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[Topic Unique] • The Bards Tale IV : Barrows Deep •

visiteur d​u futur
Futur du soir
Transactions (22)
Posté le 12-10-2018 à 10:12:52  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
Si tout va bien je teste ça ce week-end et ferai un état des lieux sur la jouabilité du truc :jap:  
Ce sera mon "premier contact" donc avis neutre j'espère :D

"Actually, doing things get you fired. In fact, I'm writing a book on this very phenomena." "Really, you're writing a book ?" "No because that would be DOING something !"
Posté le 12-10-2018 à 10:12:52  profilanswer

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 12-10-2018 à 11:19:31  profilanswer

J'ai relancé hier... et j'étais en 16:9... alors que le 21:9 marchait avant. Je change donc et plantage... reload, plantage à nouveau. J'ai mis une résolution à la con puis plein écran et enfin 21:9 et ça a marché.
C'est pas encore gagné cette affaire.
Après le jeu m'a semblé plus "fluide" et plus "beau"... mais je n'ai pas assez joué pour savoir si c'est vrai ou non.

Message édité par BillyCorgan le 12-10-2018 à 11:21:11

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

Transactions (0)
Posté le 12-10-2018 à 11:21:43  profilanswer

bon suivit en tout cas, je recommencerai à jouer en janvier je pense, le temps de poursuivre sur pathfinder, et jouer à AC odyssée  

visiteur d​u futur
Futur du soir
Transactions (22)
Posté le 12-10-2018 à 11:33:29  profilanswer

Téléchargement en cours : 60 Go sur le DD qu'il prend le bousin ! Crénom.


On va toucher du bois et découvrir la chose ce soir ! :)   En tout cas, à la différence de ce que vous semblez dire sur Pathfinder KM, on dirait qu'Inxile sait faire son suivi et que les patchs vont dans le bon sens pour eux.


Je suis assez optimiste sur cette histoire :bounce:   et comme ça, ça pourra laisser le temps à P:KM  de sortir ses propres patchs.


(de toute manière, trop de jeux en backlog et BlackFriday dans un gros mois :sweat:   faut bien choisir ses priorités !)

Message édité par visiteur du futur le 12-10-2018 à 15:09:16

"Actually, doing things get you fired. In fact, I'm writing a book on this very phenomena." "Really, you're writing a book ?" "No because that would be DOING something !"
Les ailes du courage
Transactions (3)
Posté le 12-10-2018 à 15:34:45  profilanswer

J'attends ton retour ou celui des autres avec une certaine impatience.
Je n'ose commencer le jeu sans cela...


Transactions (0)
Posté le 12-10-2018 à 17:04:17  profilanswer

J'ai repris ma partie depuis l'update 2.. 52 h de jeu,  niveau histoire c'est loin d'être palpitant.. au moins ça se laisse suivre sans la moindre difficulté :o , les combats sont clairement le point fort du jeu, j'aime beaucoup leur rythme..  on ne passe pas sa vie à attendre que les ennemis terminent leur tour, tout s'enchaine assez rapidement.  
L’impact des coups est bien rendu et globalement c'est plutôt bien animé. Mention très bien pour les différents chants qui participent énormément au charme du jeu, contrairement à l'aspect graphique largement daté et grossier, tout l'aspect conception graphique véhicule un niveau d'amateurisme assez marqué, les sorts et autre effets graphique ne sont pas en reste, dans l'ensemble c'est sympa bien que les effets soit très très voir trop coloré...soirée disco inside  :lol: parfois ça jure un peu beaucoup, la DA reste correct pour ce genre de jeu bien que parfois ça tombe dans le truc assez barré mais pas forcément déplaisant.  
Les différents arbres de compétences reste assez pauvre, il y a quand même de quoi faire mais c'est pas la profusion, pas sûr que les harcordeurs du build y trouve leur compte, mais c'est surtout la limitation de 4 compétences active qui est la plus pète couille. :o  
Niveau bugs... ou situation wtf, j'ai eu des ennemis qui glissaient sur la zone de combat ouais ouais  :lol: pour les toucher je devais lancer les sorts à là volé quand ils passaient sur la case appropriée  [:drdoom:3] sans déconner!!  [:theorie du nerdz:4]
Des bugs d'inventaire en tout genre que je ne détaille pas parce que c'est pas forcément impactant, ou encore,  je ne sais pas si c'est un bug... mais  les marchands ne renouvellent jamais leur stock ou leur thune même en changeant de zone et pire, vu que la totalité des marchands ne possèdent que 3 pages d'inventaire, je me retrouve assez souvent dans impossibilité de vendre mon précieux trésors de guerre.   [:beretta93]
Après il y a aussi des bugs en combat, genre des buff qui ne fonctionne pas, ou encore des attaques sur les ennemis qui semblent fonctionner mais quand tu regardes sa barre de vie  aucun dégâts  [:korner:3]
Les énigmes restent assez simple, pour ne pas dire assez bas de plafond... 'fin j'ai pas encore tout vu donc à confirmer. :o  

Message édité par nepheast le 12-10-2018 à 17:07:26

visiteur d​u futur
Futur du soir
Transactions (22)
Posté le 12-10-2018 à 17:12:31  profilanswer

Ai pu tester rapido une petite demi-heure déjà.


Mon sentiment : p***** wahou !
La musique est magistrale  :love:
Les voix en VO, oh bordel que c'est bon :love:
L'ambiance dans la ville au coucher, puis les passages souterrains !
L'introduction avec cette superbe narration et ces beaux dessins ultra stylés :love:
Le propos du jeu qui m'a déjà l'air très "witcher-ien" dans ses enjeux


Et 0 lag ou bug pour le moment . Après j'ai pas une config de fou. Le truc est fluide et je trouve plutôt joli, même si  ça décolle pas la rétine.


