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[PS3] SOCOM Confrontation

Official Special Force
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:01:29  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
ah ben tiens, y a une mise à jour de 17Mo :/

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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:01:29  profilanswer

psn id: juju0304
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:03:27  profilanswer

Crowfix tu viens de te connecté? je te vois pas sur le psn, ou tu m'as peut etre supprimé. Sinon qui est dispo pour un socom maintenant?

Official Special Force
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:04:43  profilanswer

non, mais comme il y a une maj, ça m'a déco du psn le temps que ça charge. tu devrais me revoir now

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psn id: juju0304
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:06:38  profilanswer

oui je fais la maj et j'arrive
je suis la, vous etes sur quelle partie?

Message édité par Chico84 le 05-04-2009 à 00:10:57
psn id: gengis
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:12:08  profilanswer

CrowFix a écrit :

ah ben tiens, y a une mise à jour de 17Mo :/

je me suis tapé la maj de la ps3 et celle du jeu super  :heink:

Dogs that I call my friends Praying for all my friends Things I do for my friends We miss U
Official Special Force
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:15:24  profilanswer

"zyva chui mort 3 fois et jan népa niké 1 seul :o "

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psn id: juju0304
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:16:39  profilanswer

qui fait une partie?

psn id: juju0304
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:18:56  profilanswer

bon bas je suis sur EU-FR 1 pele mele3


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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:20:51  profilanswer

CrowFix a écrit :

"zyva chui mort 3 fois et jan népa niké 1 seul :o "

Ouais c'est super ambiance avec les Kevin

Official Special Force
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:26:06  profilanswer

Chico84 a écrit :

bon bas je suis sur EU-FR 1 pele mele3


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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:26:06  profilanswer

psn id: juju0304
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:27:58  profilanswer

je galère grave ça change de cod

Official Special Force
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:29:43  profilanswer

Chico84 a écrit :

je galère grave ça change de cod

je viens de te voir mourir en sandwich [:petrus75]

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Official Special Force
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:50:33  profilanswer

elle me gave cette map de merde :o
t'as pas le temps de faire un pas que t'as déjà 15 ennemis autour de toi :o

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psn id: juju0304
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:52:23  profilanswer

si tu veux on change

Official Special Force
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 00:53:07  profilanswer

non, ça va aller. de toute façon on a perdu là :D
ça va changer de map

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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 18:20:29  profilanswer

Je viens de relancer le jeu, j'ai fait la mise à jour et mes stats sont remises à zero   :heink: ça vous l'a fait aussi ?

Official Special Force
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 19:10:31  profilanswer

non, ça fait au moins deux semaines que mes stats sont à 0 [:spanotfote]

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blood demo​niac
id psn : Blooddemoniac
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 19:47:08  profilanswer

oui ca deconne grave au niveau des stats, meme dans le menu de jeu j'ai souvent une fenetre qui apparait et qui me dit qu'il y a eu une erreur de communication de serveurs et que mes stats ne seront pas pris en contre.
J'ai meme l'impression que depuis cette mise a jour ca deconne de plus en plus.


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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 21:26:22  profilanswer

Perso je ne les regarde même pas, tellement je suis nul... :(

Yargol : " P'tin les mecs, j'ai fait 0 Frag !"  
psn id: gengis
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 21:31:21  profilanswer
les stats sur le site ont l'air bonne.

Dogs that I call my friends Praying for all my friends Things I do for my friends We miss U

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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 21:38:55  profilanswer

anonymman a écrit :

Perso je ne les regarde même pas, tellement je suis nul... :(

Pareil, les miennes sont tellement pourries que la remise à zero serait une bonne chose finalement  :D

Official Special Force
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Posté le 05-04-2009 à 23:16:28  profilanswer

anonymman a écrit :

Perso je ne les regarde même pas, tellement je suis nul... :(

moi non plus, je vois juste que quand je lance le jeu, sur le 1er écran qu'on voit, tout est à zéro [:napalm27]

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Posté le 14-06-2009 à 01:08:56  profilanswer

Je viens de m'y mettre et après deux trois heures je commence à prendre du plaisir à jouer.  
Je le trouve vraiment sympa, la tactique toussa ça a son charme et en plus de ça c'est le genre de jeu anti boulets [:petrus75]

Message édité par sud_conscient le 14-06-2009 à 01:09:20

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Posté le 14-06-2009 à 12:19:25  profilanswer

je peux te dire que tu n'as pas assez jouer pour te faire un avis
tu vas rencontrer des gros boulets et des gars sympas, à toi de filtrer et de bouger entre les parties pour jouer avec une bonne ambiance


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Posté le 14-06-2009 à 12:26:18  profilanswer

C'est sur que le jeu n'en est pas exempté, mais comparé à COD, BBC ou Killzone c'est le jour et la nuit :o

psn id: gengis
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Posté le 14-06-2009 à 12:29:47  profilanswer

