nimo New.Internet.Master.Operator | Salut a tous
j'ai fais une simulation 3D d'un person qui se promaine ds un park mais depui que j'ai essayer de mettre un menu pour avoir une selection pou voir:
-comment jouer
-lancer une perti
ma simulation ne marche plus
voici le code:
Code :
- // Include the directx 8 utility library:
- #include <dxu.h>
- #include <dxu3d.h>
- #include "D3dx8math.h"
- #include "Object3D.h"
- #include "SimpleObject3D.h"
- #include "GroundGrid.h"
- #include "OverlayGrid.h"
- #include "olliderClass.h"
- #include "Explosion.h"
- #include "Bullet.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- extern unsigned char OverlayMap[ARRAYSIZE][ARRAYSIZE];
- // some defines to use when changing camera view
- #define SHOULDER 0
- #define SIDE 1
- #define TOP 2
- #define INTRO 3
- #define HOW 4
- #define GAMEOVER 5
- #define SINGLE 6
- /*******************************************************************************************/
- #define ABOUT_BOX_INFORMATION1 "Main menu: S to start, Q to exit\nUse Key left to move left\nUse key right to move right"
- // Generated to handle Menu Actions:
- LRESULT WindowProcedure(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- // grap the message parameters stored in wParam:
- int loWord = LOWORD(wParam); // first 16 bits
- int hiWord = HIWORD(wParam); // last 16 bits
- switch(msg)
- {
- case WM_COMMAND: // This is a menu or button message
- if ( loWord == ID_FILE_EXIT ) // exit menu item was selected
- {
- // Send a quit message which will destroy the application
- DXUDestroyWindow();
- return 0; // This declares that a message was processed
- }
- else if ( loWord == ID_MUSIC_SOUNDOFF )
- {
- DXUDeleteAllMusic();
- return 0;
- }
- else if ( loWord == ID_MUSIC_SFXOFF )
- {
- DXUDeleteAllSFX();
- return 0;
- }
- else if ( loWord == ID_HELP_ABOUT ) // about menu item was selected
- {
- // Display a Message Box identifiying the application
- return 0; // This declares that a message was processed
- }
- else if ( loWord == ID_HOWTOPLAY )
- {
- // Display a Message Box identifiying the application
- return 0; // This declares that a message was processed
- }
- }
- // process any messages that we didn't take care of
- return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam));
- }
- /*****************************************************************************************/
- // Global Variables
- D3DXMATRIX matWorld,matCamera,matProj,matCamera1;
- DXULIGHT directLight,spotLight;
- // create an Object3D called car
- Object3D car;
- // Create a grid for the ground
- GroundGrid groundgrid;
- // create a grid of overlay objects
- OverlayGrid overlayGrid;
- // create and instance of the collider class
- ColliderClass collider;
- // create an Object3D for an explosion
- Explosion explosion;
- // create an Object3D for a bullet
- Bullet bullet;
- DXUIMAGE imgLife; // Image to represent a life
- DXUSPRITE sprLife; // sprite datatype to show a life image on screen
- DXUIMAGE imgHow;
- DXUIMAGE imgIntro;
- DXUSPRITE sprIntro;
- typedef struct
- {
- int x;
- AMUSIC m[9];
- DXUMIDIID m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7,m8,m9;
- DXUSFXID SN1,SN2,SN3,SN4,SN5,SN6,SN7,SN8,SN9,SN10,SN11,SN12,SN13,SN14;
- int mode=INTRO;
- // a font for writing text on the screen
- DXUFONT dxuFont;
- //Function prototypes
- VOID LoadWorld();
- VOID UpdateWorld();
- VOID ReleaseWorld();
- // Initialise lighting
- VOID InitialiseLights()
- {
- // Turn lighting calculation on
- DXUEnableLighting(TRUE);
- // Create a directional light source
- DXUCreateDirectionalLight(&directLight,
- &D3DXVECTOR3(-1,-1,0.5), // Direction Up Left
- &D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f)); // White Color Normalised
- // Associate light with D3D device
- DXUSetDeviceLight(&directLight);
- // Turn on this light source
- DXUEnableDeviceLight(&directLight,TRUE);
- // Set ambient light intensity for the world
- DXUSetWorldAmbientLight(RGB(64,64,64));//ambientIntensity
