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Auteur | Sujet : background ie [crazy] |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses |
Message édité par kirua_sama le 16-07-2005 à 21:05:51 |
![]() Publicité | Posté le 16-07-2005 à 12:49:45 ![]() ![]() |
snarky | tu devrais mettre un fond noir déjà et puis enlever le rouge egalement pour le remplacer par du ... noir
masklinn í dag viðrar vel til loftárása |
--------------- I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing? |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | bah pas dans mon exemple mais l'interet est dans toute la page.... vous voulez juste le probleme alors ou toute la page ????, faut savoir |
snarky | <div id="menu"> |
![]() Publicité | Posté le 16-07-2005 à 16:32:29 ![]() ![]() |
snarky | .menus
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | oki merci mais ca ne change absolument rien pour mon backgrond sous IE |
masklinn í dag viðrar vel til loftárása | c'est #menu pour accéder aux menus, sacs à caca
--------------- I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing? |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | " enc... d'ie |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | euh masklinn j'ai pas du tout compris ton post ..... |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | non parce que en faite je me suis tromper dans mon exemple :
masklinn í dag viðrar vel til loftárása | première partie, mal lu, 2e partie, c'est pourtant clair:
--------------- I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing? |
snarky | div class="spacer"> </div> |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses |
plainsofpain Pingouino's lover |
--------------- http://www.alsacreations.com , http://www.openweb.eu.org. Mon CV : http://cv.roane-irkana.net/. Exemple à ne surtout pas suivre : www.worldinternet.be |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | poru te repondre masklinn euh bah |
masklinn í dag viðrar vel til loftárása |
--------------- I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing? |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | plainsofpain non c'etait pour faire que si le texte etait plus petit que l'image de ma news ou si ma news etait plus grande que mon text ^^ c'est SIBELUS qui m'a dit de faire comme ca en allant voir les exemple de openweb ^^ j'ai repris exactement la meme chose que l'exemple ( y'a un clear: both dedans ^^ ).
masklinn í dag viðrar vel til loftárása |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | Lorsque j'enleve un div ca fait n'importe quoi..... |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | loool non on s'est mal compris je ne criais pas c'etait juste pour que ca ressorte du code .... ^^.
masklinn í dag viðrar vel til loftárása | --------------- I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing? |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | tu parle pour copain la ?? a oue mais..... roo t'a raison je croi |
masklinn í dag viðrar vel til loftárása |
--------------- I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing? |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | Si je positionne directement le <ul> y'a le ul du menus qui est affecte.... meme si je precise .menus ul {
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | ????? euh tu veu dire faire un truc comme ca:
masklinn í dag viðrar vel til loftárása | Mais qu'est-ce que tu racontes
Message édité par masklinn le 16-07-2005 à 18:45:17 --------------- I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing? |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | oue enfin c'etait dans l'idee |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | par contre je peu faire ca :
afbilou pouet your life | http://www.yoyodesign.org/doc/w3c/css2/selector.html
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | oki donc:
afbilou pouet your life |
afbilou pouet your life | Fallait lire ET comprendre |
masklinn í dag viðrar vel til loftárása |
--------------- I mean, true, a cancer will probably destroy its host organism. But what about the cells whose mutations allow them to think outside the box by throwing away the limits imposed by overbearing genetic regulations? Isn't that a good thing? |
kirua_sama Learn sciences with senses | moi je veux faire des enfant B de A
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