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  Rumeur : Sega et la XBOX ---> c'est fini !!


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Rumeur : Sega et la XBOX ---> c'est fini !!

HFR Powered since 1998
Transactions (19)
Posté le 10-05-2002 à 15:41:00  profilanswer

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SEGA is to officialy announce that they are longer going to develope for the Xbox, games in production are going continue and be released, following their release no more games will be scheduled for the machine.  
SEGA will then continue to allocate 60% of it's development resources for the PS2 and the remaining %40 for the Gamecube.  
The software which is already available on Microsoft's machine will be ported over to either of the two systems.  
Exactly which one will get which software is information which is not available at this moment in time but will be announced with the rest of the announcement at this upcoming E3.  

Les jeux en cours de développement seront finis puis l'ensemble des jeux futurs sortiront à raison de 60 % sur PS2 et 40 % sur Gamecube ....

Posté le 10-05-2002 à 15:41:00  profilanswer

Serge Kara​mazov
Tilt d'or 1993
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Posté le 10-05-2002 à 15:41:35  profilanswer
je commençais juste à m'amuser
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Posté le 10-05-2002 à 15:43:37  profilanswer

elle sort d'ou cette rumeur puisque c'est bien une rumeur n'est ce pas? un lien? sega a t il approuvé?

HFR Powered since 1998
Transactions (19)
Posté le 10-05-2002 à 15:50:05  profilanswer

Ba merde j'avais pas vue l'autre ... :D :D
Le texte ci-au-dessus vient d'un professionnel sur le forum NTSC-UK.

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  Rumeur : Sega et la XBOX ---> c'est fini !!


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