etait vraiment ca, le fait qu'il parte un peu dans tous les sens au niveau des objectifs à remplir, il m'avait beaucoup rappelé Donkey Kong 64 sur ce point.

Destructureur d'intemporalité
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Posté le 13-07-2007 à 14:50:04  profilanswer

DK 64 que je n'ai jamais fini, et qui était pourtant très bon, très joli, et d'une durée de vie autrement supérieure aux opus 2D.

Message édité par FpsFan le 13-07-2007 à 14:52:04
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Posté le 15-07-2007 à 14:32:34  profilanswer

Ajout de la date US: 12 novembre 2007 selon GK et de 3 videos du gameplay


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Posté le 15-07-2007 à 21:52:07  profilanswer

Ce jeu va tout déboiter.

Flickr | Space Oasis | Twitter | Google+
It is an awful waste of space
Transactions (14)
Posté le 16-07-2007 à 08:56:06  profilanswer

je veux une date JAP !!

Ma Carrière de Joueur : 114 pages, 25 ans, 1 PDF
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Posté le 18-07-2007 à 19:22:59  profilanswer

Une nouvelle princesse ?

Citation :

Super Mario Galaxy... Le titre phare du salon de Santa Monica selon un avis unanime de la presse spécialisée. Il ne pouvait pas en rester là et la dernière information "atomique" du jeu nous vient du Japon, d'où nous proviennent ces scans.
Ainsi donc, une nouvelle princesse sera à sauver dans les aventures du plombier de Nintendo. Bien que certains s'accordent à dire que nous aurions affaire à une princesse Peach new look, il s'agirait en fait de la princesse Rosetta. Une nouvelle prétendante à Mario ? C'est fort possible.

Ces scans nous donnent également l'occasion de découvrir Bowser dans un exercice de style lui étant tout particulièrement propre : le crachat de feu. Mais également de découvrir ce qui s'apparente être une planète spéciale Goombas avec des spécimens géants. La présence d'une planète, dont l'action sera sous-marine, se voit également imagée.
Comme à l'accoutumée, on ne peut que saliver devant la beauté des graphismes pour Super Mario Galaxy, qui sera certainement le prochain titre vendu en bundle avec la Wii et ce, dès ce Noël.

Spoiler :

Message édité par GameCube le 18-07-2007 à 19:23:56


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Posté le 18-07-2007 à 19:33:19  profilanswer

Je sais que c'est pas très constructif ce que je dis là, mais je trouve que c'est de la folie furieuse ce jeu :love: :ouch:
Mario de retour au sommet dans les coeur et dans les ventes j'espère ! La nouvelle princesse est :love:

Message édité par Hope le 18-07-2007 à 19:33:48

Flickr | Space Oasis | Twitter | Google+
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Posté le 22-07-2007 à 16:23:55  profilanswer

Nouvelle vidéo du jeu:

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Posté le 22-07-2007 à 16:33:28  profilanswer

Ajouté dans le premier post!

20 titres en GC, 0 abandon, 0 DQ
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Posté le 22-07-2007 à 16:46:32  profilanswer

Sympa le design du personnage Rosetta :)
Ca change de Peach, elle a trop été sauvée dans sa vie elle :o

"I can cry like Roger. It's just a shame I can't play like him" - Andy Murray, 2010
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Posté le 07-08-2007 à 20:35:18  profilanswer

La boite US

20 titres en GC, 0 abandon, 0 DQ
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Posté le 07-08-2007 à 20:36:06  profilanswer

Bof :/

"I can cry like Roger. It's just a shame I can't play like him" - Andy Murray, 2010
The dark side of HFR
Transactions (5)
Posté le 07-08-2007 à 22:39:33  profilanswer

Ha si ! Joli !
Sobre, et ça résume bien le délire le mario à l'envers.

''We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones.'' R.Dawkins
Posté le   profilanswer

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