Je lisait ce topic et j'ai trouvé des infos interressantes sur le dessin de voitures. Le problème c'est que je ne comprend pas tout dans le dernier message de Scootiedigital:
1. ALWAYS DRAW THROUGH. if you do not know what the form looks on the backside you will always be guessing how it will wrap around the front
2. AS A FORM GOES BACK IN SPACE IT COLAPSES (or goes to a vanishing point) AND WHEN THIS IS DONE IT GETS LESS DEFINED THE FARTHER IT GOES BACK. the central focus is usually what is closest to you, and then as it goes farther away, it usualy gets less defined.
"And as always these are general rules, and are not always to be used, but I have found in most cases it holds true. all the way from Roman times up to now. I will include some more images when I find them theye are hidden somewhere deep in the bouls of my computer. Ok here are some examples of quick ideation, on a single plane, notice these are not drawn through shame on me, but for quick empathics I usually don't"
Cela me serai grandement utile de pouvoir comprendre, et je vous remerci d'avance.
Message édité par ngkreator le 30-07-2002 à 13:30:45