Whichever format the fan may want to listen is fine with us – vinyl, wax cylinders, shellac, 8-track, iPod, cloud storage, cranial implants – just as long as it’s loud and rockin' (Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top)
Loom the Gloom
Even coders get the blues...
Posté le 04-02-2004 à 11:10:06
joyeux anniversaire
Posté le 04-02-2004 à 11:11:06
Bon, naniv, et attention à pas trop bouffer de gateau ...
Whichever format the fan may want to listen is fine with us – vinyl, wax cylinders, shellac, 8-track, iPod, cloud storage, cranial implants – just as long as it’s loud and rockin' (Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top)
Bon anniversaire, gros dindon Oublie pas de mettre le tablier pour enchaîner les burgers
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself | It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own | Early clumsiness is not a verdict, it’s an essential ingredient.
Mr yvele
yvele n'est plus.
Posté le 04-02-2004 à 11:45:32
yvele n'est plus.
Modérateur Modosaurus Rex
Posté le 04-02-2004 à 12:41:49
There's more than what can be linked! -- Le capitaine qui ne veut pas obéir à la carte finira par obéir aux récifs. -- No jab ? No job ! -- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Whichever format the fan may want to listen is fine with us – vinyl, wax cylinders, shellac, 8-track, iPod, cloud storage, cranial implants – just as long as it’s loud and rockin' (Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top)
Whichever format the fan may want to listen is fine with us – vinyl, wax cylinders, shellac, 8-track, iPod, cloud storage, cranial implants – just as long as it’s loud and rockin' (Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top)