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  traduction francais anglais


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traduction francais anglais

Posté le 29-12-2008 à 20:13:00  profilanswer

bonjour, pourriez vous m'aider à traduire cette phrase en anglais, car j'ai tendance a faire de la traduction "mot a mot" ..
Même si els aurtorités chinoises sont devenues plus dures envers les pollueurs, la volonté des gens du gouvernement de hong kong n'y est pas, puisqu'ils privilègient le developpement economique a l'environnement

Posté le 29-12-2008 à 20:13:00  profilanswer

Back from the TTs
Posté le 31-12-2008 à 14:24:25  profilanswer

Even though Chinese authorities are showing less tolerance towards polluters, the true concern of Hong Kong's government still seem uncertain as economic development is still given priority over environmental issues.
Even though Chinese authorities have become increasingly harsh with those who pollute, Hong Kong government's responsiveness remains questionable as economic development is still more important than environmental concerns.
Si d'autres peuvent confirmer...

"Comme disait l'autre con, le 21ème siècle sera à chier ou ne sera pas" Groland
Posté le 31-12-2008 à 16:24:16  profilanswer

Even if the Chinese authorities became harder to pollutants, the will of the members of government of Hong-Kong is not there, because they privilege the economic development has the environment  
J'en suis presque sûr bonne continuation

Posté le 31-12-2008 à 23:18:54  profilanswer

Even if the Chinese authorities have taken a tougher stand against polluters, people from the Hong Kong government do not head into that direction, as they they favour the economic development rather than the environment

Message édité par jadou2291 le 31-12-2008 à 23:19:15
Posté le 04-01-2009 à 12:17:24  profilanswer

Even though (ou althougth )the Chinese authorities have taken a tougher policy against polluters, the willing of the Hong Kong government do not head into that direction, as they  encourage the economic development rather than the environment development.

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