En revanche le fov m'a l'air un peu limité... :/


Ça reste une impression très briève. Faut continuer avant un avis plus poussé.


Mais pour l'instant je le sens bien !

"Actually, doing things get you fired. In fact, I'm writing a book on this very phenomena." "Really, you're writing a book ?" "No because that would be DOING something !"
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 12-10-2018 à 18:00:52  profilanswer
Transactions (1)
Posté le 13-10-2018 à 08:51:12  profilanswer

Le FOV peut se régler. Et si tu joues en VO, le jeu est très bon :)
La VF a peut être été améliorée depuis ceci dit.

Meilleur jeu du 20ème siècle
Transactions (0)
Posté le 13-10-2018 à 09:32:04  profilanswer
Posté le 13-10-2018 à 09:32:04  profilanswer


Transactions (0)
Posté le 17-10-2018 à 21:17:48  profilanswer

Terminé en 79h, malgré les pb qu’il se traine, le jeu reste sympa.. enfin principalement pour les combats, beaucoup moins convaincu par l’histoire et aussi les énigmes et autre puzzles qui sont bien trop simples.  

Barbe's powaaa
Transactions (0)
Posté le 31-10-2018 à 14:22:43  profilanswer

Terminé également, avec quelques regrets dans la mesure où le jeu ne permet pas de revenir en arrière une fois engagé dans la trame scénaristique finale : /
Du coup, je suis passé à côté de deux trois éléments que j'avais laissé de côté, dommage...
Sinon, franchement, de mon point de vue, très chouette RPG.
De très bonnes idées, comme les armes elfiques légendaires avec leurs trois niveaux de puissance.
Les combats sont bien sympas et au niveau des puzzles, certains sont tout de même capilo-tractés  :pt1cable:

Message édité par Corbier le 31-10-2018 à 14:23:18
Meilleur jeu du 20ème siècle
Transactions (0)
Posté le 19-11-2018 à 21:11:29  profilanswer

Longue interview de Brian fargo par eurogamer suite au rachat du studio [...] -interview

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 20-11-2018 à 22:25:12  profilanswer
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 20-11-2018 à 22:32:58  profilanswer