- }
- // the following are the vectors describing look at point
- // and the camera or eye position in space
- // they are defined globally so that they can be used by
- // individual classes for billboarding
- DXUVECTOR3D vLookatPt,vEyePt;
- /***************************************** CAMERA SETTINGS *******************************/
- /******************************************* SHOULDER CAM ********************************/
- // This function sets the camera to be above and behind the car
- void SetShoulderCamera()
- {
- // distz specifies how far behind the camera should be
- // disty specifies how far above the camera should be
- float distz=50,disty=20;
- DXUMatrixLookAtRH(&matCamera1, &DXUVECTOR3D
- (
- // cameras world position is defined below as being
- // distz and disty along the cars local z and y axes respectively
- car.x-(car.matrix(2,0)*distz)+(car.matrix(1,0)*disty),
- car.y-(car.matrix(2,1)*distz)+(car.matrix(1,1)*disty),
- car.z-(car.matrix(2,2)*distz)+(car.matrix(1,2)*disty)
- ),
- &DXUVECTOR3D(car.x, car.y,car.z ), // look at point set to the car
- // the direction up is set to the cars y axis direction
- &DXUVECTOR3D( car.matrix(1,0), car.matrix(1,1),car.matrix(1,2) ));
- // make matCamera camera the device camera:
- DXUSetDeviceCameraMatrix(&matCamera1);
- // global variable storing the look at point which set to the car
- vLookatPt.x=car.x; vLookatPt.y=car.y; vLookatPt.z=car.z;
- // global variable storing the position of the camera
- vEyePt.x= car.x-(car.matrix(2,0)*distz)+(car.matrix(1,0)*disty);
- vEyePt.y= car.y-(car.matrix(2,1)*distz)+(car.matrix(1,1)*disty);
- vEyePt.z= car.z-(car.matrix(2,2)*distz)+(car.matrix(1,2)*disty);
- }
- /******************************************* TOP CAM ************************************/
- // This function sets the camera to be very far above the car
- void SetTopCamera()
- {
- float disty=990,distx=100;
- DXUMatrixLookAtRH(&matCamera1, &DXUVECTOR3D
- ( // cameras world position
- car.x+(car.matrix(1,0)*disty),
- car.y+(car.matrix(1,1)*disty),
- car.z+(car.matrix(1,2)*disty)
- ),
- &DXUVECTOR3D(car.x, car.y,car.z ), // look at the car
- // the direction up
- &DXUVECTOR3D( car.matrix(2,0), car.matrix(2,1),car.matrix(2,2) ));
- // make matCamera camera the device camera:
- DXUSetDeviceCameraMatrix(&matCamera1);
- vLookatPt.x=car.x; vLookatPt.y=car.y; vLookatPt.z=car.z;
- vEyePt.x= car.x-(car.matrix(2,0)*disty)+(car.matrix(1,0)*distx);
- vEyePt.y= car.y-(car.matrix(2,1)*disty)+(car.matrix(1,1)*distx);
- vEyePt.z= car.z-(car.matrix(2,2)*disty)+(car.matrix(1,2)*distx);
- }
- /******************************************* SIDE CAM ************************************/
- // this sets the camera to look at the car from above and to the side of the car
- void SetSideCamera()
- {
- float disty=50,distx=100;
- DXUMatrixLookAtRH(&matCamera1,&DXUVECTOR3D
- ( // cameras world position
- car.x+(car.matrix(0,0)*distx)+(car.matrix(1,0)*disty),
- car.y+(car.matrix(0,1)*distx)+(car.matrix(1,1)*disty),
- car.z+(car.matrix(0,2)*distx)+(car.matrix(1,2)*disty)
- ),
- &DXUVECTOR3D(car.x, car.y,car.z ), // look at the car
- // the direction up
- &DXUVECTOR3D( car.matrix(1,0), car.matrix(1,1),car.matrix(1,2) ));
- // make matCamera camera the device camera:
- DXUSetDeviceCameraMatrix(&matCamera1);
- vLookatPt.x=car.x; vLookatPt.y=car.y; vLookatPt.z=car.z;
- vEyePt.x= car.x-(car.matrix(2,0)*disty)+(car.matrix(1,0)*distx);
- vEyePt.y= car.y-(car.matrix(2,1)*disty)+(car.matrix(1,1)*distx);
- vEyePt.z= car.z-(car.matrix(2,2)*disty)+(car.matrix(1,2)*distx);
- }
- /************************************ INITIALISE WORLD ************************************/
- // Initialise rendering states, and camera, projection and world matrices
- VOID Initialise3DWorld()
- {
- // Enable Z-Buffering:
- DXUEnableZBuffering(TRUE);
- // Enable Writing to the Z-Buffer instead of the back buffer:
- DXUEnableZBufferWrite(TRUE);
- // set solid fill mode
- // set no culling modes
