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  Presentation orale en anglais


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Presentation orale en anglais

Posté le 17-06-2009 à 20:59:20  profilanswer

Je dois me présenter en Anglais pour un concours. J'ai préparé un texte en Anglais et je souaiterais qu'une bonne ame me corrige:
My name is.... ....
I'am a nineteen years old boy.
I'am French and I come from....
I haven't neither brothers nor sisters.
I'am student in DUT in méchanical engeneering.
My strenght and qualities are sociability and the sense of contact. More, I'am hard-working.
However, I'am too curious and too ambitious.
I'am interrested in science. I enjoy playing football.
I hope to be an engineer because I want to take responsabilities and I want to manage.
Merci d'avance de votre aide.

Posté le 17-06-2009 à 20:59:20  profilanswer

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  Presentation orale en anglais


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