What is Legacy Mode?
With the Second Sight update, we’ve added a whole suite of options to customize your play experience that we call Legacy Mode. You can play the game like a modern first person adventure or wind back the clock, turn off auto-mapping, activate grid based movement, and step your way through our dungeons and overworlds like you’re back in the 80’s.
Legacy Mode Features:
Grid Move (BETA): You can now play using grid-based movement! This feature has been a long time coming and we worked hard to get that classic game feel while still working with all our more modern elements and overworld design. You’ll have the option to grid move with full free look enabled at all times or play in a more classic mode in which your camera is rotated for you as you walk forward along the grid. There's still polish on this feature left to do, but rather than holding back for longer we wanted those of you who are passionate about this feature to try it out and let us know what you think, and what you feel the most important improvements to the system would be. Let us know what you think on the forums!
Note: For those turning this feature on in an pre-patch 4 save game, you’ll notice many NPC’s aren’t looking directly at you in the world while moving on the grid. We adjusted NPC’s to better align with the movement grid, but to make that change propagate in existing games it’d require wiping out the NPC’s save data That would reset things such as their inventory, which we wanted to avoid at all costs.
Save Anywhere: This has been our most requested feature. You can now save the game (almost) anywhere in the game. Save through the pause menu, or use F5 and F9 to quick-save and quick-load. While save anywhere is active, you cannot consume luck-stones for bonus experience. A small price to pay.
Some areas have been blocked off from saving for technical reasons, and if that’s the case you’ll see a prompt appear letting you know that’s the case. Usually just moving somewhere else in the room or level will resolve that issue.
Auto-Resurrect: For an extra bit of difficulty, you can deactivate auto-resurrect. This will cause characters who fall in combat to only resurrect upon finding a luck stone. Food will also not revive characters while this is active.
Perma-Death: This mode is only for the bold. If your entire party is incapacitated, your save file is permanently deleted. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. This option cannot be changed once it’s been set and can only be set on new games.
Enemy Reactions: Deactivate enemy reactions to stop enemies from chattering and taunting.
Auto-Mapping: You can deactivate auto-mapping entirely, resulting in all your maps appearing black with no icons. Break out your graph paper.
Mini-Map: You can toggle how prominent your mini-map is on screen. You can set it to always show, only show while your adventurer’s HUD is up, or never show at all.
Show Waypoints: Toggle waypoints on or off, if you hate being told where to go.
Show Enemies On Map: Toggle weather or not enemies appear on your map and mini-map, for an extra challenge.
The A-Team is back: You can spend 8 mercenary tokens at Mercy the mercenary vendor to hire 6 adventurers who are fully geared for war and ready to rock.
Brian the Fist, the Fichti Paladin
El Cid, the Dwarven Fighter
Markus, the Elven Bard
Sir Grady, the Trow Rogue
Merlin, the Einarr Conjuror
Omar, the Elven Magician
Adventurer Re-Spec’ing: By spending a mercenary token at the Review Board, you can refund an adventurer's skill points.
Legendary Difficulty: A 4th difficulty tier has been added, increasing enemy difficulty by 100% over normal mode.
Balance Changes:
Drunkenly Empowered rhyme of the duotime no longer affects itself
Drinking, while already plastered, will not continue to double your strength with each drink.
Clerics can now target themselves with Change Fate.
The Lunge passive on Elven Boots now only triggers when the owner uses their move ability, and not when moved by others. Additionally, it can only be triggered once per turn.
Poison damage was increased substantially and is now based on the level of the character it’s applied to, instead of being based on the applicators strength.
On Fire status effect damage is now based on the level of the character it’s applied to, instead of the applicators strength. The damage shouldn’t be vastly different for most characters, but you’ll see low strength characters able to deal much more damage with fire, while very high strength characters might see a slight drop in the damage dealt by that status effect.
In light of this change, Crux’s passive has been adjusted to deal only a token, comical amount of damage if he applies it to your own team.
Alguin now has 34 intelligence, down from 86. This means Alguin is much more likely to have his focus broken during Alguin’s Gambit.
Razor Strop had its base bonus damage reduced by 25%, and its base duration reduced to 2 turns, down from 3.
The Razor Strop item had its passive, Finely Honed Blade, fixed so it now correctly increases the duration of Razor Strop by 2 turns.
The caster of All Together is now able to cancel the order, taking all his/her allies out of the stance that he/she granted them.
Increased the damage per spell point dealt by the Veteran passive to +3, up from +2.
The Veteran skill now grants max spell points.
Increased the damage per spell point dealt by Spell Blade to +2, up from +1.
Several skills in the Cleric tree now grant bonus spell points, to help Rogues and Fighters spec into Cleric.
Mangar’s Mallet’s Spell Point cost has been increased to 8, up from 6. Its damage has been reduced to 1.5x your intelligence, down from 2.5x your intelligence. Trust me, its still an amazing value.
Oscons Halt Foe is now battle ready. Its Spell points have been reduced to 5, down from 8. Its cooldown is increased to 4, up from 1. Basically, its cheaper to pull off, but you can’t do it as often.
All Together’s cooldown has been decreased to 2, down from 3.
If a warrior is wielding a buckler and grants Deflect to his allies via All Together, those allies will benefit from the Stubborn Defense passive.
The damage ratio on Dueling Stance is increased to 0.8x your strength, up from 0.5x
Dueling Stance’s opportunity cost has been reduced to 1, down from 2.
Wayland’s Watch is now Battle Ready, while its cooldown has been increased to 2, up from 1.
Deflect is now Battle Ready.
Cultists Wizards have had their intelligence doubled, making their arcane barrages deal more damage, and their focus harder to break.
The loot weight on Black-jacks and Razor Strops has been doubled, making them appear more often in chests.
Blood Pact’s change to trigger has been increased to 50%, up from 30%.
Last Breath has its cooldown increased to 3, up from 2.
The damage of Passing Slash has been increased.
Elixirs of Focus now grant a flat intelligence increase instead of a % based one. This will benefit low intelligence characters more, and high intelligence characters less.
Lesser elixirs grant 4/8 intelligence.
Greater elixirs grant 6/12 intelligence.
Arcane Barrage’s damage now scales on a diminishing curve, instead of linearly. This means it’ll do slightly more damage early game, but characters with higher than 20 intelligence will see a gradual falloff in damage-to-intelligence ratio.
Soul Leech can now only trigger 3 times per turn, instead of infinitely.
The Inner Peace passive no longer increases the channel duration of meditate by +1 turns.
Conjurors mark now deals damage equal to 33% your strength, instead of 40%. Additionally, its AOE damage has been halved and it can only be triggered by non-spell attacks. This was done because of how dominant spell spamming was as a strategy, and spells triggering the mark added too much bonus damage without any real coordination with your team.
The 3 buff from vorpal plating are now mutually exclusive. Applying one of those buffs will remove any existing buffs that might be on that adventurer.
Horrifying vorpal plating has its duration reduced to 1 turn, down from 2.
The Rogue’s infiltrator passive no longer hides the entire party. It now hides the rogue and any adventurer’s standing directly to his right or left. This stealth now only lasts 1 turn, down from 3. This was done because infiltrator passive was simply negating too much damage, and there were plenty of ways for the party to effectively deal damage in that time (like razors strop or meditate) that wouldn’t reveal them. Hopefully rogues position at the start of combat, and who you choose to hide, will be more strategic, while still allowing the enemy to get hits in on some characters.
The acidic boon line now works as such:
Acrid now has a 50% chance to apply one stack of rend.
Caustic now has a 100% chance to apply one stack of rend.
