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  [Réglé] compilez vos sites web en un fichier *.exe


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[Réglé] compilez vos sites web en un fichier *.exe

A ta dispoition frère geek :P
Posté le 10-11-2007 à 14:04:23  profilanswer

Bonjour. [...] ebexe.html
Webexe est un logiciel très pratique qui permet de compiler un site web aspiré (entre autre) dans un fichier autoexécutable (*.exe). Très pratique avec plein de fonctions possibles comme interdiction d'impression, de clique droit, de copie etc... etc... C'est génial pour le partage. Seul hic, le développeur ne veut plus continuer le développement et donc le logiciel dans sa version 1.55 a encore des défauts l'empêchant de devenir une référence à savoir ;
- La non prise en compte des scripts/javascript
- La non reconnaissance de nombreux formats d'images présents sur certaines pages web comme le *.png et donc, ça laisse des petits carrés avec des croix rouge à la place, une fois le tout compilé :(
Je souhaiterais savoir si vous connaissez donc des équivalents qui soient aussi complets et qui remédient à ces deux points ?
D'avance merci

Message édité par super_newbie_pro le 30-04-2009 à 13:33:16

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~
Posté le 10-11-2007 à 14:04:23  profilanswer

A ta dispoition frère geek :P
Posté le 30-04-2009 à 13:32:33  profilanswer

HTML Executable :
Testé et approuvé. J'ai longuement discuté avec les devs sur les problèmes rencontrés, une version 3.4 sortira début Mai avec toutes les corrections apportées, c'est LE logiciel qu'il faut, supportant flash, java, iframe, etc... etc...

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~
A ta dispoition frère geek :P
Posté le 08-05-2009 à 06:16:35  profilanswer

HTML-EXECUTABLE vient de passer en version 3.5 et le changelog est assez impressionnant :

Citation :

