specification du GPU de la dreamcast j'ai nomer la powervr2 custom(speciale DC):
100 MHz clock rate
100 Mpixels/sec (200 to 300 Mpixels/sec deferred rendering rate)
7 million fully textured, lit and shadowed polygons per second
geometry can be triangles, quads, and polygon strips
full CPU load balancing
tile accelerator
full floating-point geometry and texture setup engine
performance that scales up with faster CPUs
32-bit accurate floating point z-buffering with no RAM accesses
unified frame buffer and texture memory
VQ (vector quantization) texture compression with 5:1 compression ratio (average for a set of mip-mapped textures)
full alpha blending modes supported
image super-sampling for full scene anti-aliasing
perspective correct bilinear, trilinear, and anisotropic texture filtering
perspective correct ARGB gouraud shading
specular highlighting with offset colours
environment mapping
hardware translucency sorter
volumetric effects (shadows, lens flare, etc)
multiple fog modes
bump mapping
full DirectX and OpenGL blending modes (back-end multi-pass rendering with micro-tile accumulation buffers)
3D in a Window
max resolution of 1600 by 1200 in 24-bit color
RAMDAC (230Mhz)
manufactured in NEC's leading 0.25-micron process
2 to 32 MB of 100 MHz SDRAM
Pas mal hein ?