Acidic now has a 100% chance to apply one stack of rend. If the target has no armor, it’ll apply the Melting status effect instead, causing them to take bonus damage with each attack.
The Electrifying boon line now works as such:
Jolting now generates a single stack of status each time a non-damaging ability is performed, up to a maximum of 3 stacks.
Shocking now generates 2 stacks of static each time a non-damaging ability is performed, up to a maximum of 4 stacks.
Electrifying now generates 2 stacks of static each time a non-damaging ability is performed, up to a maximum of 6 stacks. Each time an enemy is stunned in this way, there’s a 15% chance to stun the entire enemy team.
All traps now deal true damage, meaning that armored characters can now take meaningful damage from traps.
Fixed an issue where early access and backer reward items, like the Red Boots, weren’t showing interaction FX when they should.
Fixed an issue in which Sundering Smash wasn’t displaying the correct amount of armor it should rend. The damage rent was higher than what was being displayed. The tooltip was fixed to match the higher value.
Torches and the Blazing Star now correctly show their abilities while viewing them in the inventory.
The rusty berserkers horned helmet has been reduced to its intended 1x1 size, down from 2x2
Other Fixes:
More improvements to performance and stability
Fixed an issue where viewing the Red Boots tooltip in non-english languages caused a crash.
Fixed the Swiftness, Clear Mind, Fleet Footed, and To Me! Passives to only work while your language was set to English.
The Master Thief passive now works correctly. Burgle to your heart's content. For the record, the chance rob a merchant is set to 40%.
Fixed a bug in which the Rabble-Rouser and Commander passives weren’t properly saving their bonus opportunity if the party member was moved out of the party and back in, or if they gained the skill directly inside character creation.
The master 1-handed weapon skills in the bard’s skill tree will now properly save.
Baedish Mercenaries now correctly benefit from their bonus skill points granted to them by their cultural passive.
There’s now a pop-up window warning you before you pick up the Hungering Blade that this action initiates the end game, and that you may want to complete and side quests before doing so.
Lumbering Strike now reaches enemies 3 spaces away, as advertised in the tooltip.
Your Guild Roster can now hold any number of benched adventurer’s while they aren’t in your party.
Fixed a bug that could result in Fichti party members sometimes unnecessary saving nearby allies from non-lethal damage.
Mercenaries who learn dancing lights during character creation will no longer have that ability forced onto their mastered abilities after level loads.
Fixed several text overlap issues, several of them pertaining to localized text.
The Long Bow’s passive, Blot out the Sun, now correctly reduces the cost of Rain of Arrows from 2 opportunity down to 1.
Fixed several issues involving characters not having a body while not wearing armor. They now correctly show their potato sack cloths when not wearing armor.
Taunt no longer causes enemies to trigger move twice, which resulted in some instances of bleed triggering twice from a single taunt.
Improvements have been made to NPC beards.
The descriptions of the Throw Bomb and To Me! Abilities have been updated to better reflect their functionality.
Cleaned Hutar, Captain Beckwith, and Fatherite Paladin AI so they’re better able to seek you out in combat.
Improvements to character teeth
The Scorcherer no longer appears after his quest has been completed.
Several gameplay options are now correctly quarantined to your save file. Options, such as difficulty, will now be local to your save file. If you have multiple active saves, they’ll each maintain their own difficulty settings.
A new HUD raise/lower sound has been added that’s subtler.
Harmonic Shielding now correctly adds and subtracts armor. There is still a known issue where the UI doesn’t always update correctly, but we confirmed the armor is being applied and so you’ll still benefit from it.
Additional artistic points of interest have been added to Skara Brae Underground.
Fixed several instances of combats starting in or below collision.
Fixed an issue that resulted in dragon’s bile puddles persisting after combat, and having blocking collision that made it hard to move around. Both issues have been fixed.
The Razor and the Source Dagger now correctly synergize with the Spellblade passive.
Fixed a visual bug in which drunkenly empowered Sanctuary score would heal you just before you died, making it looks like a bug, when in fact the damage you took was great enough to kill you through the heal. It’ll no longer show the healing if you’d die as a result anyways.
The Feast and Famine abilities have been fixed to do the correct amount of damage, as advertised. Their tooltips have been updated to display what damage type they deal.
All characters can now wield the Hungering Blade. All practitioner parties can now defeat the mad god.
Fixed an issue where characters would appear incapacitated but have positive health.
You can now talk to Kian regardless of what quest step you’re on.
A Model Quality setting has been added to the options menu
Fixed an issue where the static charge status effect icon would persist after combat.
The bonus focus buff from Elixirs of Focus now correctly last for 2 turns, instead of only one.
Fixed a lock-pick panel in the Glade of Mathan so that you could interact with it.
Fixed several issues relating to status effects not stacking atop each other properly, including Drunken Wayland’s Watch, Drunken Falkentyne’s Fury, and Rend.
You can now view tooltips in the options menu.
Fixed a crash related to winning combat while a Siambra Dhu had an explosive arrow attached to one of your adventurer’s.
Fixed an issue where existing the game and re-opening the game at a certain point in alguins tower would create an invisible barrier, blocking progression.  
The Logician Dinner Party quest no longer updates how many books you have simply by moving the books around in your inventory.
Song of Compulsory Cavorting now breaks enemy focus, as intended. When this happens you’ll see the enemy isn’t dancing, but is still stunned as intended. We opted to push this fix without the dancing animation fix rather than leave the bug in.
Several optimization, LOD, and culling fixes in the Forest of inshriach.
Fixed an issue where you could charge enemies right when being spotted, or walking into them, and you’d start combat with the enemies behind you.
Fixed an issue in which Sanctuary Score’s status effect icon wouldn’t be removed if it were removed from enemy damage.
Known major issues
If you attempt to save and load during the end-game credits and re-battle the final boss fight, the game may crash. To avoid this bug please avoid saving during the credits and load your last save game from the main menu instead. You can skip the credits by pressing escape and going to the main menu.
Non-english languages will not re-color or highlight ability keywords. Ex: Battle Ready or Stance.
Attacking a concerned citizen before Jarnels Eyes effects have faded results in bugged materials on the enemy model
There’s a small edge case in which you’re able to transform a goblin into a cultist during the illusory Dalgliesh fight if you’re able to hit both Illusory Dalgliesh and a goblin at the same time before Illusory Dalgliesh has transformed. The bug is aesthetic only, and shouldn’t block completion of the fight.
In the main menu, if you go into the load game menu, hit escape to close that menu, then press escape again, the buttons on the main-menu will hide. You’ll need to just restart the game to proceed at that point.
Purchasing the “Wand of Peace” book from Feargal will not start the Wand of Peace quest as intended. Instead, the quest automatically starts when you enter the Lodge of the Siambra Dhu dungeon.
While on “The Hungering Blade” quest, no waypoints appear to guide you to Mother Nain while in the Baedish Lowlands.
Using the new Save Anywhere feature you’re able to avoid combat with Mangar in Kylearan’s Tower, save/load inside his chamber, and place your game in a bugged state that might require loading a backup save to resolve.
If you right click on an item in your inventory, move your mouse away, right click again, select destroy or split, and then leave the destroy or split confirmation window, then the escape button will not close the inventory and you’ll have to use either I or the close button at the top-right.
Repeatedly pressing Esc during the fade in transition to any NPC conversation, may cause soft lock for players
Trow are wearing ill-fitting boots.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 20-11-2018 à 23:19:08  profilanswer

