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  [HTML] Pas de scrollbars sur une page sans frame... !?


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[HTML] Pas de scrollbars sur une page sans frame... !?

Posté le 08-11-2001 à 16:05:25  profilanswer

Je ne voudrais pas que les scrollbars apparaissent sur la page. Je sais le faire qd il y a des frames: il faut mettre scrolling=no dans le framset. Mais comme justement il n'y a pas de frame sur ma page, il n'y a dc pas de frameset...
comment alors fait-on ??

Posté le 08-11-2001 à 16:05:25  profilanswer

Posté le 08-11-2001 à 16:21:10  profilanswer

je sais que tu peux le faire en javascript avec
Chapter 1, Objects, Methods, and Properties 527
Opens a new web browser window.
Syntax open( URL, windowName[, windowFeatures])
Description In event handlers, you must specify instead of simply using
open(). Due to the scoping of static objects in JavaScript, a call to open()
without specifying an object name is equivalent to
The open method opens a new Web browser window on the client, similar to
choosing New, then Navigator Window from the Navigator File menu. The URL
argument specifies the URL contained by the new window. If URL is an empty
string, a new, empty window is created.
You can use open on an existing window, and if you pass the empty string for
the URL, you will get a reference to the existing window, but not load anything
into it. You can, for example, then look for properties in the window.
windowFeatures is an optional string containing a comma-separated list of
options for the new window (do not include any spaces in this list). After a
window is open, you cannot use JavaScript to change the windowFeatures.
You can specify the following features:
Method of window
Implemented in JavaScript 1.0
JavaScript 1.2: added several new windowFeatures
URL A string specifying the URL to open in the new window. See the
Location object for a description of the URL components.
windowName A string specifying the window name to use in the TARGET
attribute of a FORM or A tag. windowName can contain only
alphanumeric or underscore (_) characters.
windowFeatures A string containing a comma-separated list determining whether or
not to create various standard window features. These options are
described in the following section.
528 Client-Side JavaScript Reference
Table 1.4 Optional features to specify for a new window.
windowFeatures Description
alwaysLowered (JavaScript 1.2) If yes, creates a new window that floats below
other windows, whether it is active or not. This is a secure
feature and must be set in signed scripts.
alwaysRaised (JavaScript 1.2) If yes, creates a new window that floats on top
of other windows, whether it is active or not. This is a secure
feature and must be set in signed scripts.
dependent (JavaScript 1.2) If yes, creates a new window as a child of the
current window. A dependent window closes when its parent
window closes. On Windows platforms, a dependent window
does not show on the task bar.
directories If yes, creates the standard browser directory buttons, such as
What’s New and What’s Cool.
height (JavaScript 1.0 and 1.1) Specifies the height of the window in
hotkeys (JavaScript 1.2) If no (or 0), disables most hotkeys in a new
window that has no menu bar. The security and quit hotkeys
remain enabled.
innerHeight (JavaScript 1.2) Specifies the height, in pixels, of the window's
content area. To create a window smaller than 100 x 100 pixels,
set this feature in a signed script. This feature replaces height,
which remains for backwards compatibility.
innerWidth (JavaScript 1.2) Specifies the width, in pixels, of the window's
content area. To create a window smaller than 100 x 100 pixels,
set this feature in a signed script. This feature replaces width,
which remains for backwards compatibility.
location If yes, creates a Location entry field.
menubar If yes, creates the menu at the top of the window.
outerHeight (JavaScript 1.2) Specifies the vertical dimension, in pixels, of the
outside boundary of the window. To create a window smaller
than 100 x 100 pixels, set this feature in a signed script.
personalbar (JavaScript 1.2) If yes, creates the Personal Toolbar, which
displays buttons from the user’s Personal Toolbar bookmark
resizable If yes, allows a user to resize the window.
screenX (JavaScript 1.2) Specifies the distance the new window is placed
from the left side of the screen. To place a window offscreen, set
this feature in a signed scripts.
screenY (JavaScript 1.2) Specifies the distance the new window is placed
from the top of the screen. To place a window offscreen, set this
feature in a signed scripts.
scrollbars If yes, creates horizontal and vertical scrollbars when the
Document grows larger than the window dimensions.
status If yes, creates the status bar at the bottom of the window.

titlebar (JavaScript 1.2) If yes, creates a window with a title bar. To set
the titlebar to no, set this feature in a signed script.
toolbar If yes, creates the standard browser toolbar, with buttons such as
Back and Forward.
width (JavaScript 1.0 and 1.1) Specifies the width of the window in
z-lock (JavaScript 1.2) If yes, creates a new window that does not rise
above other windows when activated. This is a secure feature
and must be set in signed scripts.
Table 1.4 Optional features to specify for a new window.
windowFeatures Description


[edtdd]--Message édité par Woof--[/edtdd]

Posté le 08-11-2001 à 16:24:05  profilanswer

ok thx, je vais essayer

Yoooup...merde ça marche pas..
Posté le 08-11-2001 à 16:25:12  profilanswer

j'ai deja mal à la tete...

Posté le 08-11-2001 à 16:27:15  profilanswer


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  [HTML] Pas de scrollbars sur une page sans frame... !?


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