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  IAS / IFRS - comptabilité : aide pour QCM


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IAS / IFRS - comptabilité : aide pour QCM

Posté le 11-08-2007 à 10:05:00  profilanswer

J'ai passé mon DECF il y a quelques années et je viens de commencer à bosser un peu sur les normes IAS/IFRS afin de passer le "Certificate in IFRS" délivré par l'ACCA (Association des expeerts comptables Anglais).
Ce certificat sanctionne simplement des connaissances basiques en IFRS par le biais d'un QCM en ligne.
Malheureseument, le cours fournit avec l'inscription (180GBP quand même !!!) est très limité.
Je me suis fournit pas mal de documentation mais je ne connais personne qui puisse répondre à mes questions.
Quelqu'un pourrait-il me dire quelles sont, selon lui, les réponses aux questions ci-dessous (il n'y a qu'une sele bonne réponse possible ) ?
Je suis à la recherche d'un forum d'entraide d'étudiants sur le net (Anglais ou Français), tout lien serait le bienvenu.
Merci d'avance.
Q1 : a company enters into a 2 years contract to build a hotel at a price of 10.000.000$. Worked commenced in 01st June 2005.
At 31st December, the contract has progressed as follow :
Work certified to date : 6.000.000$
Costs incurred to date : 3.000.0000$
Estimated costs to completion : 3.500.000$
Rectification work estimate : 500.000$
What is the gross profit recognised in the financial statements for the year ended 31/12/2005 in accordance with IAS11 “Construction contracts” ?
a) 3.000.00$
b) 2.100.000$
c) 1.800.00$
d) nil$
Q2 : A public limited company, has issued 100 shares to his directors for services rendered during the year ended 31/12/2005. The value of the shares at the grant date (30/11/2005) was 5$ per share. At 31/12/2005, the shares were valued at 6$ per share. The accounting entry for the issue of the shares would be :
a) charge expense of 500$ and increase accumulated reserves by 500$
b) charge expense of 600$ and increase accumulated reserves by 600$
c) charge expense of 500$ and increase equity by 500$
d) charge expense of 600$ and increase equity by 600$
Q3 : an enterprise purchases a haulage company for 50.000$ on 01/01/2005. The operation consists of an operating licence with a net selling price of 10.000$ and 5 wagons each with a net selling price of 6.000$.
On 01/06/2005, one of the wagons crashed and the insurance company refused to settle any liability. The wagon was a write off.
The adverse publicity and operating capacity reduction reduced the value of the business to 25.000$. The net selling price of the operating licence was diminished to 9.500$
What is the carrying value of the assets after accounting for the impairment losses under IAS36 “Impairment of Assets” :
a) Goodwill = NIL; Licence = NIL & Wagons = 25.000$
b) Goodwill = NIL; Licence = 9.500$ & Wagons = 15.500$
c) Goodwill = 10.000$; Licence = 9.500$ & Wagons = 5.500$
d) Goodwill = 5.000$; Licence = 5.000$ & Wagons = 15.000$
Q4 : A acquires a 60% equity shareholding in B. The purchase consideration is 130.000$. The fair value of B’s net assets at the date of acquisition is 160.000$ and their book value is 110.00$.
What is the Goodwill arising on the acquisition , in accordance with IAS22 “Business combinations” ?
a) 30.000$ negative Goodwill
b) 20.000$ positive Goodwill
c) 34.000$ positive Goodwill
d) 64.000$ positive Goodwill
Q5 : What mechanisms are in place to ensure that IAS’s/IFRS’s are properly applied ?
a) The SIC has the authority to impose a fine if IAS’s/IFRS’s are not properly applied
b) There is no mechanism in place other than the audit
c) The Government in each individual country is responsible for ensuring that IAS’s/IFRS’s are property applied
d) Since the mid 1990’ IOSCO has carried out a supervisory role in this area.
Q6 : NOX Inc leases a train over an 8 year term commencing on 04/06/2005. The discounted present value of the lease payments is 25.000$
In which of the following circumstances does IAS17 “Leases” indicates that the train may not appear on the balance sheet of NOX ?
a) NOX can purchase the train for 1$ at the end of the lease term
b) The estimated useful life of the train is 10 years. The train must be returned at the end of year 8.
c) Title to the train passes at the end of year 8 to NOX inc.
d) The cash price of the train on arms length basis on 01/06/2000 is 30.000$
Q7 : in accordance with IAS1, the statement of changes in equity identifies changes in separate elements of equity. Which of the following statements is correct ?
a) An issue of shares will increase the balances on share capital, share premium and accumulated profit
b) A surplus of the revaluation on non current assets will increase the balance on the revaluation reserve or accumulated profit
c) Dividends paid will increase the balance on accumulated profit
d) Dividends paid will decrease the balance on accumulated profit

Posté le 11-08-2007 à 10:05:00  profilanswer

Posté le 21-04-2008 à 00:54:00  profilanswer

Salut, il y a un excellent site, qui a mon avis sera parfait pour vous:

Posté le 28-05-2008 à 17:24:16  profilanswer

Y a aussi un autre site : bien conçu pour commencer  
comptabilité générale
Sinon voir sur le forum de becompta
Voilà et bonne chance

Exercices résolus de comptabilité générale

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  IAS / IFRS - comptabilité : aide pour QCM


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