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  /!\ Topik&Team HFR WC3&Frozen Throne /!\


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/!\ Topik&Team HFR WC3&Frozen Throne /!\

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Posté le 19-03-2003 à 22:52:54  profilanswer

Reprise du premier post (génération automatique) :
Le site officiel de la team HFR WC3:
Merci à Metos pour le super boulot qu'il nous a pu concocter  :jap:
Merci à Popok pour l'excellente initiative de regrouper tte les teams HFR sur un seul et même site  :jap:  
- PATCH 1.05
- Fixed a problem with viewing certain replays.
- PATCH 1.04c
- Dates now use the system date format.
- Fixed some issues related to IME text input.
- Fixed some minor text wrapping issues that were occurring with Asian languages.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to keep Castles and Keeps alive for  
  abnormal lengths of time while those buildings were under attack.    
- PATCH 1.04
- Fixed an issue related to full shared unit control and allied play that could  
  cause one or more players to lose the ability to train or upgrade their own  
- Fixed an issue that caused the experience point bars in profiles  
  to improperly reflect recently gained or lost points.
- Fixed a graphic issue related to the ladder profile and the scroll bar.
- Divine Shield duration increased to 15/30/45 from 10/20/30.
- Divine Shield cooldown changed to 35/50/65 from 60/60/60.
- Avatar cooldown increased to 180 from 120.
- Resurrection mana cost reduced to 200 from 250.
- Sorceress acquisition range increased to 700 from 600, improving the  
  frequency with which Slow is auto-cast.
- Banshee acquisition range increased to 700 from 500, improving the frequency  
  with which Curse is auto-cast.
- Anti-magic Shell is once again dispellable. A summoned unit under a shell  
  does not take damage from the dispel, but will lose the shell.
- Anti-magic Shell mana cost reduced to 50 from 75.
- Sleep duration decreased on Hero units to 5/10/15 from 10/20/30.
- Web duration decreased on Hero units to 7 from 20.
- Animate Dead mana cost reduced to 250 from 300.
- Player-controlled Ghouls no longer turn off pathing against units when they  
  are instructed to harvest lumber.
- Possession now takes 1 second to cast, up from 0.
- Wards are no longer hit by Huntress Moon Glaive bounce.
- Critical Strike no longer receives damage from Thorns Aura. However, the
  Blademaster's base attack associated with a Critical Strike still interacts
  with Thorns appropriately.
Night Elves
- Thorns no longer interacts with Critical Strike.
- Mana Burn mana cost reduced to 50 from 75.
- Mana Burn drain amount reduced to 50/100/150 from 100/200/300.
- Mana Burn cooldown reduced to 7 from 9.
- Huntress damage reduced to 1d3+14 from 1d3+15.
- Metamorphosis cooldown increased to 180 from 120.
- Cyclone duration reduced to 10/5.5 from 30/6 (normal unit/Hero units).
- Starfall cooldown increased to 180 from 120.
- Druid of the Talon (in Night Elf form) acquisition range increased to 700  
  from 600, improving the frequency with which Faerie Fire is auto-cast.
- Ballista Impaling Bolt no longer functions with "Attack Ground."
- Ancient Protector cost reduced to 160/80 from 240/100.
- Ancient Protector hit points increased to 600 from 550.
- Ancient Protector armor decreased to 1 from 2.
- Ancient Protector minimum range reduced to 0 from 200.
- Ancient Protector ranged attack damage reduced to 1d10+44 from 1d13+51.
- Ancient Protector damage type changed to pierce from siege.
- Ancient Protector splash damage reduced.
- Murloc Mutant damage increased to 1d5+24 from 1d2+12.
- Many minor changes were made to many maps due to the balance changes made in  
  patch 1.03 and patch 1.04. Some examples include:
   (4) Lost Temple - Added more shallow water to the islands. Center creep camp  
       is a bit harder. Added Ogre Magi to the corner Ogre creep camps.
   (6) Moonglade - Reduced all creep camps approximately 2 levels.
   (8) The Crucible - All start locations should now be very similar, close to  
       trees with enough room to build. All Goblin Merchant creep camps are  
       now farther off the main path.
  (10) Dustwallow Keys - Fixed the choke point in the bottom left. Moved  
       Razormane creeps off the main paths.
  (12) Ice Crown - Fixed the creep levels so that all camps are equal.
NOTES: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.03 replays  
cannot be viewed with the 1.04 version of Warcraft III.) Custom save games will  
not load from versions 1.03 and below.
- PATCH 1.03
- Each AI player can now be set to one of three different settings:  
  Easy, Normal, and Insane.
- Allied AI will teleport to human allies' towns when the towns are under  
- Allied AI will ping the minimap to indicate where they are going to attack  
- Messages can now be sent when the "Waiting for Players" dialog is up.
- Added PowerPC optimizations and MacOS X 10.2 specific acceleration to the  
  graphics engine.
- Fixed an issue with building reimbursement that could credit a player twice  
