Voilà ce que je viens de récevoir :
Your email has been assigned:
Please include the above identifier in all future correspondence
relating to this ticket. Note: The TicketGUID identifier must appear
in the message body, not in the subject line.
Thank you in your interest in the X800 PRO product. You requested to be
notified once the product becomes available again.
A limited number of RADEON X800 PRO ATI.com Edition kits have just become
available and you have been selected and given an opportunity to purchase one.
This current offer is only to residents of Canada and the US.
You need to act fast as this is a very limited time offer and time is running
out. Please respond to this email within 24 hours and complete the following
Company Name:
Street Address:
Street Address2:
Postal code:
Email Address:
Card Name:
Card Number:
Expiration month:
Expiration year:
Card Holder:
Please be aware, we have added a Ruby Poster, Ruby Mouse Pad and Ruby Demo CD to
the package. This is in addition to the RADEON X800 PRO board, a Ruby T-Shirt
- Size Large, a RADEON X800 Mouse Pad and RADEON X800 Poster.
The RADEON X800 PRO ATI.com Edition kits will begin to ship middle of next
week. Once we are ready to ship, you will receive a confirmation email with the
order details.
Should you require any further information or assistance, please call me at
905-882-2600 ex. 2329.
Faraz Alam
Customer Care
ATI Technologies, Inc.
Sa veut dire quoi ça ? Que j'ai été séléctionner pour éventuellement gagner une X800 ? Comprends rien à l'anglais Je leurs ai adresser un mail il y'a pas longtemps en expliquant que j'avais la rage d'avoir payé une 9800 Pro à 400 il y'a 2 mois alors que là y'a des X800 pour 380 en allemagne...
Merci si quelqu'un pourrait traduire...