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  help aider moi en anglais


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help aider moi en anglais

Posté le 26-04-2009 à 01:11:02  profilanswer

vous-pouvez lire et corriger mes fautes si j'en ai .. c'est une rédaction de mes vacances.
During my holidays, in first I did my homeworks.  
After, the first Monday I went to my old friend's home.  
His parents had a japanese restaurant,  
so I helped to work,  
it was very funny and interesting.  
During the free time, when the restaurant was closed,  
my friends who had three computers and I took my laptop computer,  
I felt very happy because we played  
together the same game.  
I went in a shop where everything cost less than one euro I bought  
a lot of things like candy, postcard.... .
When I helped them, my tasks were to clean and set the tables,  
there were a lot of tables about one hundred,  
it was very difficult. But after the work I can eat a lot of japanese's food,
 it was delicious.  
One day i felt than  
it very difficult because the restaurant was full and i was  
alone and i had to watch the buffet because my friends were very occupied.  
An other day when i was working i must make a pitcher of cold water but i prepared a pitcher of hot water.
I was so embarrassed.
So, to conclude this holidays were very interesting because  
it was the first time than I worked in restaurant,  
and today I am very happy to have seen again my friends.

Posté le 26-04-2009 à 01:11:02  profilanswer

Posté le 26-04-2009 à 12:15:37  profilanswer

my friends who had three computers and I took my laptop computer  
Mes amis qui avaient 3 ordinateurs et j'ai pris mon ordinateur portable ?

Posté le 26-04-2009 à 12:51:39  profilanswer


Posté le 26-04-2009 à 12:56:58  profilanswer

je suis pas très doué en anglais mais je peux te dire que tu fais des fautes a chaque phrase. je vais t'aider un peu.
to start with, I did my homeworks: pour commencer, j'ai fais mes ...
His parents have a japanese restaurant. (et non pas had)
utilise des mots de liaison, les profs adorents ca, ils mettent beaucoup de points pour cela:
de plus:moreover, furthermore / to concluded , then etc.
my friends who had three computers and I took my laptop computer,  
sa veut rien dire, tu dis simplement que tu as joué au meme jeu que ton ami sur internet parce qu'il a 3 ordi
we have played togeter at the same game in line because my friends have three computers.
i hope that we will can to play together: j'espere que nous pourrons rejouer ensemble
comme je les dis je suis pas très bon anglais, je ne peux pas trops t'aider.

Posté le 26-04-2009 à 12:59:49  profilanswer


Posté le 27-04-2009 à 07:35:47  profilanswer

Leox9 a écrit :

vous-pouvez lire et corriger mes fautes si j'en ai .. c'est une rédaction de mes vacances.
During my holidays, in first I did my homeworks.  
After, the first Monday I went to my old friend's home.  
His parents had a japanese restaurant,  
so I helped to work,  
it was very funny and interesting.  
During the free time, when the restaurant was closed,  
my friends who had three computers and I took my laptop computer,  
I felt very happy because we played  
together the same game.  
I went in a shop where everything cost less than one euro I bought  
a lot of things like candy, postcard.... .
When I helped them, my tasks were to clean and set the tables,  
there were a lot of tables about one hundred,  
it was very difficult. But after the work I can eat a lot of japanese's food,
 it was delicious.  
One day i felt than  
it very difficult because the restaurant was full and i was  
alone and i had to watch the buffet because my friends were very occupied.  
An other day when i was working i must make a pitcher of cold water but i prepared a pitcher of hot water.
I was so embarrassed.
So, to conclude this holidays were very interesting because  
it was the first time than I worked in restaurant,  
and today I am very happy to have seen again my friends.

During my holidays, in first I did my homeworks.  
During my holidays, I did first my homework
After, the first Monday I went to my old friend's home.  
After, the first Monday I visited my old friend: je trouve que tu utilises un peu trop le went
His parents had a japanese restaurant,  
His parents have a japanese restaurant: ils l’ont toujours le restau, je suppose
so I helped to work,  
it was very funny and interesting.  
During the free time, when the restaurant was closed,  
my friends who had three computers and I took my laptop computer,  
Mes amis qui avaient trois ordinateurs et j'ai pris mon ordinateur portable?
Ça n’a aucun sens aussi bien en français qu’en anglais.
As I had my laptop, my friends and I played with our computers