  for canceling a building.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when the system date was set to > 2038.
- Fixed map loading crash that could result from custom units that sell too  
  many items.
- Fixed crash with Avance Sound cards. The fix requires a minor change to your  
  registry. If you are experiencing this problem, please contact our technical  
  support staff.  
- Fixed a crash that could occur when loading a corrupted save file.
- Fixed a crash that could occur on custom maps during some unit creation  
- Fixed an issue causing localized versions of maps to be passed unnecessar-
- Fixed Mass Teleport crash that could result from a target unit's dying  
  before spell completes.
- Fixed save/load map interaction that could result in an unresponsive game.
- Fixed an issue related to unit selection and upgrading Human towers.
- Fixed an issue with Dreadlord that could cause him to not take damage  
  from Unholy Frenzy if he had the Sleep skill.
- Fixed some AI mining issues that could occur when their original town  
  hall was destroyed.
- Fixed an AMM chat message bug that could disconnect you if an AMM team  
  game message was sent just before game launch.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to save after choosing "Continue" in a  
  single-player mission.
- Fixed a supply issue related to the Demon Hunter and his Metamorphosis  
- Fixed Zeppelin drop exploit as a method of building locating through fog  
  of war.
- Fixed an issue with saving while "Waiting for Players" dialog was up that  
  could result in a soft lock.
- Fixed an issue that could create an invincible Mountain King.
- Fixed an issue related to graphical display of auras from aura-generating  
- Fixed an issue with Anti-magic Shell so it now properly interacts with  
  magic-immune and non-magic-immune summoned units.
- Fixed disappearance of Sentinel owl in conjunction w/ AOE-targeting  
- Fixed an issue with Huntress' bouncing missile that would allow it to hit  
  a secondary target even if it missed the primary target.
- Fixed an issue with rooted Ancients that would cause them to trigger  
  Goblin Land Mines.
- Fixed an issue related to Hero illusions' carrying a Ring of Protection.
- Fixed an issue with Town Portal spell art.
- Fixed an issue with hit point/mana upgrades and Polymorph.
- Fixed an issue with the Abolish Magic ability and allies.
- Fixed an issue with poison that could kill a unit. Poison, by itself,  
  should only take a unit to the brink of death.
- Fixed an issue related to the interaction of Shift-adding units to a group  
  and unit deaths.
- Fixed an issue related to replays, selection circles, and changing player  
- Fixed an issue with Cyclone and moving units creating aerial footprints.
- Fixed keyboard screen scroll and "Waiting for Players" interaction.
- Fixed several minor text and tooltip issues.
- Fixed a few improper combat sound assignments on creeps and NPCs.
- Frost Wyrm attack now also slows air units.
- AI Keepers of the Grove no longer cast Force of Nature on different cliff  
- Night Elf AI now uses the Wisp's Renew ability effectively.
- Disease (Plague) and poison no longer wake sleeping units.
- Moon Glaive bounce no longer hits invisible units.
- Demon Hunter's attack while in Demon Form no longer damages self or allies.
- Upgraded building shadows no longer update through the fog of war.
- Necklace of Spell Immunity no longer drops a Blademaster's Wind Walk.
- Observers no longer gain full player UI when entering a loaded game.
- Observers no longer get gold/lumber/supply UI when selecting neutral  
- Fog of war updates properly now if you are alt-tabbed out of game.
- War3 now warns you when you save game or screenshot or profile if there's  
  not enough available disk space.
- Improved "We're Under Attack" messages so they trigger at more appropriate  
- Fixed Macintosh World Editor crash.
- Added Unit Editor field for building upgrades.
- Increased number of possible dialog buttons from 5 to 12.
- Added blank entries for all units that don't normally have abilities or  
  attacks, allowing a user to potentially add these through the Unit Editor.
- Added Unit Editor field to set unit sounds to that of another unit type.
- Reorganized limits on pre-placed neutral units.  Neutral hostile  
  buildings now count towards the "unit" limit of 512, and only passive  
  buildings count towards the "building" limit of 96.
- Fixed bug where map auto-save could bypass object limit checks.
- Fixed Sound Editor bug that would sometimes delete an imported sound file  
  from the map if it was imported from outside the War3 directory and the  
  Test Map feature was used before the map was saved.
- Fixed force issue that would cause Force 11 when you selected Force 10  
  for a trigger in the editor.
- Brilliance Aura has been reworked, and is no longer % based.  It now adds  
  a fixed amount of mana per second to units under its power -- .75, 1.5,  
  and 2.25 respectively by level. While it's just as effective with mass spell-
  casters, players will find it is less powerful (though still exceedingly  
