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W32Time is installed by default on all Windows 2000?based computers (Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server). W32Time uses coordinated universal time (UTC), which is based on an atomic time scale and is the correct term to use when talking about time and time synchronization. UTC is the name for time that is independent of time zone. Time zone information is stored in the computer's registry and is added to the system time just before it is displayed to the user. The W32Time service starts automatically on computers that are joined to a domain. For computers that are not joined to a domain, you can start the time service manually. (See "Configuring W32 Time" later in this article.) On computers that are joined to a domain, time synchronization takes place when the W32Time service turns on during system startup. The Net Logon service looks for a domain controller that can authenticate and synchronize time with the client. When a domain controller is found, the client sends a request for time and waits for a reply from the domain controller. This communication is an exchange of SNTP packets intended to calculate the time offset and roundtrip delay between the two computers. (For complete information on SNTP packet structure, refer to RFC 1769).