New skin options and support for semi-transparent toolbar images
    * Improved skin engine and new skins (Windows7, Charm...)
    * Some skins come with new visual effects like the Vista glow effect for buttons.
    * New PNG support for the toolbar. Create toolbar buttons featuring semi-transparency (32-bit images with alpha channel are now handled).
    * You can set the height of the toolbar in the User Interface tab and its buttons (provided that the skinname property is set to resizetoolbutton for any button and resizetoolbar for the toolbar).
    * New image strips with alpha channel for toolbars are provided.
    * Fixed: the Toolbar's Align property did not work properly.
Improved pop-up windows and new tray icon feature
    * Improved display of several popup windows in the same time.
    * Fixed problems when opening a popup window from another popup window: while the second popup shows up, the first popup hides behind the main application window (which was highly undesirable).
    * A new popup tab with options is now available in HTML Executable: change the default popup window size.
    * New menu bars in pop-up windows: you can have a customized menu bar for pop-up windows. It is however the same for all pop-ups.
    * New useful commands in the Global default script that can be invoked from pop-up windows or the tray menu like printing the contents of a pop-up, closing the pop-up... HEExitPublication, HERestoreFromTray, HECloseCurrentPopup, HEPopupPrintPreview
    * New Tray Icon option to show an icon in the system tray related to the publication. The Tray Icon can get its own customized menu in addition to some default commands like Restore and Exit.
    * New HEScript Tray Icon Functions: TrayShowMainForm, TrayHideMainForm, ShowBalloonHint, HideBalloonHint.
    * When the Tray Icon option is active, the publication can be minimized in the system tray instead of the taskbar.
    * New target option for menu and toolbar button items.
Better search feature
    * Improved search panel (search hints are displayed, better display of search results).
    * New wild card operator * for searching in publications.
    * Fixed problems with word highlighting in IE publications.
    * Improved HTML parser, more word delimiters were added. Words with less than 2 characters are ignored.
    * Fixed: words in the exclude list are no more highlighted.
    * New Find button in the Search panel.
Security enhancements, new options for trial ebooks, online activation
    * New online activation method for registering publications. It requires the HTML Executable Activation Kit (see the documentation).
    * New Deactivation feature to uninstall a registration key definitively from a computer.
    * New blacklist option for stolen or refunded registration keys.
    * Improved the Global Password feature: in order to create a set of 'acceptable' passwords that can be unique, when distributing to a set of customers, wild card characters are accepted: Allowed: # digit (0..9), _ character a..z and A..Z, * any character.
      So, you can set up the following global password: 123-4**-A** (and so any character can be input for the wildcard place holder).
    * Security profiles were extended to SWF files (for instance, you can configure whether some slides in a Flash-powered presentation can be displayed or not if the user is not registered).
    * New OnExpiredPublication event in UserMain that lets you define what should happen when a publication expires. For instance, once the global expiry date has been reached an alert box tells the user that the program has expired and the program terminates. Now you can trap this process in script and navigate to an information page instead.
    * Improved security for publications.
    * New OnInvalidPasswordAtStartup event in UserMain that lets you define what should happen when the user enters an invalid password at startup.
    * The key generator for publications was updated so the 0 character is replaced by H: it was difficult for the end-user to tell the difference between the number 0 and the letter O. Please upgrade your existing implementations of the key generator.
    * Updated trial and registration dialog boxes.
Better support for third-party plug-ins
Publications now optionally run an internal HTTP server. This should definitively fix problems like both playing MP3, MP4, and FLV resources in Flash movies, reading Windows Media files (WMA, WMV) with no Internet connection, displaying Java applets... Take a look at the documentation about how to configure it.
Added a topic about how to use Microsoft Silverlight applications in compiled publications.
New HEScript-related functions
    * New global variable HEInternetCachePath that contains the TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES path.
    * New OnStartMainWindow event in UserMain.
    * New HEScript functions and objects: file open & save dialog boxes OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog, FileExists, strExtract, SetClipboardText and GetClipboardText (copy/retrieve text to/from the clipboard), ClearIECacheOrHistory (to clear the cache or history in IE), LoadHTMLFromMemory lets you display a HTML page from memory, TMemoryStream encapsulates a memory stream to store data easily, NavigateCommand supports the Cut operation (IE only), Optical Zoom IN / OUT functions (IE7 and IE8 only), ActivePopupName to get the name of the pop-up which is focused.
    * New help topic about how to call external DLL functions.
    * New Reset button for System HTML pages.
    * Now the TOC has a DefaultTarget property (in User Interface) and each TOC entry can have its own target (special targets also work).
    * New Expand property for each TOC item to show some open topics at startup.
    * Fixed a problem with OnWindowCloseQuery
    * Improved HTML Engine for HTML Viewer Publications:
          o Fixed: HTML Publications did not load images whose filenames had spaces.
          o Allow background: none; to suppress background color.
          o Fix problem where caret could not be found in text to left of floating object.
          o In stylesheets, accomodate comments like /*****/.
          o Fix problem with underlining some Chinese and Japanese characters for some fonts.
          o Fix problem with 3 or more nested <ul>s in a table when the end tags were missing.
          o Fix clip region error when printing with high dpi resolution.
          o Fix problem stretching small (like 1 pixel) png images.  
    * Updated documentation.
    * New samples.
New runtime module version references: 1.4.0.
    * WARNING: The key generator for publications was updated. Please upgrade your existing implementations of the key generator. PHP, C# codes were updated.
    * Several new resource and system strings were added.
    * You should use PNG images for the toolbar buttons now. BMP images are still supported though.
    * System HTML pages were updated. Be sure to reset them when you load an old project.
    * SSearchResHTMLCellFormat has updated contents.
    * Runtime modules accept publications made with HTML Executable 3.3.x.

Le seul compilateur à ma connaissance à prendre en charge frames, iframes, java, scripts, anim flash et vidéos flash ! Problème réglé donc. Merci  :hello:

Message édité par super_newbie_pro le 08-05-2009 à 06:17:05

~ Camping thématique LA RESSOURCE sur l'autonomie ~

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  Windows & Software

  [Réglé] compilez vos sites web en un fichier *.exe


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