pop_pop System.NoBeerException | apres google et son Gmail, voici 30gigs.com ...
l'outsider ne propose pour le moment pas beaucoup de fonctionnalités, mais ses créateurs se montrent confiant et annoncent une liste non exhaustive intérressante :
Code :
- Main priority: Enable the user options menu (to edit account info, folders, password, etc..)
- Re-arrange links. (signout will be on top right on all pages, reply below new messages, etc..
- Add welcome email for new signups
- Fix invite scrolling when the users email is longer than space allowed by auto line formatting
- Extend login time and redirect users who are currently logged in from homepage to mailbox
- Auto notification when someone you invite accepts your invite and creates a account
- Auto add to address book people who you invite and accept
- Create Web based interface where users can upload files and sort them, instead of having to email themself with a file attached
- Create a status bar that shows current disk usage
- Create a "ignore" system to auto ignore emails with certain text inside
- Add Search to inbox
- Remove Inbox.folder and have them renamed just as they are.
- Send email as function. This will allow you to send a email from any other address (EG, yourname@yourdomain.com, after we verify that you own this email address)
- Add Geo targetting window to left side, showing you the IP and GUI Map of the senders location
- Add multi language Support
- Create Notifier program (Very similar to Gm*il Notifier)
- Add GD2 security to signup form.
extrait de http://www.30gigs.com/development/
un autre extrait de ce qui est PREVU
Citation :
The status bar showing your quota
GD2 Geo targeting which will show you on a map where that email you just got came from.
Anonymous email, the ability to press "send as anonymous" instead of send.
Complete revamp of the inbox, including WYSIWYG editor, quick reply, and much much more.
FILE UPLOAD SYSTEM. This has been a real pain for us to work on, but its coming along nicely. Inside your inbox, you will have a link to a file upload center, where you can upload files and organize them with folders. There will be a 600 meg limit for uploaded files via this system.
30 Gigs notifier, which will sit in your system tray.
POP/IMAP access
Si pour l'instant le site semble un peu lent, les prétentions sont tout de même de faire une place parmis les plus grands, avec pour argument principal l'espace de stockage disponible : 30 Giga octets ( ).
Les fonctionnalités disponibles pour le moment sont guere nombreuses, mais j'en retient une tres interressante : l' email icon
( please no spam that's my real mail but feel free to send me fun stuff/svp pas de spam c'est mon vrai email mais vous pouvez m'envoyer des trucs funs)
Cela vous permet de passer au travers des spambot qui cherche a recolter des emails un partout y comprit sur les forums. Simple sympa et efficace.
D'autres infos à venir, screenshots à venir |