Citation :
strSQL = "select cote.indice, cote.cote_actuelle " & _
"from t_detail_vin pr, type_vin vin, (select ind.id_tvin,ind.milesime millesime,c.cote cote_actuelle, ind.id_indice indice from t_indices ind,cote_annuelle c where ind.id_indice = c.id_indice and ind.format in('Bouteille') and c.annee='2010' and ind.id_indice not in ('1','2','3') and ind.id_indice < '100') cote" & _
"where vin.id_tvin = pr.id_tvin and pr.milesime = cote.millesime and vin.id_tvin=cote.id_tvin and vin.proprietaire not in ('Indifferent') and vin.proprietaire is not null order by cote.indice"