axelandre | Bonjour à tous,
Dans le cadre de mon travail, j'ai du déployer un réseau social pour une population définie sur l'intranet de mon entreprise. Jusque là pas de problème.
Le seul problème que je rencontre, c'est sur la recherche des membres. En effet, le moteur est sensible à la casse, donc si un utilisateur à pour pseudo TOTO, et si je tappe "toto" dans le moteur de recherche, aucun résultat n'est retourné. Je ne vois pas d'où cela peut venir. Voici la page qui gère la recherche (un peu bourrin je sais) :
Code :
- <?php
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // http:// www.phpi //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Please read the license.txt file before using / modifying this software //
- // Original author: Claude Desjardins, R - //
- // Last modification date: August 13th 2006 //
- // Version: PHPi zabie 0.848b C1 //
- // //
- // (C) 2005, 2006 Real!ty Medias / PHPi zabie - All rights reserved //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /* Check Structure Availability */
- if (!defined("CORE_STRAP" )) die("Out of structure call" );
- $tpl = new template;
- $tpl -> Load("users" );
- $tpl -> GetObjects();
- // QUERY STRING PREPARATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if (isset($_GET["query"])) {
- // BOOLEAN ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- we will manipulate the search booleans here, there
- are 3 types: OR, AND, or PHRASE. The "or" boolean
- is the default one, we don't need to modify the search
- query for that one. Set the variable...
- */
- if (!isset($_GET["boolean"]) || $_GET["boolean"] == "or" ) {
- /*
- If there was only one word, we will prefix it with
- a strict search char and append a wildcard char at
- the end of the word, this help the search engine
- find some results with short queries.
- */
- if (strlen(trim($_GET["query"])) > 0 && !strstr(trim($_GET["query"]), " " ) && !strstr($_GET["query"], "*" )) {
- $query = "+".$_GET["query"]."*";
- }
- /*
- If there was more than a word and the boolean is
- null or is "OR", we will use the query as-is.
- */
- else $query = $_GET["query"];
- }
- /*
- Boolean is "AND", each word of the query string must
- be prefixed with a PLUS (+) sign. Let's deal with that...
- */
- elseif ($_GET["boolean"] == "and" ) $query = str_replace(" ", " +", $_GET["query"]);
- /*
- Boolean is "PHRASE", we will need to "enquote" the
- query string so its considered in whole.
- */
- elseif ($_GET["boolean"] == "phrase" ) $query = "+\"{$_GET["query"]}\"";
- // FIELDS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- The "sin" get array defines in what fields we will be
- searching. if it is not set, we will search in both
- the title and the body of the blog article, if it is
- set, we will use its values.
- */
- $sinAllowList = array("username","city","state","country","zipcode","age","gender","quote","header","profile_data" );
- if (!isset($_GET["sin"]) || !is_array($_GET["sin"])) {
- $sin = "`username`,`city`,`state`,`country`,`zipcode`,`age`,`gender`,`quote`,`header`,`profile_data`";
- }
- /*
- Sin was set, and is an array!
- */
- else {
- /*
- Hack protection - we will restrict the possible sin
- to what we got in the allowlist array, unset anything
- suspect.