- // We would normally set the camera up here but it is set in the
- // updateworld function in this program
- // initialise a perspective projection matrix:
- // at Field of view: 3.14/4 ( what a human can see )
- // aspect ratio same as screen ratio
- // nearest visibility at 1.0
- // furthest visibility at 1000.0*/
- DXUMatrixPerspectiveFovRH(&matProj,D3DX_PI/4,640.0f/480.f,1.0f,1000.0f);
- // set this projection matrix to be the worlds projection matrix
- DXUSetDeviceProjectionMatrix(&matProj);
- // initialise the world matrix to the identity matrix - no transformation
- DXUMatrixIdentity( &matWorld);
- // set the world matrix
- DXUSetDeviceWorldMatrix(&matWorld);
- }
- /**************************************** UPDATE WORLD ***********************************/
- // UpdateWorld reads keyboard input and transforms the car accordingly
- VOID UpdateWorld()
- {
- // int t = rand()%9;
- // DXUPlayMusic(m[t].x);
- // amount to increment rotation by
- float inc=3.0;
- static int r=1;
- int i,j;
- // camera is a staic variable which traks which of three possible
- // camera views the user has selected, default is the shoulder view
- static camera =SHOULDER;
- if( dxuKeyState[DIK_LEFT] )
- {// left arrow pressed
- car.RotateY(inc); // positive rotate around y axis
- }
- if( dxuKeyState[DIK_RIGHT])
- {// right arrow pressed
- car.RotateY(-inc ); // negative rotate around y axis
- }
- if( dxuKeyState[DIK_UP] )
- {// up arrow pressed
- car.RotateX(inc); // positive rotate around x axis
- }
- if( dxuKeyState[DIK_DOWN])
- {// down arrow pressed
- car.RotateX(-inc); // negative rotate around x axis
- }
- if( dxuKeyState[DIK_Z] )
- {// Z pressed
- car.RotateZ(inc); // positive rotate around z axis
- }
- if( dxuKeyState[DIK_X])
- {// X pressed
- car.RotateZ(-inc); // negative rotate around r axis
- }
- if( dxuKeyState[DIK_R])
- {// R pressed
- car.Reset(); // reset the car to the start position
- car.LocalTranslation(0,5.9,20);
- }
- if( dxuKeyState[DIK_A])
- {// A pressed,
- // move car forward
- car.Advance();
- // check for collision with overlay objects
- for( i=0;i<ARRAYSIZE;i++)
- {
- for( j=0;j<ARRAYSIZE;j++)
- {
- // if the overlay map !=0 we need to check for collision
- if (OverlayMap[i][j]!=0)
- {
- // call collision detection with threshold of 20
- // ie: objects collide if dist between their
- // centers is les than 20
- if(collider.SimpleCollision(20,car.x,car.y,car.z,i*45,0,j*45))
- {
- // if the above test is true there is a collision
- // in which case we reverse the car by one increment
- // as we advanced the car by one increment before the collision test
- // this has the net effect of making the car halt when
- // it collides with a overlay object
- car.Reverse();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if( dxuKeyState[DIK_S])
- {// S pressed
- car.Reverse(); // reverse the car
- for( i=0;i<ARRAYSIZE;i++)
- {
- for( j=0;j<ARRAYSIZE;j++)
- {
- // if the overlay map !=0 we need to check for collision
- if (OverlayMap[i][j]!=0)
- {
- // call collision detection with threshold of 20
- // ie: objects collide if dist between their
- // centers is les than 20
- if(collider.SimpleCollision(20,car.x,car.y,car.z,i*45,0,j*45))
- {
- // if the above test is true there is a collision
- // in which case we reverse the car by one increment
- // as we advanced the car by one increment before the collision test
- // this has the net effect of making the car halt when
- // it collides with a overlay object
- car.Advance();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if( dxuKeyState[DIK_SPACE])
- {// Space pressed so we need to fire a bullet if we can
- // first check that the bullet is not currently alive
- // if it is currently alive the bullet cannot be fired
- if(!bullet.alive)
- // fire the bullet from the car position
- // and using the cars direction which is encoded in the cars rotmatrix
- }
- // if f1 is pressed we will set camera to view from the side
- if(dxuKeyState[DIK_F1])