  useful) with Heroes.
- Divine Shield now costs 25 mana, down from 75.
- Blizzard no longer goes up in radius as the level of the ability increases.
- Water elementals now last 60 seconds, down from 75.
- Gargoyles' ground attack was substantially upgraded.  They now do 21-24  
  damage, up from 16-18 damage. They also have less armor (3, down from 5),  
  but also hit harder against air units, doing 51-63 damage, up from 46-57  
  damage.  Note that they are still just as effective against air units as  
  they were before, but their ground attack has been much improved.
- Death Pact now costs 50 mana (down from 75), and can be cast twice as  
  frequently as before (15 seconds cooldown from 30).
- Lich Heroes now have far more hit points, as they now have 15 str + 2/level,  
  up from 13 + 1.6/level.
- Frost Armor is now an auto-cast spell which will target units under attack  
  if auto-casting is enabled.  Frost Armor also costs less mana -- 40 down  
  from 50.
- The Spirit Tower Upgrade now costs 160/40, up from 120/40.
- Crypt Fiends' attack was slightly improved.
- Headhunters have more hit points (350, up from 280), but also strike more  
- Stasis Trap no longer stuns friendly units, but has a shorter duration  
  (6 seconds, down from 12 seconds).  Stasis Traps, when they are set off,
  also destroy other Stasis Traps within their area of effect.
- Kodo Beasts now have 1000 hit points, up from 790 hit points.  They also  
  attack more slowly than before.
- Orc Barracks cost less lumber: 50, down from 70.
- Watch Towers now do 16-18 damage, down from 19-22 damage.
- Grunts now have 700 hit points, up 20 from 680.
- Shaman's attack is far less powerful.  They attack somewhat more slowly,  
  and also do 11-12 damage, down from 14-16 damage.
- Stasis Ward and Sentry Ward no longer inhibit movement or building  
Night Elves
- Sentinel can now be removed from a tree with various dispels (Wand of  
  Negation, Dryads, etc.), as well by attacking the tree with a peon or siege  
  unit (previously, the tree had to be destroyed -- now it merely has to be  
- Mana Burn no longer affects units with Mana Burn (Demon Hunters, Satyr  
  Soulstealers, Felhounds, etc.).
- Thorns is now a %-based ability that reflects 10%, 20% or 30% of melee  
  damage dealt by level.
- Wisp's sight radius increased by 25%.
- Detonate now does 225 damage against summoned creatures, up from 150.
- Non-tree buildings now have 5 armor, up from 2.
- Ballistae now have an "Attack Ground" command.
- Force of Nature cooldown reduced to 20 seconds, down from 30 seconds.
- Treants now last 60 seconds, down from 75 seconds.
- Eating trees now gives a constant, non-stacking healing effect for 10  
- Moon Wells now spend mana on health and mana replenishment separately. For  
  instance, if you sent a 0-mana, nearly dead Demon Hunter to a Moon Well,  
  and the Moon Well had 100 mana, your DH would gain 25 mana, and 100 health.  
  Before, the Hero would gain 200 health and 50 mana. This change does not  
  affect the benefits of healing a unit without mana.
- All melee creeps in between levels 1 and 5 are slightly more powerful.
- All creeps of level 6 or higher now have Hero magic resistance.
- Creeps of level 7 or higher will behave more intelligently in general.
- All creeps of level 7 or higher now deal Chaos damage.
- Level 10 Dragons no longer have spell immunity.
- Many minor creep balance tweaks to damage and abilities.
- Mercenaries are now more accurately priced in general, which in most  
  cases amounts to price decreases.
- Scepter of Mastery no longer will drop randomly in multiplayer maps.  
- Tome of Power, Mask of Death both increased in level (8 to 9 and 8 to 10  
- Wand of Lightning Shield is now a level-3 item, down from level 6.
- Sentry Ward item now comes with 3 charges, down from 5.
- Periapt of Vitality now gives 150 hps, up from 100.
- Pendant of Mana now gives 250 mana, down from 300.
- Tome of Experience now gives Heroes 150 experience points, down from 200.
NOTE: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.02 replays  
cannot be viewed with the 1.03 version of Warcraft III.)
- PATCH 1.02a
- Added localized messages.
- PATCH 1.02
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to abuse dragons with Devour.
- Fixed an issue with dragons that could cause them to divert attacks.
- Necklace of Immunity, Tome of Greater Experience, and Goblin Land Mines  
  no longer randomly drop in multiplayer games.
- Scroll of Resurrection & Scroll of Animate Dead item level increased.
- Bridges are no longer destroyable on the (6)Stromguarde.w3m map.
NOTE: Replays are incompatible between major game revisions. (1.01 replays  
cannot be viewed with the 1.02 version of Warcraft III.)
- PATCH 1.01c
- Fixed an issue with copy protection for certain DVD drives.
- PATCH 1.01b
- Fixed a problem where players were disconnected from a game as it was
  starting and thus getting a loss.
- PATCH 1.01
** Welcome to Warcraft III and improved! **
This patch contains various data and code updates necessary for play on as well as some minor balance changes.