Petit test rapide et il y a vraiment du mieux, le jeu ressemble enfin à quelque chose de plus "terminé". J'y ai passé (refais encore le début) 30mns sans problème particulier. Tout en ultra 21:9 j'étais dans les 90/100fps et malgré quelques sensation de "flottement" ça allait.
C'est plutôt mignon et l'ost semble pas mal du tout.
Je vais pas tarder à enfin lui donner sa chance je crois.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Meilleur jeu du 20ème siècle
Transactions (0)
Posté le 08-06-2019 à 14:28:08  profilanswer

La director's cut a été repoussé à fin de l'été mais Inxile a fait une vidéo montrant un aperçu de cette director's cut

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 08-06-2019 à 17:33:50  profilanswer

Comme quoi j'aurais bien fait d'attendre... une fois encore.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Meilleur jeu du 20ème siècle
Transactions (0)
Posté le 12-07-2019 à 09:46:24  profilanswer
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 12-07-2019 à 12:51:04  profilanswer

En effet, il est apparu sur Steam pour ceux ayant déjà le jeu original.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 27-08-2019 à 08:59:16  profilanswer

The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut disponible à 19h.  :jap:

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

Transactions (0)
Posté le 27-08-2019 à 14:02:21  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut disponible à 19h.  :jap:

Merci. Je me laisserais bien tenter si effet on a une version peaufinée  :)

"A toute chose sa saison, et à toute affaire sous les cieux, son temps"
Meilleur jeu du 20ème siècle
Transactions (0)
Posté le 27-08-2019 à 20:46:41  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

The Bard's Tale IV: Director's Cut disponible à 19h.  :jap:

J'attendrais un peu si j'étais vous

Citation :