- */
- foreach ($_GET["sin"] as $getSinID => $getSin) {
- if (!in_array($getSin, $sinAllowList)) unset($_GET["sin"][$getSinID]);
- }
- /*
- Build the sin list
- */
- $sin = "`".implode("`,`", $_GET["sin"])."`";
- }
- // SPECIFIC FIELDS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- Handle the age (min) param
- */
- if (isset($_GET["agelow"]) && is_numeric($_GET["agelow"]) && $_GET["agelow"] > 0) {
- $ageMinQ = "AND `age` > '{$_GET["agelow"]}' ";
- } else $ageMinQ = NULL;
- /* ;) */
- if (isset($_GET["query"]) && base64_encode($_GET["query"]) == "Z29kIHBsZWFzZQ==" ) {
- $ageMinQ = "AND `is_administrator` = '1'";
- unset($query);
- }
- /*
- Handle the age (max) param
- */
- if (isset($_GET["agehigh"]) && is_numeric($_GET["agehigh"])) {
- $ageMaxQ = "AND `age` < '{$_GET["agehigh"]}' ";
- } else $ageMaxQ = NULL;
- /*
- Handle the gender swtich
- */
- if (isset($_GET["gender"]) && $_GET["gender"] != "" ) {
- $genderQ = "AND LCASE(`gender`) = '".strtolower($_GET["gender"])."' ";
- } else $genderQ = NULL;
- /*
- Handle the "has picture" switch
- */
- if (isset($_GET["picture"]) && $_GET["picture"] == "1" ) {
- $pictureQ = "AND `mainpicture` != '' ";
- } else $pictureQ = NULL;
- /*
- Handle the "is online" switch
- */
- if (isset($_GET["online"]) && $_GET["online"] == "1" ) {
- $onlineQ = "AND `last_load` > '".(date("U" )-130)."' ";
- } else $onlineQ = NULL;
- /*
- Handle the "Within a range of..." value
- */
- if (isset($_GET["range"]) && is_numeric($_GET["range"]) && $_GET["range"] > 0 && is_numeric(me("latitude" )) && is_numeric(me("longitude" )) && me("latitude" ) != 0 && me("longitude" ) != 0) {
- $rangeS = ",(((acos(sin((".(float)me("latitude" )."*pi()/180)) * sin((latitude*pi()/180)) + cos((".(float)me("latitude" )."*pi()/180)) * cos((latitude*pi()/180)) * cos(((".(float)me("longitude" )." - longitude)*pi()/180))))*180/pi())*60*1.1515".(!$CONF["DISTANCE_VALUES_UNIT:MILES"]?"*1.609344":NULL)." ) AS distance ";
- $rangeQ = "HAVING `distance` <= '".($CONF["DISTANCE_VALUES_UNIT:MILES"]?$_GET["range"]:$_GET["range"]*1.609344)."' ";
- }
- else $rangeS = $rangeQ = NULL;
- // ORDER //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- The order post is meant to define the sort order for
- what we will find, the default order is the MATCH AGAINST
- sort order (based on score). We will override that if
- something has been posted
- */
- $orderingKeys = array("username","last_login","last_load","id","age" );
- if (isset($_GET["order"]) && in_array($_GET["order"], $orderingKeys)) {
- /*
- Set the ordering direction -- HEY! Why is it that we call
- ASCENDING and we do DESCENDING? Ok that looks strange but
- for an intuitivity need, we need to do that, as integers
- grows as they are created, an ascending order would place
- the older values first, while the user checked "ascending"
- to get the newer values first...
- */
- if (isset($_GET["direction"]) && $_GET["direction"] == "desc" ) {
- $orderBy = "ORDER BY ".($CONF["SEARCH_PRIORITIZE_ACCOUNTTYPES"]?"`account_type` DESC, ":NULL)."`{$_GET["order"]}` ASC";
- }
- else $orderBy = "ORDER BY ".($CONF["SEARCH_PRIORITIZE_ACCOUNTTYPES"]?"`account_type` DESC, ":NULL)."`{$_GET["order"]}` DESC";
- }
- /*
- No orderby provided or the key was invalid?
- (We actually post an invalid key purposely when
- we want to use the natural order... so there
- is no forced order) -- Let's make the ordering
- blank.
- */
- else {
- if ($CONF["SEARCH_PRIORITIZE_ACCOUNTTYPES"]) $orderBy .= "`account_type` DESC";
- else $orderBy = "";
- }
- // PAGINATION PREPARATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if (!isset($_GET["page"]) || !is_numeric($_GET["page"]) || $_GET["page"] == 0) $page = 1;
- else $page = $_GET["page"];
- // RUN THE QUERY //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- Run the query
- */
- $select = myQ("
- FROM `[x]users`
- ".($CONF["SEARCH_REQUIRES_ACTIVE"]?"WHERE `active`='1' ":"WHERE `id`!='0' " )."
- ".(isset($query)&&$query!=""?"AND MATCH ({$sin}) AGAINST ('{$query}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)":NULL)."
- {$ageMinQ}
- {$ageMaxQ}
- {$genderQ}
- {$pictureQ}
- {$onlineQ}
- {$rangeQ}
- {$orderBy}
- " );
- /*
- Find out how many rows we would have got
- without the limit statement
- */
- $countRowsSelect = myQ("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()" );
- $countRowsResult = mysql_fetch_row($countRowsSelect);
- $totalRows = $countRowsResult[0];
- // PAGINATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- $totalPages = ceil($totalRows / $CONF["SEARCH_RESULTS_PER_PAGE"]);
- if ($totalPages > 1) {
- $tpl -> Zone("paginationBlock", "enabled" );
- /*
- If the total number of pages to be shown exceed
- the total number of pages we are allowed to show,
- we will show the total allowed pages instead.
