Un peu raté, le plus dur ayant été de coordonner la photo entre deux vrais baillements
pas mal
L'histoire de ma vie. | Remember those posters that said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" ? Well, that's true of every day but one - the day you die.
Posté le 14-10-2009 à 11:48:31
J'aime les tierces picardes.
Posté le 14-10-2009 à 11:48:38
Stabatmaterophile - Witches, Bitches and Britches.
I sit, in my desolate room, no lights, no music, Just anger, I've killed everyone, I'm away forever, but I'm feeling better,How do I feel,What do I say,Fuck you, it all goes away,