J'ai recommencé à jouer vendredi 1ère partie 11-2 [:ddr555]

Dogs that I call my friends Praying for all my friends Things I do for my friends We miss U

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Posté le 14-06-2009 à 12:40:11  profilanswer

Moi je suis trop bidon :o
J'ai du jouer 3h : 31-54

psn id: gengis
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Posté le 14-06-2009 à 13:13:10  profilanswer

non mais c'était un serveur ou personne n'avait de micro.
bonjour la coordination :/

Dogs that I call my friends Praying for all my friends Things I do for my friends We miss U

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Posté le 25-06-2009 à 09:35:07  profilanswer

Socom confrontation à 11 € neuf c'est une bonne affaire ?

Official Special Force
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Posté le 25-06-2009 à 09:56:48  profilanswer

c'est un bon jeu si on se donne la peine d'y jouer

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Posté le 25-06-2009 à 10:11:31  profilanswer

le topic à l'air délaissé ici, plus personne n'y joue sur HFR ?

Official Special Force
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Posté le 25-06-2009 à 10:27:42  profilanswer

non. il faudrait qu'on s'y remette, mais bon... là on s'est remis sur BFBC [:spanotfote]

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Posté le 25-06-2009 à 10:41:54  profilanswer

décidemment ...
bon je l'ai commandé ...

Message édité par jumbo le 25-06-2009 à 12:24:24
Official Special Force
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Posté le 13-08-2009 à 14:31:44  profilanswer

Citation :

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation focuses on online play and the global community and clans that support it, with Tournaments, Clan Ladders, and Leader Boards. Promised months ago, Slant Six revealed today that the v1.50 patch is in the final stages of testing, and if all goes according to plan, should be released in 1-2 weeks, followed by v1.60 which will include free DLC.

* le patch 1.50 est prêt et devrait bientôt arriver
* le patch 1.60 suivra rapidement et proposera des DLC gratuits

Ma collec de jeux -

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Posté le 13-08-2009 à 14:34:09  profilanswer

Y aurait plus qu'à y jouer en quelque sorte.
 [:cerveau cupra]

Official Special Force
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Posté le 13-08-2009 à 14:45:27  profilanswer

voila [:tinostar]


enfin les DLC ça peut être pas mal. à l'origine ils parlaient de maps plus grandes avec des véhicules alors si c'est ça, ça peut le faire

Message édité par CrowFix le 13-08-2009 à 14:46:17

Ma collec de jeux -
Official Special Force
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Posté le 23-08-2009 à 12:08:30  profilanswer

le patch arrive la semaine prochaine

Citation :