Posté le 19-03-2003 à 22:52:54  profilanswer

id PSN chris4535
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Posté le 19-03-2003 à 22:52:54  profilanswer

Malky a écrit :

Afin que les races soient différentes.
Cela dit dans le cas des undeads c'est tout à fait idiot je te le concède ; par contre les dryades n'étant pas des mages et les druides-ours étant plus des guerriers que des mages, ce n'est pas choquant pour les ne ( quoique pour les druides-corbeau ce n'est pas très logique).

ben pour les druid talon , ya pas besoin du hall justement
sinon , clair que pour les ud , cest pas tres logique : jvois pas pkoi faudrai le graveyard pour faire des necro ou banshee
arf jai encore faire un  [:drap] sans faire expres :D

Message édité par Susmab le 19-03-2003 à 22:53:53
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Posté le 19-03-2003 à 22:54:53  profilanswer

oué drapal  :D  :D

J'ai tjrs raison !
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Posté le 19-03-2003 à 22:55:40  profilanswer


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Posté le 19-03-2003 à 23:03:00  profilanswer



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Posté le 19-03-2003 à 23:04:49  profilanswer

bon on ce moment je suis deborde et j ai trop de jeux  
(igi 2, splinter cell, battlefield et wc3 ces chaud a gerer )

[Topik Unik] - Clash Royale        

Transactions (4)
Posté le 19-03-2003 à 23:27:23  profilanswer


Fraggueur en liberté
Transactions (9)
Posté le 19-03-2003 à 23:50:02  profilanswer


Transactions (17)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 00:45:09  profilanswer


Hardstyle disco \o/
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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 09:12:01  profilanswer

[:w3c compliant]

Posté le 20-03-2003 à 09:12:01  profilanswer

Ar bleiz brezhon
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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 11:09:37  profilanswer