I felt very happy because we played  
together the same game.  
I went in a shop where everything cost[|b]s[/b] less than one euro I bought  
a lot of things like candy, postcard.... .  
I bought a lot of things like candies, postcards....  .
When I helped them, my tasks were to clean and set the tables,  
My tasks were to clean and to lay tables
there were a lot of tables about one hundred,  
it was was very difficult.
 But after the work I can eat a lot of japanese's food,  
But after the work I could eat a lot of food: repetition, on sait qu’il s’agit de bouffe japonaise
 it was delicious.  
One day i felt than  
it very difficultbecause
the restaurant was full and i was  
alone and i had to watch the buffet
Que veux-tu dire par watch:surveiller, faire attention….? Watch veut dire regarder sauf dans l’expression idiomatique watch out!
 because my friends were very occupied.  
An other day when i was working  
i must make a pitcher of cold water
[b]i had to make: concordance des temps

 but i prepared a pitcher of hot water.  
I was so embarrassed.  
So, to conclude this holidays were very interesting because  
it was the first time than I worked in restaurant,  
and today I am very happy to have seen again my friends.

Message édité par TAM136 le 27-04-2009 à 07:36:39
Posté le 27-04-2009 à 12:24:57  profilanswer


Posté le 27-04-2009 à 12:40:33  profilanswer

During my holidays, to start with, I did my homework.  
After, the first Monday I visited my old friend.  
His parents have a japanese restaurant,  
so I helped to work,  
it was very funny and interesting.  
During the free time,  
when the restaurant was closed,  
we have played togeter at the same game in line because  
my friends have three computers and I took my laptop computer.
I hope that we will can to play together
I went in a shop where everything cost less than one euro I bought  
a lot of things like candies, postcards.... .
When I helped them,  
my tasks were to clean and to lay tables,  
there were a lot of tables about one hundred,  
it was very difficult.  
But after the work I could eat a lot of food,
 it was delicious.  
One day the restaurant was full I was  
alone and i had to watch the buffet because my friends were very occupied.  
An other day when I was working i had to make a pitcher of cold water but  
I prepared a pitcher of hot water.
I was so embarrassed.
So, to conclude this holidays were very interesting because  
it was the first time than I worked in restaurant,  
and today I am very happy to have seen again my friends moreover I'll go to his house.
j'espere qu'il n'y a plus de fautes maintenant ...

Posté le 27-04-2009 à 13:08:00  profilanswer

Leox9 a écrit :

I went in a shop where everything costs
I hope that we will can to play together  
I hope that we will be able to play together  

Message édité par TAM136 le 27-04-2009 à 13:11:31
Posté le 27-04-2009 à 18:18:59  profilanswer

ok merci a tout le monde je reopie tout ca et je rends

Posté le 27-04-2009 à 18:18:59  profilanswer

Posté le 28-04-2009 à 16:59:34  profilanswer

Leox9 a écrit :

vous-pouvez lire et corriger mes fautes si j'en ai .. c'est une rédaction de mes vacances.
During my holidays, in first I did my homeworks.  
After, the first Monday I went to my old friend's home.  
His parents had a japanese restaurant
[b][i]his parents have got a Japanses restaurant
so I helped Them  
it was very funny and interesting.  
During the free time, when the restaurant was closed,  
my friends who had three computers and I took my laptop computer,  
My friends and I played videogames together, ce serait pas mieux???parce que là ça fait lourd la tournure que tu as choisi
I felt very happy because we played  
We had a good time.
together the same game.  
I went in a shop where everything cost less than one euro I bought  
Then I went shopping. I bought  a couple of things like candy, postacards at a loosen price.
a lot of things like candy, postcard.... .
When I helped them, my tasks were to clean and set the tables,  
At the restaurant my job consisted in cleanin and setting the tables too.
he restaurant is big, indeed there are about one hundred tables, so it was a little difficult working there, yat I really liked it and I could also taste Japanese food, which is delicious.
there were a lot of tables about one hundred,  
it was very difficult. But after the work I can eat a lot of japanese's food,
 it was delicious.
One day i felt than  
it was very difficult because the restaurant was full and i was  
alone and i had to watch the buffet because my friends were very occupied. busy
An other day when i was working i must make a pitcher of cold water but i prepared a pitcher of hot water.
I was so embarrassed.
So, to conclude this holidays were very interesting because  
it was the first time than I worked in restaurant,  
and today I am very happy to have seen again my friends.
Mon conseil réorganise bien tes idées

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