- {
- camera=SIDE;
- }
- // if f2 is pressed we will set camera to view from the top
- if(dxuKeyState[DIK_F2])
- {
- camera=TOP;
- }
- // if f3 is pressed we will set camera to view from the shoulder
- if(dxuKeyState[DIK_F3])
- {
- camera=SHOULDER;
- }
- // If the bullet is currently alive it needs to be dealt with
- // ie: move it on a bit, and check whether it collides with anything
- // in the world overlay layer
- if(bullet.alive)
- {
- // update moves the bullet on and kills it if it has gone too far
- bullet.Update();
- // transform applies the movement
- bullet.Transform();
- // do collision detection with all overlay world objects
- for( i=0;i<ARRAYSIZE;i++)
- {
- for( j=0;j<ARRAYSIZE;j++)
- {
- // only need to do collision detect if there is an object
- // at this position
- if ((OverlayMap[i][j]!=0)&&(OverlayMap[i][j]!=6))
- {
- // collision detction treshold is set to 40
- if(collider.SimpleCollision(40,bullet.x,bullet.y,bullet.z,i*45,6,j*45))
- {
- // if their is a collision we set the overlay map entry to 0
- // this means the object wont be drawn anymore
- OverlayMap[i][j]=0;
- // we se bullet alive to false so the bullet wont be drawn
- bullet.alive=false;
- // set distanceTravelled to 0 ready for the next firing
- bullet.distanceTravelled=0;
- // start an explosion at the position of the bullet on
- // collision detection
- explosion.StartExplosion(bullet.x,bullet.y,bullet.z);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // If the explosion is currently alive we need to update it
- if(explosion.alive)
- explosion.Update();
- // We need to call tranform for the car to apply and transformation
- // that resulted from pushing keyboard buttons
- car.Transform();
- switch (camera)
- {
- case 0:{
- SetShoulderCamera();
- break;
- }
- case 1:{
- SetSideCamera();
- break;
- }
- case 2:{
- SetTopCamera();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************************/
- int introScreen()
- {
- // DXURunMedia();
- int t = rand()%9;
- DXUPlayMusic(m[t].x);
- while (DXUProcessMessages()) // Process system Messages
- { // read key board
- DXUReadKeyboard();
- // if Q is pressed return game over
- if (dxuKeyState[DIK_Q] )
- DXUDestroyWindow() ;
- // if S is pressed return SINGLE player game
- if (dxuKeyState[DIK_S])
- return SINGLE;
- if (dxuKeyState[DIK_H])
- return HOW;
- // Other wise draw the background
- DXURenderPrepare();
- DXUDrawSpriteFast(&sprIntro);
- DXURenderFinish();
- }
- // if there was error processing system messages return MESSAGEERROR
- return GAMEOVER;
- }
- /****** HOW TO ********** Display the instruction menu *****************************/
- int how()
- {
- double renderTime = 0;
- while (DXUProcessMessages()) // Process system Messages
- {
- DXUReadKeyboard();
- // if its time to render i.e. a 30th of a second since last time
- if (DXUIsTimeToRender() )
- {
- if ( dxuKeyState[DIK_ESCAPE] )
- {
- return INTRO;
- }
- renderTime += DXUGetSecsPerFrame();
- DXURenderPrepare();
- DXUDrawSpriteFast(&sprHow);
- DXURenderFinish();
- }
- }
- // if there was error processing system messages return MESSAGEERROR
- return GAMEOVER;
- }
- /******************************************* LOAD WORLD **********************************/
- // Load and initialise the 3D world
- VOID LoadWorld()
- {
- DXULoadImage(&imgLife,"life.bmp",DXUCKRGB(0,0,0));
- // initialise life sprite
- DXUSetSprite(&imgLife,&sprLife,32,45);
- DXULoadImage(&imgHow,"how.bmp",DXUCK_NOCOLOURKEY);
- DXUSetSprite(&imgHow,&sprHow,0,0);
- DXULoadImage(&imgIntro,"war1.bmp",DXUCK_NOCOLOURKEY);
- DXUSetSprite(&imgIntro,&sprIntro,0,0);
- car.LoadMesh("gun.x" ); // load the car mesh
- car.LocalTranslation(0,5.9,20); // move car onto ground plane
- explosion.LoadMesh("explode.x" ); // load the explosion mesh
- explosion.LocalTranslation(0,6,0); // move bullet onto ground plane
- bullet.LoadMesh("bullet2.x" );// load the bullet mesh
- bullet.LocalTranslation(0,6,0); // move bullet onto ground plane
