Code :
- <?php
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // Nuked-KlaN - PHP Portal //
- // //
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // This program is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify //
- // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
- // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. //
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- if (!defined("INDEX_CHECK" ))
- {
- die ("<center>You cannot open this page directly</center>" );
- }
- global $nuked, $language, $user;
- translate("modules/Recruit/lang/" . $language . ".lang.php" );
- opentable();
- if (!$user)
- {
- $visiteur = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- $visiteur = $user[1];
- }
- $ModName = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
- $level_access = nivo_mod($ModName);
- if ($visiteur >= $level_access && $level_access > -1)
- {
- compteur("Recruit" );
- if ($nuked['recrute'] > 0)
- {
- function index()
- {
- global $nuked;
- if ($nuked['recrute_charte'] != "" )
- {
- $charte = BBcode($nuked['recrute_charte']);
- $charte = icon($charte);
- echo "<br /><table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" width=\"90%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
- . "<tr><td align=\"center\"><big><b>" . _RECRUIT . "</b></big></td></tr>\n"
- . "<tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td>" . $charte . "</td></tr></table>\n"
- . "<form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?file=Recruit\">\n"
- . "<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"form\" />\n"
- . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _IAGREE . "\" /> <input type=\"button\" value=\"" . _IDESAGREE . "\" onclick=\"javascript:history.back()\" /></div></form>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- form();
- }
- }
- function form()
- {
- global $nuked, $user, $language;
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
- ."<!--\n"
- ."\n"
- . "function verifchamps()\n"
- . "{\n"
- . "if (document.getElementById('recruit_pseudo').value.length == 0)\n"
- . "{\n"
- . "alert('" . _NONICK . "');\n"
- . "return false;\n"
- . "}\n"
- . "\n"
- . "if (document.getElementById('recruit_lastname').value.length == 0)\n"
- . "{\n"
- . "alert('" . _NOLASTNAME . "');\n"
- . "return false;\n"
- . "}\n"
- . "\n"
- . "if (document.getElementById('recruit_age').value.length == 0)\n"
- . "{\n"
- . "alert('" . _NOAGE . "');\n"
- . "return false;\n"
- . "}\n"
- ."\n"
- ."if (document.getElementById('recruit_mail').value.indexOf('@') == -1)\n"
- ."{\n"
- ."alert('" . _BADMAIL . "');\n"
- ."return false;\n"
- ."}\n"
- ."\n"
- . "if (document.getElementById('recruit_icq').value.length == 0)\n"
- . "{\n"
- . "alert('" . _NOICQ . "');\n"
- . "return false;\n"
- . "}\n"
- ."\n"
- . "return true;\n"
- . "}\n"
- ."\n"
- . "// -->\n"
- . "</script>\n";
- echo "<br /><form method=\"post\" action=\"index.php?file=Recruit\" onsubmit=\"return verifchamps();\">\n"
- . "<table style=\"margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;text-align: left;\" width=\"90%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" border=\"0\">\n"
- . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><big><b>" . _RECRUIT . "</b></big></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"> </td></tr>\n"
- . "<tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _NICK . " : </b></td><td><input id=\"recruit_pseudo\" type=\"text\" name=\"pseudo\" value=\"" . $user[2] . "\" size=\"20\" /></td></tr>\n"
- . "<tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _FIRSTNAME . " : </b></td><td><input id=\"recruit_lastname\" type=\"text\" name=\"prenom\" size=\"20\" /></td></tr>\n"
- . "<tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _AGE . " : </b></td><td><input id=\"recruit_age\" type=\"text\" name=\"age\" size=\"3\" /></td></tr>\n"
- . "<tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _MAIL . " : </b></td><td><input id=\"recruit_mail\" type=\"text\" name=\"mail\" size=\"25\" /></td></tr>\n"
- . "<tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _ICQMSN . " : </b></td><td><input id=\"recruit_icq\" type=\"text\" name=\"icq\" size=\"25\" /></td></tr>\n"
- . "<tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _COUNTRY . " : </b></td><td><select name=\"country\">\n";
- if ($language == "french" )
- {
- $pays = "France.gif";
- }
- $rep = Array();
- $handle = @opendir("images/flags" );
- while (false !== ($f = readdir($handle)))
- {
- if ($f != ".." && $f != "." && $f != "index.html" && $f != "Thumbs.db" )
- {
- $rep[] = $f;
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- sort ($rep);
- reset ($rep);
- while (list ($key, $filename) = each ($rep))
- {
- if ($filename == $pays)
- {
- $checked = "selected=\"selected\"";
- }
- else
- {
- $checked = "";
- }
- list ($country, $ext) = split ('[.]', $filename);
- echo "<option value=\"" . $filename . "\" " . $checked . ">" . $country . "</option>\n";
- }
- echo "</select></td></tr><tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _GAME . " : </b></td><td><select name=\"game\">\n";
- $sql = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM " . GAMES_TABLE . " ORDER BY name" );
- while (list($game_id, $nom) = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
