nimo New.Internet.Master.Operator | Merci grace a toi ca marche, voila ce que j'ai changer:
Code :
- void initEnemies()
- {
- int i,x,y;
- for (i=0;i<NUM_ENEMIES;i++){
- DXUSetSprite(&imgEnemy,&enemies[i].sprite,x,y); // set the sprite
- enemies[i].alive=TRUE;
- enemies[i].posx = 0;
- enemies[i].posy = i * 20;
- enemies[i].posx=(double)enemies[i].sprite.x;
- enemies[i].posy=(double)enemies[i].sprite.y;
- enemies[i].direction.x-=5;
- enemies[i].direction.y=(double)(rand()%100)/100.0;
- enemies[i].speed=2+(double)(rand()%3);
- }
- }
mon autre problem c'est que quand je tire une bullet, elle ne va pas horizontal mais elle va en vertical
Es ce que je code que j'ai et mauvai?
Code :
- void initBullets()
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<NUM_BULLETS;i++){
- DXUSetSprite(&imgBullet,&bullets[i].sprite,0,0); // set the sprite
- bullets[i].posx=bullets[i].sprite.x; // set floating point position
- bullets[i].posy=bullets[i].sprite.y;
- bullets[i].alive=FALSE; // set alive to false
- bullets[i].speed=10; // set speed to 10 (faster than enemies)
- }
- }
Code :
- void renderBullets()
- {
- int i,j;
- for (i=0;i<NUM_BULLETS;i++){
- if(bullets[i].alive){
- // bullet is alive so move its position by mutiplying the x and y components
- // by its speed. Note that these values are stored as doubles for accuracy
- bullets[i].posx=bullets[i].posx+(bullets[i].direction.x*bullets[i].speed);
- bullets[i].posy=bullets[i].posy+(bullets[i].direction.y*bullets[i].speed);
- // round the floating point position by casting as int ready for drawing
- bullets[i].sprite.x=(int)bullets[i].posx;
- bullets[i].sprite.y=(int)bullets[i].posy;
- //if the bullet has gone off the screen thenkill it
- if(bullets[i].posx<0||bullets[i].posx>640||bullets[i].posy<0||bullets[i].posy>480){
- bullets[i].alive=FALSE;
- }
- else {
- // otherwise draw it
- DXUDrawSprite(&bullets[i].sprite);
- // check for collision of bullets and enemies
- for (j=0;j<currentTotalEnemies;j++){
- if((PPSpriteCollision(&bullets[i].sprite,&enemies[j].sprite))
- &&enemies[j].alive&&bullets[i].alive)
- {
- // on collision kill enemy
- enemies[j].alive=FALSE;
- // invcrement enemiesKilled counter for this level
- enemiesKilled++;
- // invcrement enemiesKilled counter for all levels
- totalEnemiesKilled++;
- // kill the bullet
- bullets[i].alive=FALSE;
- // start an explosion
- explosions[explodeCounter].alive=TRUE;
- explosions[explodeCounter].sprite.x=enemies[j].sprite.x;
- explosions[explodeCounter].sprite.y=enemies[j].sprite.y;
- explosions[explodeCounter].scale.x=1.0;
- explosions[explodeCounter].scale.y=1.0;
- explosions[explodeCounter].scaleInc=0.1;
- explosions[explodeCounter].transparency=255;
- // increment explosions counter, and reset it to 0 if itexceeds arhero bounds
- explodeCounter++;
- if(explodeCounter>=NUM_EXPLOSIONS)explodeCounter=0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
Code :
- void releaseBullets()
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<NUM_BULLETS;i++){
- DXUReleaseSprite(&bullets[i].sprite);
- DXUReleaseImage(&bullets[i].image);
- }
- }
Merci Message édité par nimo le 25-10-2004 à 20:56:11 ---------------
NEC 3500 | YAMADA 6600 | NIMO_CORP