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  Nouveau: VirtualDub 1.4-9


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Nouveau: VirtualDub 1.4-9

Posté le 04-03-2002 à 15:36:37  profilanswer

Il est dispo sur :
Pas de grandes nouveautés mais surtout des bugs corrigés:
So here's 1.4.9, a bugfix maintainance release:  
Build 13720 (Version 1.4.9):
   [features added]
   * Capture: Added wraparound workaround for 2^31 us (35m)
     wrap as well as 2^32 us (71m) timing wrap.
   * Added more verbose error messages.
   * Added some PIII instructions to crash disassembler.
   [bug fixes]
   * Fixed scanline alignment and invalid format errors in
     image source reader.
   * Fixed Ctrl-W shortcut for "Close AVI."
   * Fixed title bar not being correct after exiting capture
     mode [regression in 1.4.8].
   * Temporal smoother now initializes its window from the
     first frame it receives rather than to black.
   * IVTC no longer drops last 8 or so frames when no audio
     is present.
   * Fixed deadlock on MP3 audio codecs that report a codec
     delay of 0 (LameACM).
   * Fixed sfence-related crash and decompression errors
     in MJPEG decoder [regression in 1.4.8].
   * Fast recompress no longer aligns frame subsets to
     keyframe boundaries.
   * "Scan for bad frames" would sometimes not mark the
     correct frames.
   * Scene scan sometimes wouldn't display the frame it had
     stopped on.
   * Fixed line of green pixels on right side of frame when
     using 3x3 TV filter.
One issue that people have been seeing with 1.4.8 is that they are sometimes not able to join a video that has been compressed with "fast compress" with another video that has been compressed with the same codec, but in "full processing" mode, when using the DivX 4 codec.  The two files have the same video format except that the "fast" file has a biBitCount of 16, while the other file has 24.  This is not a bug in VirtualDub -- the problem is that the DivX 4 codec is copying over the biBitCount value from the source format, and this is causing VirtualDub to reject the join because the formats aren't compatible.  (To understand why this can't be generally allowed, mix 16-bit RGB and 24-bit RGB bitmaps in an AVI some time and see how far you get.)  People have said that hex editing the bit count on one of the files to match the other works, so might try this with VirtualDub's hex editor if you are experiencing this problem.  
I've also released a new revision of the subtitler, 2.3 -- this fixes a rendering offset that could cause crashes and also adds some minor optimizations.


[jfdsdjhfuetppo]--Message édité par EL_ShAmAn___--[/jfdsdjhfuetppo]

Posté le 04-03-2002 à 15:36:37  profilanswer

Enfin de retour au SOLEIL !!
Posté le 04-03-2002 à 16:02:20  profilanswer

El_ShAmAn___ a écrit a écrit :

People have said that hex editing the bit count on one of the files to match the other works, so might try this with VirtualDub's hex editor if you are experiencing this problem.

ben si cela marche, ça doit pas être trop difficile de coder un if au niveau de happend non ?  [:sovxx]  
ça va encore faire un l'objet d'un nouveau soft ...  :sweat:

Posté le 04-03-2002 à 20:52:06  profilanswer

up !!

Music 4 your ears!
Posté le 04-03-2002 à 23:04:21  profilanswer

Bon à savoir :)

A+++ Bruce -
Posté le 04-03-2002 à 23:06:43  profilanswer

il marche celui la avec le 2 pass du divx 5.0

Tu sais, faut pas avoir peur... Google est ton ami. :)

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  Nouveau: VirtualDub 1.4-9


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