Je me suis amusé a recompiler mon noyau, et donc j'ai 2 noyaux a disposition. Le 1er marche toujours bien.
Mais si je charge le 2eme, il bloque en m'affichant:
(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVdriver kernel module!
(EE) NVIDIA(0): *** Aborting ***
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a suitable configuration.
La solution (que je n'ai pas encore testée...) est:
Q: I just upgraded my kernel, and now the NVIDIA kernel module won't load. What's wrong?
A: The kernel interface layer of the NVIDIA kernel module must be compiled specifically for the configuration and version of your kernel.
If you upgrade your kernel, then the simplest solution is to reinstall the driver.
ADVANCED: You can install the NVIDIA kernel module for a non running kernel (for example: in the situation where you just built and installed a new kernel, but haven't rebooted yet) with a command line such as this:
sh --kernel-name='KERNEL_NAME'
Where 'KERNEL_NAME' is what `uname -r` would report if the target kernel were running.
Message édité par Rasthor le 04-05-2003 à 20:54:16