ZOG ZOG [:war3_orc]

Certains font l'Histoire, d'autres la subissent
J'ai tjrs raison !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 11:15:24  profilanswer

Quel enfer ces 1ère page de topik unik :whistle:


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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 11:28:57  profilanswer

Petit replay pour féliciter aTiNaO & Nash pour leur excellent
boulot d'équipe pour faire cette game contre de cette team de 3,  
dont 2 des joueurs nous avaient dit de pas zieuter leurs stats
pour pas nous faire peur de début de game (lvl 23 un d'eux, lvl 18
l'autre). [...] _stats.w3g
Conclusion : Mm si on ne gagne pas, le niveau en face n'importe
pas, l'essentiel c de s'amuser et d'essayer de se donner à fond.

Hardstyle disco \o/
Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 11:57:30  profilanswer

Qyridian a écrit :

Petit replay pour féliciter aTiNaO & Nash pour leur excellent
boulot d'équipe pour faire cette game contre de cette team de 3,  
dont 2 des joueurs nous avaient dit de pas zieuter leurs stats
pour pas nous faire peur de début de game (lvl 23 un d'eux, lvl 18
l'autre). [...] _stats.w3g
Conclusion : Mm si on ne gagne pas, le niveau en face n'importe
pas, l'essentiel c de s'amuser et d'essayer de se donner à fond.

purée les boulets :lol:
c con que vous ayez pas gagnés pour les remettre en place :D
ça me rappelle une partie en 4v4 (avec notamment ekinox) où les mecs se la racontaient (ils étaient lvl 21, 21, 20 et 19 en solo), on les a explosés en 10 mins à coups d'inferno trouvés dans les fontaines de crucible [:w3c compliant]

Message édité par Poischich le 20-03-2003 à 11:58:51
J'ai tjrs raison !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 11:57:56  profilanswer

Zoulie game :)Affolant le nombre d'up de lv des héros qd vs êtes chez l'UD jaune lol

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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 13:33:35  profilanswer

snif  :cry:  personne veut de ma Team dans la Faq de HFR
(cf Rassemblement des TEAMS HFR [mise à jour continue] )

Message édité par Kayanwan le 20-03-2003 à 13:34:32
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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 13:35:08  profilanswer
L'avocat du Diable
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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 13:40:55  profilanswer

[:the radec]


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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 13:52:48  profilanswer

Poischich a écrit :

purée les boulets :lol:
c con que vous ayez pas gagnés pour les remettre en place :D
ça me rappelle une partie en 4v4 (avec notamment ekinox) où les mecs se la racontaient (ils étaient lvl 21, 21, 20 et 19 en solo), on les a explosés en 10 mins à coups d'inferno trouvés dans les fontaines de crucible [:w3c compliant]

aTiNaO & Nash ont fait un boulot génial, du coup ils sont morts (les vilains lvl 23, 18 & le dernier vilain) :evil:
Mais mm si on avait perdu, la bataille semblait belle =)

Message édité par qyridian le 20-03-2003 à 17:19:00
bleu 485
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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 17:27:09  profilanswer

:lol:  zete tro for

We have to fight
Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 19:30:35  profilanswer


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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 19:46:58  profilanswer

drapal!! :)

ID PSN/Uplay/Steam: MrPollux, Bnet: MrPollux#2829, Origin: MrPo11ux,

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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 19:56:05  profilanswer

de retour du monde des morts :D

Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 19:57:03  profilanswer

j arrive plus a voir les danseuses nues :/

ID PSN/Uplay/Steam: MrPollux, Bnet: MrPollux#2829, Origin: MrPo11ux,
Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 20:12:16  profilanswer



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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 20:16:45  profilanswer

Qyridian a écrit :

Petit replay pour féliciter aTiNaO & Nash pour leur excellent
boulot d'équipe pour faire cette game contre de cette team de 3,  
dont 2 des joueurs nous avaient dit de pas zieuter leurs stats
pour pas nous faire peur de début de game (lvl 23 un d'eux, lvl 18
l'autre). [...] _stats.w3g
Conclusion : Mm si on ne gagne pas, le niveau en face n'importe
pas, l'essentiel c de s'amuser et d'essayer de se donner à fond.



