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  Mail de microsoft, original ou pas?


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Mail de microsoft, original ou pas?

Posté le 22-12-2007 à 13:48:51  profilanswer

Bonjour à tous,
Voila j'ai réçu ce matin un mail provenant de microsoft (?) ( Vous allez me demander pourquoi tant de septicisme. Je vous répondrai que microsoft est étrangement généreux dans ce mail dont je vais vous copier quelques lignes.
Happy Birthday Windows Vista!  
As we approach the one year anniversary of launching Windows Vista® we want to remember you as one of the many people who downloaded and tested one of the Windows Vista Beta or Release Candidates through TechNet or MSDN®.YOU were a significant contributor to the development of Windows Vista. Your participation was extremely valuable to Microsoft, and we would like to say, “Thank You!”  
To show our appreciation, we have several special offers exclusively available to you.  
Just go to your favorite retail or online store and purchase a standalone, full package Windows Vista Ultimate product, full or upgrade version, and we will match that with a second, complimentary Windows Vista Ultimate Upgrade product key. We will honor a copy you purchased, and first activated, after December 1, 2007. Hurry! This offer expires on January 15, 2008.  
To take advantage of this great offer, simply follow these steps:  
Please note that this key is NOT for resale, although you may give it as a gift to a friend or colleague. Limit one complimentary key per person. Windows Vista Ultimate Academic and Student versions are not included in this promotion.  
Offer 2: We also have one hundred $250 gift certificates to give away!  
To thank you for helping make Windows Vista the most reliable Windows® yet, taking a short online survey and you be entered to win a $250 Amazon gift certificate (US store, shipping worldwide) to spend however you wish.  
Offer 3: Would you like a truly unique computer personally signed by Bill Gates?  
We’d like to give you the opportunity to own a truly unique computer. This computer is the ASUS W5fe. It is very powerful, small, light weight and incorporates the Windows SideShow™ technology. Each one is personally signed by Bill Gates. We have ten available, but you can only enter to win if you participated in the Windows Vista Beta or Release Candidates through TechNet or MSDN.  
Thank again for participating in the Windows Vista Beta Program!  
Thank you!  
Celine Allee  
Director, Windows Client  
Voila, cela me semble trop généreux et très étrange, qu'en pensez-vous?

Posté le 22-12-2007 à 13:48:51  profilanswer

Posté le 22-12-2007 à 22:07:15  profilanswer

De mon côté, j'ai également testé la RC (ou une beta je ne sais plus) de vista, mais n'ait rien reçu de tel.
Donc soit tu as de la chance (pourquoi pas) soit c'est une enième tentative de pishing (je n'ai pas lu ton mail en détail).

Posté le 23-12-2007 à 00:18:12  profilanswer

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  Mail de microsoft, original ou pas?


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