- {
- $nom = stripslashes($nom);
- $nom = htmlentities($nom);
- echo "<option value=\"" . $game_id . "\">" . $nom . "</option>\n";
- }
- echo "</select></td></tr><tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _CONNECT . " : </b></td><td><select name=\"connex\">\n"
- . "<option>" . _56K . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _NUMERIS . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _ADSL . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _CABLE . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _T1 . "</option>\n"
- . "</select></td></tr><tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _EXPERIENCE . " : </b></td><td><select name=\"exp\">\n"
- . "<option>" . _LESS1MONTH . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _LESS6MONTH . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _LESS1YEAR . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _MORE1YEAR . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _MORE2YEAR . "</option>\n"
- . "</select></td></tr><tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _AVAILABLE . " : </b></td><td><select name=\"dispo\">\n"
- . "<option>" . _EVENING . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _WEEKEND . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _HOLIDAY . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _THREE . "</option>\n"
- . "<option>" . _OTHER . "</option>\n"
- . "</select></td></tr><tr><td style=\"width: 20%;\"><b>" . _COMMENT . " : </b></td><td><textarea name=\"comment\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"10\"></textarea></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\"> </td></tr>\n"
- . "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _SEND . "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"send_recruit\" /></td></tr></table></form><br />\n";
- }
- function send_recruit($pseudo, $prenom, $age, $mail, $icq, $country, $game, $connex, $exp, $dispo, $comment)
- {
- global $nuked;
- $inbox = $nuked['recrute_inbox'];
- $email = $nuked['recrute_mail'];
- $date = time();
- $date2 = strftime("%x %H:%M", $date);
- $pseudo = addslashes($pseudo);
- $prenom = addslashes($prenom);
- $age = addslashes($age);
- $mail = addslashes($mail);
- $icq = addslashes($icq);
- $country = addslashes($country);
- $connex = addslashes($connex);
- $exp = addslashes($exp);
- $dispo = addslashes($dispo);
- $comment = addslashes($comment);
- $pseudo = htmlentities($pseudo);
- $prenom = htmlentities($prenom);
- $age = htmlentities($age);
- $mail = htmlentities($mail);
- $icq = htmlentities($icq);
- $country = htmlentities($country);
- $connex = htmlentities($connex);
- $exp = htmlentities($exp);
- $dispo = htmlentities($dispo);
- $comment = htmlentities($comment);
- $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . RECRUIT_TABLE . " ( `id` , `date` , `pseudo` , `prenom` , `age` , `mail` , `icq` , `country` , `game` , `connection` , `experience` , `dispo` , `comment` ) VALUES ( '' , '" . $date . "' , '" . $pseudo . "' , '" . $prenom . "' , '" . $age . "' , '" . $mail . "' , '" . $icq . "' , '" . $country . "' , '" . $game . "' , '" . $connex . "' , '" . $exp . "' , '" . $dispo . "' , '" . $comment. "' )" );
- $subject = _RECRUIT . ", " . $date2;
- $corps = $pseudo . " " . _NEWRECRUIT . "\r\n" . $nuked['url'] . "/index.php?file=Recruit&page=admin\r\n\r\n\r\n" . $nuked['name'] . " - " . $nuked['slogan'];
- $from = "From: " . $nuked['name'] . " <" . $nuked['mail'] . ">\r\nReply-To: " . $mail;
- $subject = @html_entity_decode($subject);
- $corps = @html_entity_decode($corps);
- $from = @html_entity_decode($from);
- if ($email != "" )
- {
- mail($email, $subject, $corps, $from);
- }
- if ($inbox != "" )
- {
- $sql2 = mysql_query("INSERT INTO " . USERBOX_TABLE . " ( `mid` , `user_from` , `user_for` , `titre` , `message` , `date` , `status` ) VALUES ( '' , '" . $inbox . "' , '" . $inbox . "' , '" . $subject . "' , '" . $corps . "' , '" . $date . "' , '0' )" );
- }
- echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _SENDRECRUIT . "</div><br /><br />";
- redirect("index.php", 2);
- }
- switch ($op)
- {
- case"index":
- index();
- break;
- case"form":
- form();
- break;
- case"send_recruit":
- send_recruit($pseudo, $prenom, $age, $mail, $icq, $country, $game, $connex, $exp, $dispo, $comment);
- break;
- default:
- index();
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _RECRUITOFF . "</div><br /><br />";
- }
- }
- else if ($level_access == -1)
- {
- echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _MODULEOFF . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";
- }
- else if ($level_access == 1 && $visiteur == 0)
- {
- echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _USERENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><b><a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=login_screen\">" . _LOGINUSER . "</a> | <a href=\"index.php?file=User&op=reg_screen\">" . _REGISTERUSER . "</a></b></div><br /><br />";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<br /><br /><div style=\"text-align: center;\">" . _NOENTRANCE . "<br /><br /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\"><b>" . _BACK . "</b></a></div><br /><br />";
- }
- closetable();
- ?>