Known Issues & Bug Reporting 08/27/19
Below are the known issues arriving with the game’s launch. They are currently being investigated and should be addressed in upcoming patches. Please consult before reporting any bugs in the thread below for discussion. You can also consult our help site[] and submit tickets through there.
Known Issues 08/27/19
    Mac build will be slightly larger than 55gigs.
    Linux mode has a bug with respawning combats that is currently being investigated.
    [PC] Choosing to keep Melody in a new playthrough will result in a fatal error crash
    [Combat] Rapidly issuing commands may cause one of the spaces on the combat grid to become locked
    [Combat] Game may crash after queuing up many actions by the character with Honed passive
    [Controller Support] Swapping game inputs from mouse and keyboard to Controller (and visa versa) will cause quest item interactions to break.
    [Shield][Config]Title crashes when user exits to the desktop naturally from gameplay during introductory cutscene.
    Duplicate windows are created when the title is changed from windowed mode at a lower resolution to full screen while on the non-primary display
    [Harkyn's Castle] Title may crash during the 99-wave combat
    [Save System] Random crashes when performing save/load operations
    NPCs sometimes fail to load which makes it impossible to interact with them
    [Orkan Rookery] First bridge will stop rebuilding mid animation if the second bridge will start rebuilding
    [Combat] Game may crash upon using Dragon Breath ability
    Road Chatter moments are not firing correctly when multiple party members enter/exit the party
    [Skara Brae Underground] Approaching the Standing Stones will loop party members chatter
    Fog of war covers the entire explored map after reloading the level
    [Mac/Linux] Final cinematic after killing Yadis is missing
    [Mangar's Tower] Slow asset loading may lead to the player getting stuck in the wall
    [Fichti Forest] Player is able to leave the intended play area in the Push Block puzzle near Red Vault
    [Fichti Forest] The 'Skyhenge Key' appears in the player's main inventory tab which makes it possible to be destroyed and block further playthrough
    [Skara Brae Underground] Player is able to jump off the wooden platform near Push Block puzzle and end up being stuck
    [Linux] Enemies in any combat will respawn after reloading the level
    Music sometimes isn't playing on loading screens.
    [Shield][Config] Movement of outlined items causes outline trailing in surrounding environment.
    [Shield][Config] User is able to launch multiple instances of the title simultaneously.
    [Shield][Config] Letterboxing occurs when transitioning from Windowed to Borderless Window after changing resolution.
    Fachans taking MUCH longer to load than other enemies.
    Evidence of a sizable memory leak when transitioning levels
    [PC][Skara Brae Below] [Combat] Enemies may respawn after loading the game in the fight at the end of “A Stabbing Headache” quest
    Issues with the Skeleton deaths
    Singing the Wildlands Whistle should bring up the fast travel menu when sung at a standing stone
    [Mac][PC][Baedish Lowlands] Title's performance drops when exploring the level
    [PC][Save System][Einarr Isles] Enemies in multiple combats on the way to Castle Langskaal may respawn after reloading the game
    [Combat] Player may get stuck in level geometry when charging at an enemy from behind any assets
    [PC][HUD/UI] Confirming Mastery selection and then pressing Esc after switching to another party member copies the previously selected Masteries to the other character
    [GRDK] The Party Bar is put into a broken state after introducing Dalgliesh
    [GRDK] Dalgiesh has a chance to join the party completely invisible and unusable in combat
    [GRDK] Opening up the Mastery Book causes the Options Navigation Menu to disappear
    [PC][Controller] Closing specific windows causes substantial performance drop when controller type is set to "Gamepad"
    [Einarr Isles] Missing collision near the entrance to the Orkan Rookery
    [HUD/UI] Using 'Esc' key to close the Mastery Book breaks its functionality
    [Linux][Adventurers' Guild] Rabbie's speech lacks VO and subtitles
    [GRDK] Reloading the auto-save made before the movie at game start will result in the user being returned to the main menu
    [Mangar’s Tower] Performing save/load operation when skulls are not fully ascended reset their state to default position
    Currently playing chatter UI element should be hidden when a new chatter moment starts
    Ambient creatures in Baedish Lowlands sometimes hang off edges
    [Haernhold] Cerys is missing subtitles for her commentary after the fight with Hwawl
    [Sewers of Skara Brae] Visible LoD transitions throughout the location
    [Baedish Lowlands] Assets unload when observed from the distance
    [Mangar's Tower] Subtitles are not displayed and VO is not audible when ghosts are summoned and interacted with for the first time
    [Einarr Isles] Wyre Docks assets unload while looking at them from a distance
    [Red Vault] Level assets load in the player's FoV when progressing through the dungeon
    [Scripting] Crystal lamps have glowing effect when not active
    [PC][PS4][Fichti Forest] Player may get stuck in level geometry when charging at the group of enemies near Harlin’s Folly
    Green Lady interior is lighting bright on xbox and dark on PC - can you please look any see why they are inconsistent
    [Iwon Rheg] Player can fall from the edge near the grappling hook and may get stuck on the balcony
    [Mac & Linux][Combat] Damage from Conjuror’s Mark is not applied horizontally
    [Mac & Linux][Chest] Chest once lockpicked need to be lockpicked again
    [Mac][Linux][XBO][HUD/UI] Paperdoll's model disappears after performing any action on any inventory slot
    [PC][Consoles][Haernhold] Certain enemies spawn/despawn in Player's vision
    [Skara Brae Underground] Player does not need to set all of the pushblocks correctly to reach the chest near the Sinister Street
    [Skara Brae Underground] Corners of the stone platform near Duke Kingston's Lair are missing collision allowing the Player to get stuck in level geometry
    [Controller support] Difficult to regain focus when alt tabbing to other windows.
    [HUD/UI][Combat] Trail of power VFX from Residual Power passive ability is moved together with Practitioner character if they were moved by drag and drop
    [Controller Support] Player can place seeds into already solved Puzzle Weapons
    [Controller Support][Combat] Bard class characters can trigger Mean Drunk without consuming an alcohol item when using a gamepad
    [Combat] Player's turn starts without reducing skill cooldowns if the last enemy in a wave is killed during their turn
    The user can load a game without ever accessing the Load Game menu if they bring up the save file delete option while in the Load Game Menu
    [Controller Support][HUD/UI] Casting options for Gate and Vorpal Blade remain grayed out after gaining spell points needed to use them with the Blood Pact passive
    [Options Menu] Escape key backs out of the Options menu entirely instead of canceling only the change of keybinding
    [Puzzle Weapons] Leaf sequence pommel does not have audio when swapping between leaves with a gamepad
    [Combat] Sanctuary Score shield wears off after finishing a wave in a wave combat
    Missing Bow on Trow
    The user will receive a "Unable to Craft Item" message if they attempt to craft an item on any inventory page that isn't he main inventory page
    [HUD/UI][Skara Brae Above] Subtitles are desynchronized after a few sentences of the priest
    Game will soft-lock if a character who's invisible from an allies Infiltrator passive kills an enemy using the on-fire status effect.
    [Russian][Polish] Problem with word forms in pop up window
    Suspicious citizens and cultist sorcerers have been seen failing to launch the Mangars Mind-Jab projectile
    [PC][Consoles][Combat] The Heart Wants passive may be applied twice to the same enemy
    [Item] Healing potion assigned to the Trinket slot is consumed twice
    [HUD/UI] Moving item equipped in trinket slot between inventory spaces causes item to be unequipped
    [Skyhenge Interior] Constellation panel sound is played when player is exiting Skyhenge by a ladder
    [Xbox][Mac]"Forceful Wave" attack may cause the character's position to get out of sync
    Quest name and description appears on English but became normal after rebooting the game
    [Levels] Player can notice loading of level assets after loading onto particular levels
    [Threshold of the Rift][Controller] Spamming A button restarts the final cutscene
    [Threshold of the Rift] Black screen is displayed during the dialog if player loads an autosave created after the combat with Yadis
    [Skara Brae Below] Noticeable loading of level assets after loading previously created save file
    [Audio] VO and SFX continue to play when the game is paused during any cutscene
    Save fails to highlight when selecting a file through the in-game Load Game menu
    [PC][Consoles][Einarr Isles] Quickly cycling through the second conversation with Selkie Sisters will result in dialogue window being present during the walking towards the sea animation
    [Combat] Damage from enemy’s Rain of Arrows does not trigger and the animation is not being played after defeating a wave
    Conjuror’s items are missing their 3D models in inspect mode
    [Skara Brae Underground] Fog that obscures the user being teleported backwards on the
    Sinister Street behaves inconsistently (how...sinister!)
    [Combat] Move command of Bard class characters may continue to benefit from enhanced Rhyme of Duotime in the next combat
    [Fichti Forest] Some assets near Torr Fion unload in Player’s FOV
    [Grid Movement][Baedish Lowlands] It is difficult to step on the node on the path to the shrine of Tom Harrison
    Previously solved Offering Statues appear as being open after reloading the level
    [Haernhold] Redcap’s model before the final fight with it is not present after reloading the game


