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Auteur | Sujet : JEDIT : (Editeur modulable) VERSION 4.3 Final !! |
Publicité | Posté le 23-07-2010 à 11:08:22 |
kpouer | Très joli bug TBone, faut dire que tu es l'un des rares qui utilisent cette feature.
kpouer | Euh non à ma connaissance pas de plugin pour aider à faire des macros.
kpouer | jEdit 4.4.1 (final) est sorti ce matin |
kpouer | Salut, je viens juste signaler la sortie de 4.5pre1 la première préversion de jEdit 4.5.
TBone Pouet. | merci et le mode suivi est activé --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
TBone Pouet. | tiens... j'ai un blam!
Message édité par TBone le 12-12-2011 à 14:03:57 --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
kpouer | En effet en supprimant les api deprecated de jEdit j'avais bien corrigé le plugin mais personne ne l'avait releasé, je viens de soumettre la demande. |
Publicité | Posté le 12-12-2011 à 16:19:45 |
TBone Pouet. |
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
kpouer | Salut, jEdit 4.5.0 est sorti hier
TBone Pouet. | installed !
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
TBone Pouet. | 'llo,
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
kpouer | Tu veux dire que tu ne peux pas resizer la view plus petit que la largeur des onglets ? |
TBone Pouet. | en fait, une fois que je configure la disposition de BufferTabs sur "Left", je n'ai pas de séparateur Tabs <-> View et donc je n'ai pas de handle me permettant de resizer la View. Ex: crée un fichier s'appelant dringsovieaifnvaenfvpnefvuznviuzdbfviudbfvmzibvmzibvmizbvmizufbvzmiebvzmeifbvziebvmiezfbvzemifbvsmvnamfnvmzaeifnvsjdfvlsqdfbvsdfbvlsdfbvskdlfbvlsdfbvlsdfbvsdbfvlsdfbvlshdbfv.txt Message édité par TBone le 15-03-2012 à 16:06:10 --------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
kpouer |
TBone Pouet. |
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
kpouer | Alors là en effet tu peux pas resize entre buffertabs et la textarea, je pense que c'est impossible. Une solution serait peut-être de réduire la longueur du nom affiché et de mettre des tooltips pour le voir en entier |
TBone Pouet. | ce serait cool un tooltip avec un nom affiché genre "mon_long[...]fichier.txt"
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
kpouer | Salut, la version 4.5.1 de jEdit est sorti. |
TBone Pouet. | mise à jour effectuée
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
TBone Pouet. | ça fait un bail dites-donc
--------------- As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this. |
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