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  Maya a eu un oscar !!


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Maya a eu un oscar !!

Posté le 24-03-2003 à 03:48:49  profilanswer

Alias | Wavefront a reçu un oscar :)  
On March 1, 2003 Alias|Wavefront was honored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences with an Oscar for scientific and technical achievement for Alias|Wavefront's development of Maya software. Accepting the award is Doug Walker, President of Alias|Wavefront and Kevin Tureski, General Manager of Maya Engineering.
This award was presented at the Scientific and Technical Academy Awards® gala black tie dinner at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles. We'd like to share with you photographs and other resources to mark this occasion.

Message édité par greenleaf le 24-03-2003 à 03:49:10
Posté le 24-03-2003 à 03:48:49  profilanswer

Si si, je suis gentil !!!
Posté le 24-03-2003 à 09:34:34  profilanswer

et MAX ?  :o

Posté le 24-03-2003 à 09:43:03  profilanswer

G-slide a écrit :

et MAX ?  :o  

dsc, desolé c pas drole

Le retour...
Posté le 24-03-2003 à 14:21:34  profilanswer

greenleaf a écrit :

Alias | Wavefront a reçu un oscar :)  
On March 1, 2003 Alias|Wavefront was honored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences with an Oscar for scientific and technical achievement for Alias|Wavefront's development of Maya software. Accepting the award is Doug Walker, President of Alias|Wavefront and Kevin Tureski, General Manager of Maya Engineering.
This award was presented at the Scientific and Technical Academy Awards® gala black tie dinner at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles. We'd like to share with you photographs and other resources to mark this occasion.

C'est mieux de mettre la source pour un article :)
Sinon, c'est cool, content d'avoir choisi celui la :D (enfin pour l'instant j'apprend...)

Ex-fumeur en quête d'identité.
Profil sup​primé
Posté le 25-03-2003 à 11:41:07  answer

Mwais mais ceux qui décèrnent les prix c'est pas ceux qui s'en servent .... :sarcastic:

Posté le 28-03-2003 à 05:49:12  profilanswer

vulpine a écrit :

Mwais mais ceux qui décèrnent les prix c'est pas ceux qui s'en servent .... :sarcastic:  


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  Maya a eu un oscar !!


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