Patch 1.50 includes many new and diverse features including but not limited to: Clan Ladders, Tournaments, Calendar, Follow-A-Friend, and Private Games.
Along with these features there are many optimizations, enhancements and fixes. Included below are some of the highlights:
Crashes, Freezes and Hangs Fixed
    * Players being booted out of the game to the XMB while loading into gameplay.
    * Players freezing on the loading screen going into and returning from gameplay.
    * Loss of input issues that occurred when using the pause menu or scoreboard.
    * Low frequency freezes when creating a clan.
    * Players occasionally getting stuck on the Quick Match screen after selecting an invitation.
    * Rare cases where players would become stuck in Spectator mode.
General Gameplay Updates
    * Numerous improvements to lag and latency, as well as bandwidth optimizations.
    * To eliminate exploits where players were escaping to outside of the playable space, many of the previously found routes are now blocked off. As a further measure, the playable areas are now surrounded by trigger volumes that will kill players attempting to find new exploits.
    * Players are no longer able to plant claymores through pillars, walls and other objects.
    * Target spotting will now default to OFF in all ranked games.
    * Fixed characters occasionally getting stuck when planting flares in Control mode.
    * Made the range players could plant the satchel more consistent between levels, in both Breach and Demolition modes.
    * Commando reticles now turn green when targeting a VIP in Escort mode.
    * Increased the priority of picking up the satchel so it can be picked up more easily when weapons and other objects are piled around it.
    * Louder and improved footstep audio for characters that are out of view.
    * Limited the angle that climb prompts appear at, character will no longer turn 90 degrees before climbing.
    * VIPs no longer appear on the HUD Radar after being killed.
    * Added the ability to plant Control flares and Demolition/Breach satchels while prone.
    * Improved grenade throws, they now more closely follow the throw arc, added better wall detection to keep players from throwing grenades through walls and other objects.
    * Fixed issues where different weapons would appear in characters hands to different players.
    * Players can no longer take control of VIPs/Hostages through walls or other objects.
    * Improved performance for the late joiner, host and all other players when joining a match in progress.
    * The satchel will no longer appear in the incorrect location for players that late join Demolition and Breach matches.
    * Fixed cases where the number of rounds won by each team could become out of sync.
    * The death camera will stop following the character that killed your player after 5 seconds.
    * In spectator mode, the button commands will fade out after 5 seconds.
    * When selecting a weapon in-game the player’s custom loadout will not be overwritten, that can only be done in the Front End Armoury.
    * Fixed cases where Detonators for Key Moments could become desynced, allowing them to be used twice.
    * Multiple fixes for situations where characters could become invisible.
    * Drastically cut down the Fade-In time at the start of the round.
    * Fixed the jittering reticle when planting C4 and Claymores.
    * Improved ability to plant the C4 on Breach walls.
    * Resolved issues across all maps where players could become stuck when crouching or going prone in tight spaces.
    * Closed an exploit where players could shoot through walls close to windows when using a scope.
User Interface
    * Improvements across multiple Front End screens to improve the look and feel for Standard Definition users.
    * Fixed cases where scrolling rapidly or backing out quickly from Front End screens could lead to multiple items overlapping.
    * Sort the Channels list in a more user friendly way.
    * Updated several places in the Records and Statistics where the same gun would appear more than once.
    * Increased functionality for customizing controls including adding Hold functions to the Analog sticks.
    * Added an option to disable D-pad Lean.
    * Created a new Nordisk channel.
    * Fixed an issue where the Clan Mottos would sometimes be cut off.
    * Added more information to the Game Details screen in the briefing room.
    * Reduced the accuracy of the FAMAS.
    * Improved damage of the Desert Eagle.
    * Improved damage done by all Sniper Rifles.
    * Improved collision on railings to allow bullets to pass through them easier.
    * Removed a dynamic spawn from several modes that had a player respawn in a locked room in several modes.
    * Several fixes to curbs around the level so the player can traverse smoothly over them without reload interruptions.
    * Updated one of the breach walls on the Overlook so player cannot get past without destroying it.
    * Closed several exploit holes that allowed players to gain access to out of bounds areas including: numerous rooftops around the level and the area above the warehouse.
    * Players can no longer swim under the platform of the main floor of the dome.
    * Players no longer get stuck in the water of the main floor of the dome.
    * Improved AI pathfinding with extra focus on the transitions in and out of water, including lowering the water in the dome at the start of the round in Escort and Extraction modes.
    * Updated several locations inside the dome where the camera could pass through the ceiling and walls.
    * Tweaked the collision on several pipes and beams so players cannot pass through or get trapped.
    * Closed several exploit holes that allowed players to gain access to out of bounds areas including: the dome roof, areas past the outer fences and the submarine.
    * Improved AI pathfinding with special attention given to transitions in and out of the water.
    * Aligned a dynamic spawn point with the world to prevent players from spawning halfway into the ground in Escort mode.
    * Added more detailed collision to several cliffs to prevent players from clipping through the terrain.
    * Closed several exploit holes that allowed players to gain access to out of bounds areas including: the cliffs above each spawn, the roof of the temple and behind fences.
    * Aligned Demolition markers to be more visible.
    * Resized one case where a Control flare could be thrown over the edge of a balcony.
    * Added collision to a fence above Commando spawn that would allow players access to the 32 player area in the 16 player map.
    * Closed several exploit holes that allowed players to gain access to out of bounds areas including: across destroyed bridges, outside the walls and on rooftops.
Urban Wasteland
    * Aligned markers in Demolition and Breach mode to be exactly at the centre of the target zones.
    * Resized two cases where Control flares could be planted behind walls.
    * Several fixes to curbs around the level so the player can traverse smoothly over them without reload interruptions.
    * Closed several exploits that would allow the player access to out of bounds areas including: hotel rooftops, the sky bridge roof and several buildings around the level.
    * Fixed camera issue where players below the Watch Deck could see enemies above when standing on the pipe.
    * Closed several exploits that would allow the player access to out of bounds areas including: rooftops, the helicopter and the water.
Desert Glory
    * Smoothed the collision on several pieces of rubble on the ground to allow easier traversal of the level.
    * Closed several exploits that would allow the player access to out of bounds areas including: the cliffs above and the winding road below.

Message édité par CrowFix le 23-08-2009 à 12:16:04

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Posté le 23-08-2009 à 15:43:57  profilanswer

J'ai vu ça, ça s'annonce pas trop mal.

Yargol : " P'tin les mecs, j'ai fait 0 Frag !"  
Official Special Force
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Posté le 23-08-2009 à 15:44:39  profilanswer

anonymman a écrit :

J'ai vu ça, ça s'annonce pas trop mal.

surtout la précision accrue des snipers [:nico54]

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Posté le 23-08-2009 à 15:45:14  profilanswer

Par contre je n'aurai peut être plus de PS3 d'ici là... :(

Yargol : " P'tin les mecs, j'ai fait 0 Frag !"  

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Posté le 23-08-2009 à 15:51:34  profilanswer

tu switch avec la slim ?

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