Transactions (17)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 20:25:25  profilanswer

Qyridian a écrit :

Petit replay pour féliciter aTiNaO & Nash pour leur excellent
boulot d'équipe pour faire cette game contre de cette team de 3,  
dont 2 des joueurs nous avaient dit de pas zieuter leurs stats
pour pas nous faire peur de début de game (lvl 23 un d'eux, lvl 18
l'autre). [...] _stats.w3g
Conclusion : Mm si on ne gagne pas, le niveau en face n'importe
pas, l'essentiel c de s'amuser et d'essayer de se donner à fond.

tiens je viens de le matter aussi en bouffant  :D  
superbe partie  
bien joué  :jap:


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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 20:59:10  profilanswer



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Posté le 20-03-2003 à 21:19:47  profilanswer

Qyridian a écrit :

aTiNaO & Nash ont fait un boulot génial, du coup ils sont morts (les vilains lvl 23, 18 & le dernier vilain) :evil:
Mais mm si on avait perdu, la bataille semblait belle =)

ouaip jolie partie
enfin ne sous-estime pas le rôle de Qyridian dans la victoire  :D ( les stats sont tout de même éloquents....)

Transactions (0)
Posté le 20-03-2003 à 21:41:47  profilanswer

Qyri c'est le chef :sol:

Le roi de la petit côte
Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-03-2003 à 03:39:31  profilanswer

hypnoss a écrit :

Le replay tout chaud :Dqui est le vainqueur ? A voir ds le replay :p [...]

c moi ou le lien est mort? :sweat:

"le prix passe, la qualité reste"

Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-03-2003 à 11:33:22  profilanswer

Malky a écrit :

ouaip jolie partie
enfin ne sous-estime pas le rôle de Qyridian dans la victoire  :D ( les stats sont tout de même éloquents....)  

Les stats je m'en fiche mais on a fait 3 armées complémentaires, on
a bougé ensemble, on s'est amusé comme un groupe de 3 et pas comme
3 individus à part et ça, c de loin le plus chouette =)

Hardstyle disco \o/
Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-03-2003 à 11:55:25  profilanswer

Qyridian a écrit :

Les stats je m'en fiche mais on a fait 3 armées complémentaires, on
a bougé ensemble, on s'est amusé comme un groupe de 3 et pas comme
3 individus à part et ça, c de loin le plus chouette =)

militia + acos + péons ? [:meganne]  

J'ai tjrs raison !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-03-2003 à 15:18:16  profilanswer

worm'skiller a écrit :

c moi ou le lien est mort? :sweat:  

Oula oui et ct un replay en 1.03 en plus

Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-03-2003 à 15:23:10  profilanswer

hypnoss a écrit :

Oula oui et ct un replay en 1.03 en plus

Je m en rappelle  :lol:

Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-03-2003 à 16:35:26  profilanswer

qui vient jouer now ?

Le roi de la petit côte
Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-03-2003 à 20:07:07  profilanswer

ben ca avance pas vite le topic, car ca fesait moins de 1 moins que j etais pas venu ici et le lien est que à 4 pages en arriere. :/

"le prix passe, la qualité reste"
We have to fight
Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-03-2003 à 20:42:14  profilanswer

worm'skiller a écrit :

ben ca avance pas vite le topic, car ca fesait moins de 1 moins que j etais pas venu ici et le lien est que à 4 pages en arriere. :/

kes tou di la toa  :lol:

J'ai tjrs raison !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 21-03-2003 à 21:00:46  profilanswer

macclane_dieharder a écrit :

kes tou di la toa  :lol:  

Il fume des arbres en ce moment


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Posté le 22-03-2003 à 00:47:55  profilanswer

Je vien pour valider mon inscription sur le site
J'ai aussi un nuveau pseudo ki é >>>HFR-Angel...Et je suis déjà lvl 13...
ByE, merci davance... [:ben78610]  
PS:Jesper faire partie de la listes HFRiens du site.

Posté le   profilanswer

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  /!\ Topik&Team HFR WC3&Frozen Throne /!\


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