Voila j ai un essay a faire sur le sujet : would you be ready to take a year out ? why or why not .j ai fais ceci mais si quelqu un peut me corriger ou me reformuler une ou deux expressions qui donnerait meilleure allure au devoir ca serait sympa
i believe that taking a gap year is a very important decesion , which can change a life .
that is why we are going to study the advantages and the drawbacks of this experience.
In my opinion , i suppose that a gap year is a very educational possibility.
firstly , i would be able to visit a new country and to live with an entire foreign family , who would allow me to discover their farming and traditions. This could be very interesting.
Especially , i believe that i will be aware of the luck i have for now, namely the oportunity to study in such a great school and, like this, i will be able to acquire some degrees and to brush up my english to get a good situation for my future career.
By taking this gap year i will also realize the benefits of the university.
However , although this gap year would be very enriching, it has got, as everything , some disadvantages.
In the first place , i am almost sure that i would miss my parents and they would miss me too , although i believe that i could phone and write them frequently , but is it enough ?
this gap year could also make me lose a year , that i could devote at studing.
lastly i suppose that a year is too long , i would prefer if it could last one or two months , which is enough.
in conclusion , i think that i am not ready yet to take a year out , althought it can be very pleasant.
However , if i fail my studies , i am almost sure that i will not hesitate to try this kind of experience.