Transactions (12)
Posté le 27-08-2019 à 21:12:04  profilanswer

Je viens de prendre le jeu sur PS4 (Pro)...juste jeté un oeil pour l'instant, juste perdu un oeil  [:matleflou]  
Je sais que c'est avant tout la profondeur jeu et du gameplay qui feront la différence mais je tiens clairement à ce jour les textures les plus laides vues sur ma ps4 et les plus baveuses/floues, c'est surprenant, comme si on avait passé une tranche de jambon sur l'écran. Pour les parties non 3D c'est propre.
Ah et ça rame aussi :/
Je suis retourné sur Slay the Spire et j'ai trouvé ça presque beau  :o  
Je vais m'y faire et me concentrer sur le jeu (je précise que n'ayant pas de PC, je n'avais pas suivi le jeu sur d'autres supports, j'ose espérer que c'est mieux)

ID PSN : Enufsed_le_Grand / Xbox : Enufsed le 2nd

Transactions (0)
Posté le 27-08-2019 à 21:24:11  profilanswer

Après la director's cut c’est quoi la remaster  ? :lol:, bordel z'ont même pas honte chez inXile, et dire que pas mal de joueurs attendent wasteland 3 du même dev ... ça donne envie .   [:gibbactu:1]

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 27-08-2019 à 21:25:03  profilanswer

ravenloft a écrit :

J'attendrais un peu si j'étais vous

Ca va... reste encore 4h de chargement...  :o  
Cette honte quand même, sortir une Deluxe machin chose... et avoir un log long comme ma... de bugs et erreurs...  :pt1cable:

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Meilleur jeu du 20ème siècle
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Posté le 27-08-2019 à 22:56:45  profilanswer

Au moins, ils sont francs avec les problèmes. Cela leur a été reproché de sortir le jeu il y a un an pourris de bugs en ne disant rien au départ.
 C'est mieux d'être honnête et comme ça les acheteurs ne peuvent pas gueuler sauf à être de mauvaise foi vu qu'ils ont l'info. C'est surement pour éviter un nouveau bashing qu'ils sont francs et c'est tant mieux.

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 27-08-2019 à 23:08:21  profilanswer

Oui, enfin sortir une "Director's Cut" un an après avec pléthore de bugs c'est abusé, honnête ou pas.
J’espère que Microsoft serrera les vis pour Wasteland 3.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Un posteur enfin dévoilé
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Posté le 27-08-2019 à 23:19:02  profilanswer

Et surtout la Director's Cut leur permet de remettre les pendules à l'heure sur les sites de référencement avec notations. Metacritic, Steam...
Sauf qu'apparemment le lancement n'est pas si réussi que ça  [:baron lichteinberg:5]

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 27-08-2019 à 23:26:11  profilanswer

Et ils effacent des commentaires ce type de remarque, bon esprit.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 27-08-2019 à 23:34:13  profilanswer

Et ça râle d'un downgrade violent en plus :
Exemple (ORI VS DC) : VS

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Meilleur jeu du 20ème siècle
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Posté le 28-08-2019 à 10:05:11  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

Et ça râle d'un downgrade violent en plus :


Exemple (ORI VS DC) : VS

A part le time of day totalement différent, qu'est-ce qui est downgradé dans ton exemple car je vois pas?


D'où tu tires ça? Sur quel forum?


edit 1 : C'est de steam? [...] 181919536/


J'ai trouvé cet exemple plus parlant
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd. [...] 0F1CE1D99/
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd. [...] 37537CAEF/


Si c'est vrai de manière générale, c'est vraiment très décevant.


edit 2: la source originale est ici [...] 53/page-88


Visblement, le downgrade est plus discuté car pour certaines images oui et pour d'autres non, c'est amélioré d'après ceux qui jouent sur rpg codex


edit 3: la réponse d'inxile face aux plaintes sur le downgrade potentiel
https://forums.inxile-entertainment [...] f1#p207610

Message édité par ravenloft le 28-08-2019 à 10:48:06

Meilleur jeu du 20ème siècle
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Posté le 28-08-2019 à 10:05:42  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

Oui, enfin sortir une "Director's Cut" un an après avec pléthore de bugs c'est abusé, honnête ou pas.
J’espère que Microsoft serrera les vis pour Wasteland 3.

Oui c'est abusé mais vaut mieux qu'ils soient francs que pas car ça serait encore plus abusé.

Transactions (1)
Posté le 28-08-2019 à 14:42:09  profilanswer

C’est triste alors que le jeu est génial.

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 28-08-2019 à 17:31:18  profilanswer

Alors, jeu enfin chargé et lancé.


Oui il y a du changement visuellement parlant, mais c'est pas vraiment du "downgrade" pour moi, plus une modification des atmosphères dans certaines zones... et en général ça rend vraiment pas mal (tout ce qui est brouillard volumétrique, éclairage etc).
Le jeu est clairement plus "propre" (encore heureux, un an après sa sortie) mais il souffre encore (par exemple) de ralentissements inacceptables (on casse / fouille un coffre = 90FPS qui tombent à 25 avant de remonter).


Mais cette fois j'ai vraiment envie de m'y plonger car l'ambiance et le système de combat semblent vraiment bon !