- groundgrid.Initialise();
- overlayGrid.Initialise();
- DXULoadFont(&dxuFont,"Times new Roman",10,10); // load the font
- Initialise3DWorld(); // Initialise the world
- InitialiseLights(); // initialise lighting
- }
- /************************************** RELEASE *************************************/
- // Release resources
- VOID ReleaseWorld()
- {
- DXUReleaseFont(&dxuFont);
- car.Release();
- explosion.Release();
- bullet.Release();
- groundgrid.Release();
- overlayGrid.Release();
- }
- /************************************** RENDER ***************************************/
- // Render the world
- VOID RenderWorld()
- {
- TCHAR str[100];
- DXURenderPrepare(); // get ready to render
- // render al objects thats needs to be drawn
- // int t = rand()%9;
- // DXUPlayMusic(m[t].x);
- if(bullet.alive)bullet.Render();
- car.Render();
- groundgrid.Render();
- overlayGrid.Render();
- if(explosion.alive)explosion.Render();
- // get string ready to print frame rate on the screen
- wsprintf(str,"Rendering %d fps",DXUGetFramesPerSecondpp());
- // draw the string to the screen
- DXUDrawTextFast(&dxuFont,str,0,0,DXURGB(0,255,0));
- // Draw the only sprite used on the screen
- DXUDrawSprite(&sprLife);
- DXURenderFinish(); // finish rendering
- }
- /************************************* MAIN LOOP ***************************************/
- // Main:
- int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance,
- HINSTANCE hPreInstance,
- LPSTR lpCmdLine,int nCmdShow)
- {
- // Load the Direct3D COM and Build the current system device list:
- if ( !DXULoadDirectXGraphics() )
- {
- DXUDisplayLastError();
- return -1;
- }
- // Set Window Title Name and window name
- DXUSetWindowInfo(TITLE,"trans",NULL,NULL);
- // Create a WIN32 window:
- if(!DXUCreateWindow(hinstance,0,0,640+6,480+26))
- {
- DXUDisplayLastError();
- return -1;
- }
- // Initialise Windowed Graphics:
- if (!DXUInitGraphics())
- {
- DXUDisplayLastError();
- return -1;
- }
- DXUInitSoundSystem();
- DXUInitMusicSystem();
- // int t = rand()%9;
- // DXUPlayMusic(m[t].x);
- m[0].x = DXULoadMusic("mid0.mid" );
- m[1].x = DXULoadMusic("mid1.mid" );
- m[2].x = DXULoadMusic("mid2.mid" );
- m[3].x = DXULoadMusic("mid3.mid" );
- m[4].x = DXULoadMusic("mid4.mid" );
- m[5].x = DXULoadMusic("mid5.mid" );
- m[6].x = DXULoadMusic("mid6.mid" );
- m[7].x = DXULoadMusic("mid7.mid" );
- m[8].x = DXULoadMusic("mid8.mid" );
- // LoadWorld(); // load and initialise 3D world
- DXUInitInput(); // initialise DirectInput
- DXUInitKeyboard(); // initialise keyboard input
- DXUEnableAlphaBlending(true);
- // Main game loop:
- /* while (DXUProcessMessages()) // Process The system Messages
- {
- DXUReadKeyboard(); // read the keyboard
- if (DXUIsTimeToRender() ) // if its time to render
- {
- LoadWorld(); // load and initialise 3D world
- UpdateWorld(); // update the world objects
- RenderWorld(); // render the world
- }
- }
- */
- /************************************* GAME LOOP *****************************************/
- while(mode!=GAMEOVER)
- {
- // introduction
- if(mode==INTRO){mode=introScreen();}
- if(mode==HOW){mode=how();}
- // start the single player game from first level
- if(mode==SINGLE)
- {
- LoadWorld(); // load and initialise 3D world
- UpdateWorld(); // update the world objects
- RenderWorld(); // render the world
- }
- }
- /********************************************************************************************/
- // Do not forget to release everything:
- DXUReleaseSprite(&sprLife);
- DXUReleaseImage(&imgLife);
- DXUDeleteAllSFX();
- DXUDeleteAllMusic();
- DXUCloseSoundSystem();
- DXUCloseMusicSystem();
- ReleaseWorld();
- DXUReleaseKeyboard();
- DXUCloseInput();
- DXUReleaseGraphics();
- DXUUnloadDirectXGraphics();
- return DXUGetLastMessage()->wParam;
- }
- /**************************************** END OF GAME *************************************/
Message édité par nimo le 02-01-2005 à 19:37:21 ---------------
NEC 3500 | YAMADA 6600 | NIMO_CORP