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  Correction d'un texte en anglais


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Correction d'un texte en anglais

Posté le 23-01-2010 à 21:12:49  profilanswer

Bonjour, pourriez-vous nous corriger notre texte sur The Whutering Height: (les Hauts de Hurlevent) avec comme thème Wilderness vs Civilization s'il vous plait? Nous pensons avoir corrigé toutes les fautes mais n'étant pas trop sûres...
Whuthering Height is a novel that have been written by Emily Brontë in the 19th century. This is why we can associate it to the movement of the romanticism. Like any romantic novel, Whuthering Heights is characterized by a desire of escape into the dream or by the confrontation between feelings and reason. Among these themes, the romanticism highlights the wild world.
Our presentation will focus on two differents subjects that are in opposition : the wild world and the civilization in this film  
We will introduce you to this topic into two parts.
I] Colors' language
Colors express warmth and coldness's, distance and nearness's feelings the best.
In Whutering height, we can see that Catherine is shown with a graceful white dress whereas Heathcliff is shown in rags and tatters
When Catherine is with Heathcliff, she changes, her clothes get darker.
One day, Catherine was bitten and she has to recover, when she came back she recovers as much on the physical’s viewpoint as the moral’s she was wearing a white dress.
At night, he ran away in the rain as if nature were helping him against the civilization, this bears a relation with the Romanticism movement which Whutering Height belongs. The Nature asserts the hero’s soul, night and rain symbolize sorrow and tears.
When Heathcliff came back to Whutering Height, he's shown as an aristocrat, but his skin is still dark, the clothes he was wearing is a mix of green (wildness) and gray (a color that tends to the white but that cannot reaches.) about Catherine, she’s still white till the end as if wildness and civilization can't be associated and it’s predestined in life.
Between the two of them, there's a border which can't be cross: civilization and wildness
Wilderness and Civilization can’t be linked in life but it can in death: Heathcliff's wearing white clothes and Catherine's wearing black clothes, they got together on the moors.
We notice that even though the Civilization has separated both of them, it’s the Wilderness that has united them.
II] Symbol of the horse
We can see in this film Whutering Height that the link between the civilization and the wild world is highlight by a symbol: the horse.
A horse is like a domestic when it trots (it draws the carriage) but It can also represent the sensation of liberty or strength when it gallops.
Throughout the film, we have seen a lot of landscape where the heroes of the past and the heroes of the future riding horse.
The first time that we can see a horse was when Catherine was riding a black horse with Heathcliff. The horse was galloping and it proved that the two children were still savage.
The second time, Catherine had already get married with an aristocrat whose name was Edgar. She was beside Isabelle and the two ladies were riding white horse tottering around the court. It shows that Catherine was in the civilization.
The third time, Heathcliff was coming back to Weathering Height. His horse is black but it tottered. So we can conclude that it shows the union between the civilization and the wild state because as we have seen it in the first part, Heathcliff become an aristocrat keeping his wild way to think.
The fourth time and the last, we can see the heroes of the future, Catherine and Hareton, two aristocrats who are riding two white horses that they are galloping. It is an alliance between the wild and the civilization and maybe we can say: it proves that the world of today has changed. We can also say that after the departure of H, The two children separate themselves for ever.
*Throughout our presentation we have seen that wilderness is in contrast with the civilized world. Catherin and Heathcliff loved each others but this love destroyed themselves and their family. However, the future shows that prejudices can disappear, it's how these two person completely different fell in love with each other.
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!

Posté le 23-01-2010 à 21:12:49  profilanswer

Posté le 25-01-2010 à 12:54:57  profilanswer

Alrun a écrit :

Whuthering Height is a novel that have has been written by Emily Brontë in the 19th century.  
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!

Pas le temps mais il ya déjà une faute à la 1ère phrase.

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par TAM136 le 25-01-2010 à 12:55:37
Posté le 25-01-2010 à 13:36:15  profilanswer

> Tam136 : ta correction est incorrecte..
--> Whuthering Height is a novel that was written by Emily Brontë in the 19th century.
>> has been written signifierait qu'il n'a pas terminé de l'écrire.!!

Posté le 25-01-2010 à 15:45:08  profilanswer

CharlineDC a écrit :

> Tam136 : ta correction est incorrecte..
--> Whuthering Height is a novel that was written by Emily Brontë in the 19th century.
>> has been written signifierait qu'il n'a pas terminé de l'écrire.!!

J'ai corrigé le have been et à la va vite comme je l'ai dit!

double cli​c
Why so serious?
Posté le 25-01-2010 à 20:03:43  profilanswer

TAM136 a écrit :

Pas le temps mais il ya déjà une faute à la 1ère phrase.

en fait y a même une faute au premier mot vu que le titre du roman c'est pas ça :o

Tell me why all the clowns have gone.
Posté le 02-08-2011 à 17:41:05  profilanswer

Bonjour !  
J'ai un travail de vacance en anglais pour lequel je dois faire le resume de 4textes. Pour le reussir au mieux, pouvez vous m'aider a les corriger ? Merci beaucoup d'avance !  
Voici le premier resumé:
Bien que certains d’américains gardent beaucoup d’appréhensions concernant la peine de mort. Elle est toujours de mise dans beaucoup d’états..
Cependant suite a plusieurs a annulation comme celle de Willaim Castiollo qui fut innocente juste avant son exécution grâce a un test ADN, crée débat a propos de la égalité de cette pratique qui consiste a injecter un produit puis un deuxième ainsi qu’un troisième pour masqué les effets des 2er donnant l’impression que le prisonnier ne souffre pas. C’est pourquoi des procès on été ouvert au Texas et on Kentucky. Ils demandent une reforme de la loi sur l’application de cette peine ainsi qu’un élargissement de celle-ci pour les récidivistes et les pédophiles. Jusqu'à ce que cette reforme sois prise, toute les peine de mort sont suspendues.
D'autre part  Anita Dunn soutenue par le gouverneur républicain de Illinois demande l'abolition de cette peine.
Although lots of Americans retain some misgivings about the death penalty. It is still appropriate in many states.
However following more cancellations like William Castillo that he had been cleared just before his excution, creates debate about the legality of this practic, which involves injecting a product and then a second and a third to hide the effects of the first two giving the impression that the prisoner does not suffer.. Therefore Some cases have been opened in Texas and Kentucky. they demand a reform of the law on the application of capital punishment and a elagant of this one torecidivistent and pedophiles. Until this reform, all death penalty is suspended.
Moreover Anita Dunn supported by the Republican governor of Illinois called for the abolition of the death penalty.

qui ne tête plus :'(
Posté le 02-08-2011 à 18:52:38  profilanswer

Salut, un essai...
Although lots of Americans retain some misgivings about the death penalty > Although some Americans retain (ou keep ? ou still have ?) many misgivings about death penalty.


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