Nb: 1ère chose à faire, virer le flou de mouvement qui est à vomir... (le jeu se calibre, heureusement, en ultra pour tout le reste)

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par BillyCorgan le 28-08-2019 à 17:35:56

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

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Posté le 28-08-2019 à 17:51:20  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

Alors, jeu enfin chargé et lancé.
Oui il y a du changement visuellement parlant, mais c'est pas vraiment du "downgrade" pour moi, plus une modification des atmosphères dans certaines zones... et en général ça rend vraiment pas mal (tout ce qui est brouillard volumétrique, éclairage etc).
Le jeu est clairement plus "propre" (encore heureux, un an après sa sortie) mais il souffre encore (par exemple) de ralentissements inacceptables (on casse / fouille un coffre = 90FPS qui tombent à 25 avant de remonter).  
Mais cette fois j'ai vraiment envie de m'y plonger car l'ambiance et le système de combat semblent vraiment bon !
Nb: 1ère chose à faire, virer le flou de mouvement qui est à vomir... (le jeu se calibre, heureusement, en ultra pour tout le reste)

euh si et pas qu'un peu... je cite" Second, we moved from full dynamic shadows to a mix of baked level shadows and dynamic character shadows. This was primarily for performance reasons, because (as most who played the original release can attest to) framerate issues were a pretty widespread complaint we wanted to address. This is definitely a visual trade-off, although one we think leads to an overall improved experience, and in some cases more accurate shadows."  :o

Message édité par nepheast le 28-08-2019 à 17:51:41

★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 28-08-2019 à 18:04:30  profilanswer

Franchement ça va pas casser trois pattes à un canard, dans tous les cas c'est loin d'être un étalon graphique et si ça peut aider le titre à mieux tourner, pourquoi pas tant que ça reste "acceptable".  [:cosmoschtroumpf]  
Après, ils auraient pu laisser le choix à l'utilisateur.  :jap:

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution

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Posté le 29-08-2019 à 16:26:37  profilanswer

BillyCorgan a écrit :

Franchement ça va pas casser trois pattes à un canard, dans tous les cas c'est loin d'être un étalon graphique et si ça peut aider le titre à mieux tourner, pourquoi pas tant que ça reste "acceptable".  [:cosmoschtroumpf]  
Après, ils auraient pu laisser le choix à l'utilisateur.  :jap:

Oui voilà complètement  :jap:. Chez inXile c'est quand même des génies, le premier downgrade de l'histoire qui ne ruine pas le jeu visuellement parlant.   [:thektulu]

Message édité par nepheast le 29-08-2019 à 16:27:36


Transactions (12)
Posté le 31-08-2019 à 22:41:44  profilanswer

Certes c'est en 3D la chose la plus laide vue sur PS4 (au point que ça frôle l'improbable, sauf à imaginer un jeu conçu par des étudiants avec un devkit opensource d'il y a 8 ans), les personnages sont monstrueux, les décors juste acceptables, alors que les designs 2D sont plutôt sympa...donc ok c'est laid et en plus on supporte des freezes en permanence (et la bibliothèque de la console démontre qu'on peut faire infiniment mieux avec ce type de jeu), mais force est de reconnaître que le jeu me captive, en grande partie grâce à son système de combat que j'adore et le sentiment que tout est peaufiné, aux petits oignons, que le monde regorge de petits secrets. La bande son, musique et doublage n'est pas étrangère à tout cela. Voilà, j'ai une nostalgie des vieux might and magic qui revient, et ça me fait vraiment plaisir. Donc j'ai un peu oublié le visuel pour me concentrer sur le gameplay. ;)

ID PSN : Enufsed_le_Grand / Xbox : Enufsed le 2nd
★ Look up here, I'm in heaven
Transactions (3)
Posté le 10-09-2019 à 19:50:50  profilanswer

Patch de 6.7Go :

Quest & Progression
Fixed an issue where the user is not given the Wildland Whistle at the Adventurers’ Guild after disabling Party Chatter
Fixed collision around certain puzzles and ledges that were allowing the player to fall out of bounds in certain circumstances
Fixed messaging for when the player does not have a lockpick in their inventory they will not be informed about it being required to open locked doors
Added various art optimizations, collision, and asset loading improvements
Improved performance when player opens and closes inventory windows
Grass is now once again growing in the Forest of Inshriach
(PC) Improved NPC shadows and fixed High and Ultra shadow settings
(PC) Lighting adjusted throughout Skara Brae Above, Skara Brae Below, and The Cellars of Kylearan's Tower
(Xbox One and PS4) Improved framerate in various levels
Fixed an issue where rapidly issuing commands may cause one of the spaces on the combat grid to become locked
Fix for Forceful Wave attack that may cause the character's position to get out of sync
Fixed certain issues where charging specific enemies could result in players getting stuck on the environment or produce a misaligned combat grid
Fixed an issue where loading an auto save created before a combat animatic could stop the following combat from occurring
Fixed an issue where enemies could fail to launch Mangar’s Mind Jab
(Linux) Fixed an issue where enemies in any combat could respawn after reloading the level
Removed the Save Game option during animatics
Fixes and improvements for various party chatter moments
Fixed issues where using songs to quickly solve multiple puzzles could cause the puzzles to break
Fixed an issue where translation was missing for the 2nd riddle statue in Kylearan's tower
Fixed an issue in Mangar’s Tower where subtitles and VO would fail when ghosts were summoned and interacted with for the first time
Fixed an issue where music from loading screen would play during gameplay after a load or level transition
Fixed various minor audio issues
(PC) Fixed an issue where using the 'Esc' key to close the Mastery Book could break its intended functionality
(PC Microsoft Store) Fixed issues with signing in and syncing saves
(Mac and Linux) Fixed an issue where all load-game story videos were missing
(Linux) Fixed an issue where Rabbie's speech did not have voice or subtitles
Fixed a possible crash during the 99-wave combat
Fixed a possible crash when using the Dragon Breath ability

C'est bien... et dingue sur une version DC sortie 1 an après.

Smashing PumpkinsThe Outer Worlds 2AvowedClockwork Revolution
Posté le   profilanswer

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