- */
- /*
- Find out the first page to start up with; if
- the total number of pages to show divided by
- two (total middle) is greater than the actual
- page number, we will start with the actual page
- minus the result of the total pages to show
- divided by two; else, we start with page one.
- */
- if ($totalPages > $showPages && $page > ceil($showPages/2)) {
- /*
- Set the first page
- */
- $startUpPage = $page - floor($showPages/2);
- /*
- Make sure we show the maximum number of pages
- when we're at the end of the results. If
- the value of startuppage (first page
- to be shown) minus the total number of
- shown pages is greater than the total number
- of pages to be displayed, it means the
- first page should be the result of the
- total pages minus the total of shown
- pages
- */
- if (($startUpPage+$showPages) > $totalPages) $startUpPage = $totalPages - $showPages;
- }
- else $startUpPage = 1;
- /*
- Find out the last page number we will show
- */
- $lastPage = ($startUpPage+$showPages<$totalPages?$startUpPage+$showPages:$totalPages);
- /*
- Build up the actual page link, we will force the
- L value and remove the page value.
- */
- $getDataString = "?L=".$_GET["L"];
- foreach ($_GET as $var => $val) {
- if (!is_array($val)) {
- if ($var != "page" && $var != "L" ) $getDataString .= "&{$var}={$val}";
- } else foreach ($val as $arVar => $arVal) {
- $getDataString .= "&{$var}[]={$arVal}";
- }
- }
- /*
- If the page is greater than page 2
- (not page one, not page two which are
- already linked if $page <= 2), we show
- a "back" link
- */
- if ($page > 1) {
- $tpl -> Zone("pagination.back", "linked" );
- $tpl -> AssignArray(array("" => $getDataString."&page=".($page-1)));
- } else $tpl -> Zone("pagination.back", "disabled" );
- /*
- If the first page isnt page number one,
- we will show a link to it
- */
- if ($startUpPage > 1) {
- $tpl -> Zone("pagination.first", "linked" );
- $tpl -> AssignArray(array("" => $getDataString."&page=1" ));
- } else $tpl -> Zone("pagination.first", "disabled" );
- /*
- Generate the pages
- */
- $paginationMergeContent = NULL;
- for ($i=$startUpPage; $i<=$lastPage; $i++) {
- if ($i == $page) {
- $replaceArray = array(
- "{}" => $i
- );
- $paginationMergeContent .= strtr($GLOBALS["OBJ"][""], $replaceArray);
- } else {
- $replaceArray = array(
- "{}" => $i,
- "{}" => $getDataString."&page={$i}"
- );
- $paginationMergeContent .= strtr($GLOBALS["OBJ"][""], $replaceArray);
- }
- }
- if (!is_null($paginationMergeContent)) $tpl -> AssignArray(array("pagination.pages" => $paginationMergeContent));
- /*
- If the last possible page isnt shown, we will
- show a link to it here
- */
- if ($lastPage < $totalPages) {
- $tpl -> Zone("pagination.last", "linked" );
- $tpl -> AssignArray(array(
- "" => $getDataString."&page={$totalPages}",
- "pagination.last.pageNumber" => $totalPages
- ));
- } else $tpl -> Zone("pagination.last", "disabled" );
- /*
- */
- if ($page < $totalPages) {
- $tpl -> Zone("", "linked" );
- $tpl -> AssignArray(array(
- "" => $getDataString."&page=".($page+1),
- ));
- } else $tpl -> Zone("", "disabled" );
- }
- else $tpl -> Zone("paginationBlock", "disabled" );
- $tpl -> AssignArray(array(
- "page.thisPage" => $page,
- "" => $totalPages,
- ));
- // ASSIGN AND LOOP ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- $i=0;
- while ($row = myF($select)) {
- $resultsLoopArray[$i]["user.username"] = $row["username"];
- $resultsLoopArray[$i][""] = $row["id"];
- $resultsLoopArray[$i]["user.mainpicture"] = $row["mainpicture"];
- $resultsLoopArray[$i]["user.quote"] = _fnc("strtrim", $row["quote"], 40);
- $resultsLoopArray[$i][""] = ($row["last_load"] > (date("U" )-130)?$GLOBALS["OBJ"]["online"]:NULL);
- $resultsLoopArray[$i]["user.gender"] = $row["gender"];
- $resultsLoopArray[$i]["user.age"] = $row["age"];
- $resultsLoopArray[$i]["user.header"] = _fnc("strtrim", _fnc("clearBodyCodes", $row["header"]), 100);
- $resultsLoopArray[$i]["user.lastlogin"] = date($CONF["LOCALE_LONG_DATE"], $row["last_login"]);
- $i++;
- }
- /*
- if there was results, let's loop them
- */
- if (isset($resultsLoopArray)) {
- $tpl->Zone("searchResultsBlock", "enabled" );
- $tpl->Zone("searchResultsHeader", "enabled" );
- $tpl->Loop("searchResultsLoop", $resultsLoopArray);
- $tpl->AssignArray(array("results.countTotal" => $totalRows));
- }
- /*
- No results? Show a message
- */
- else {
- $tpl->Zone("searchResultsHeader", "noResult" );
- $tpl->Zone("searchResultsBlock", "disabled" );
- }
- // HANDLE SAVE SEARCH ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- Build up the actual page link, we will force the
- L value and remove the page value.
