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  Quelques questions à propos d'Illustrator


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Quelques questions à propos d'Illustrator

Vorsprung durch technik
Posté le 21-03-2002 à 18:52:50  profilanswer

Salut. Y a certaines fonctions que je trouve pas ou qui sont pas clairs. Bref :
- Est-il possible de faire un dégradé " couleur >> transparence " ? Si oui, comment ?
- Comment démarrer Illustrator avec des paramètres spécifiés (couleurs RVB, zone de travail masquée, règle masquée, etc.) ?
- Est-il maintenant possible de faire une bordure AVEC un filet de dégradé ou un dégradé tout court ? On en a déjà parlé mais j'y reviens, peut être que quelqu'un sait...
Pour le moment je crois c'est tout. Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider ce serait chouette. :hello:
Merci d'avance.


[jfdsdjhfuetppo]--Message édité par Pinzo--[/jfdsdjhfuetppo]

“I'll thank you very much.”
Posté le 21-03-2002 à 18:52:50  profilanswer

Posté le 21-03-2002 à 21:05:37  profilanswer

Autre question : où se trouve l'aide d'illustrator? :sarcastic:
Pour la deuxième question il faut sauver ton document "modèle" dans le dossier d'Illustrator. Je me souviens pas exactement, mais c'est expliqué dans l'aide quelque part...


[jfdsdjhfuetppo]--Message édité par gaboriau--[/jfdsdjhfuetppo]

Vorsprung durch technik
Posté le 21-03-2002 à 21:07:17  profilanswer

" Le fichier d'aide n'a pas pu être chargé, il est sûrement endommagé "
Et toc! :na:

“I'll thank you very much.”
Posté le 21-03-2002 à 21:51:15  profilanswer

bah, réinstalle le alors ;)
nan sans blague, je viens juste te charrier car on dirait que ton pc est en vrac !! (cf ton pb avec rhino)
@+ :)

Vorsprung durch technik
Posté le 21-03-2002 à 21:55:05  profilanswer

Non c'est une excuse que je donne. :D
Sérieux l'aide est pourrave.

“I'll thank you very much.”
Posté le 21-03-2002 à 22:47:59  profilanswer

- Est-il possible de faire un dégradé " couleur >> transparence " ? Si oui, comment ?
Ça semble pas possible! Illustrator ne veut pas empiéter sur Photoshop on dirait...
- Comment démarrer Illustrator avec des paramètres spécifiés (couleurs RVB, zone de travail masquée, règle masquée, etc.) ?
You can create a custom startup file that defines the contents of the Swatches palette by default, including any custom color libraries that you want to appear in the Swatches palette. In this way, you can have easy access to the patterns, gradients, brushes, graph designs, colors, and color libraries that you use most frequently. By adding these elements to the startup file, you make them available in every new Adobe Illustrator file you create.  
In addition, any files you create have the same Document Setup and Page Setup settings as those found in the startup file, and they use the same zoom level, window size, viewing preferences, and scroll position as that of the startup file when it was last saved.
To create a custom startup file:
1  Make a backup copy of the current default startup file, (Windows) or Adobe Illustrator Startup (Mac OS), and then save the backup file outside of the Plug-ins folder. This action saves the original startup file in case you need it again. The startup file is located in the Plug-ins folder in the Adobe Illustrator application folder.
2  Open the default startup file to use as a template for the custom startup file. This file contains labeled squares filled with the default colors, patterns, and gradients available in the Swatches palette.
3  Delete any existing colors, patterns, and gradients you don?t want to retain. Note that you must delete them from their respective palettes as well as from the artwork in the startup file.
4  Add new paint style attributes to the startup file as follows:
?   Create any colors, patterns, and gradients you want. You can also import swatches using the Swatch Libraries command and then move the swatches you want in the startup file into the default Swatches palette. (See Loading colors from other files.)
?   Save any graph designs that you want available in your files using the Graph Design dialog box. (See Using Graphs.) As with the new paint style attributes, add the graphs to the artwork in the startup file so you can see and refer to the graphs later if necessary.
5  Select the options you want as default settings in the Page Setup and Document Setup dialog boxes, as well as the view preferences, the ruler origins, and the page origins.
Save the new file as (Windows) or Adobe Illustrator Startup (Mac OS) and place it inside the Plug-ins folder.
Important: You must quit the Illustrator application and restart it before the new startup settings are applied to a new document.
- Est-il maintenant possible de faire une bordure AVEC un filet de dégradé ou un dégradé tout court ? On en a déjà parlé mais j'y reviens, peut être que quelqu'un sait...

Vorsprung durch technik
Posté le 21-03-2002 à 23:31:17  profilanswer

gaboriau a écrit a écrit :

- Est-il possible de faire un dégradé " couleur >> transparence " ? Si oui, comment ?
Ça semble pas possible! Illustrator ne veut pas empiéter sur Photoshop on dirait...
- Comment démarrer Illustrator avec des paramètres spécifiés (couleurs RVB, zone de travail masquée, règle masquée, etc.) ?
You can create a custom startup file that defines the contents of the Swatches palette by default, including any custom color libraries that you want to appear in the Swatches palette. In this way, you can have easy access to the patterns, gradients, brushes, graph designs, colors, and color libraries that you use most frequently. By adding these elements to the startup file, you make them available in every new Adobe Illustrator file you create.  
In addition, any files you create have the same Document Setup and Page Setup settings as those found in the startup file, and they use the same zoom level, window size, viewing preferences, and scroll position as that of the startup file when it was last saved.
To create a custom startup file:
1  Make a backup copy of the current default startup file, (Windows) or Adobe Illustrator Startup (Mac OS), and then save the backup file outside of the Plug-ins folder. This action saves the original startup file in case you need it again. The startup file is located in the Plug-ins folder in the Adobe Illustrator application folder.
2  Open the default startup file to use as a template for the custom startup file. This file contains labeled squares filled with the default colors, patterns, and gradients available in the Swatches palette.
3  Delete any existing colors, patterns, and gradients you don?t want to retain. Note that you must delete them from their respective palettes as well as from the artwork in the startup file.
4  Add new paint style attributes to the startup file as follows:
?   Create any colors, patterns, and gradients you want. You can also import swatches using the Swatch Libraries command and then move the swatches you want in the startup file into the default Swatches palette. (See Loading colors from other files.)
?   Save any graph designs that you want available in your files using the Graph Design dialog box. (See Using Graphs.) As with the new paint style attributes, add the graphs to the artwork in the startup file so you can see and refer to the graphs later if necessary.
5  Select the options you want as default settings in the Page Setup and Document Setup dialog boxes, as well as the view preferences, the ruler origins, and the page origins.
Save the new file as (Windows) or Adobe Illustrator Startup (Mac OS) and place it inside the Plug-ins folder.
Important: You must quit the Illustrator application and restart it before the new startup settings are applied to a new document.
- Est-il maintenant possible de faire une bordure AVEC un filet de dégradé ou un dégradé tout court ? On en a déjà parlé mais j'y reviens, peut être que quelqu'un sait...

Muchas gracias señor :jap:
J'avais encore une question mais là sur le moment je m'en souviens pas. :(

“I'll thank you very much.”

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  Quelques questions à propos d'Illustrator


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