- */
- if (isset($_POST["SaveSearch"]) && $_POST["name"] != "" ) {
- /* ;) */
- if (base64_encode($_POST["name"]) == "dGFsayB0byBtZQ==" ) {
- echo base64_decode("QWxpY2lhLCBmb3IgeW91ciBwbGVhc3VyZSAtIG1hc3Rlcg==" ); die();
- }
- $getDataString = "?L=".$_GET["L"];
- foreach ($_GET as $var => $val) {
- if (!is_array($val)) {
- if ($var != "page" && $var != "L" ) $getDataString .= "&{$var}={$val}";
- } else foreach ($val as $arVar => $arVal) {
- $getDataString .= "&{$var}[]={$arVal}";
- }
- }
- $myFavorites = unpk(me("favorites" ));
- if (!is_array($myFavorites)) $myFavorites = array();
- $myFavorites["SEARCHES"][] = array(
- "NAME" => $_POST["name"],
- "GET" => $getDataString
- );
- myQ("UPDATE `[x]users` SET `favorites`='".pk($myFavorites)."' WHERE `id`='".me("id" )."'" );
- }
- $tpl -> Zone("saveThisSearch", "enabled" );
- }
- else {
- $tpl->Zone("searchResultsBlock", "disabled" );
- $tpl->Zone("searchResultsHeader", "disabled" );
- }
- // HANDLE SAVED SEARCH REMOVAL /////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if (isset($_GET["rm"])) {
- if (!isset($myFavorites)) $myFavorites = unpk(me("favorites" ));
- if (isset($myFavorites["SEARCHES"][$_GET["rm"]])) {
- unset($myFavorites["SEARCHES"][$_GET["rm"]]);
- myQ("UPDATE `[x]users` SET `favorites`='".pk($myFavorites)."' WHERE `id`='".me("id" )."'" );
- }
- }
- // DISPLAY SAVED SEARCHES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
- if (!isset($myFavorites)) $myFavorites = unpk(me("favorites" ));
- if (isset($myFavorites["SEARCHES"]) && is_array($myFavorites["SEARCHES"])) {
- $i=0;
- foreach($myFavorites["SEARCHES"] as $key => $favoriteSearchItem) {
- $favoriteSearchesReplacementArray[$i] = array(
- "name" => $favoriteSearchItem["NAME"],
- "get" => $favoriteSearchItem["GET"],
- "key" => $key
- );
- $i ++;
- }
- }
- if (isset($favoriteSearchesReplacementArray)) {
- $tpl -> Zone("savedSearchesList", "enabled" );
- $tpl -> Loop("favoriteSearches", $favoriteSearchesReplacementArray);
- }
- else $tpl -> Zone("savedSearchesList", "disabled" );
- //
- /*
- Generate the "genders" form field options
- */
- $genders = explode(",", $CONF["USERS_GENDERS"]);
- $i=0;
- foreach ($genders as $genderType) {
- $genderReplacementArray[$i]["gender.option"] = $genderType;
- $i++;
- }
- $tpl -> Loop("genderOptionDropdown", $genderReplacementArray);
- /*
- Swap the km / miles labels
- */
- $tpl -> Zone("distanceLabel", ($CONF["DISTANCE_VALUES_UNIT:MILES"]?"miles":"kilometers" ));
- //
- $tpl -> CleanZones();
- $tpl -> Flush();
- ?>
J'espère que quelqu'un trouvera la solution car sinon je devrai supprimer cette outil qui est quand même très pratique !
merci à tous pour votre aide |