Lexia67 a écrit :
Ana arrives at home and she heads towards the door.
"Mum! Mum! It's you ? says Angel surprised."
"Yes it's me." replies her mother, smiling and taking her daughter into her arms.
Her son, who heard his mother, runs to his mother as well.
"Mum mum! I missed you, if you knew ! "
"I missed you too, I missed you all. Come on children, we are going to see your grandmother in the house. Where is she ?"
"She is in the living room, she's resting." replies Angel.
"But... but... Am I hearing my daughter ? Or am I dreaming ?" says the Grandmother, joyful. "No you are not dreaming, it's me Ana. I am right in front of you." says Ana.
"But.. But how come you are here ? Shouldn't you be in the United States, working ?" "No. I came back to Mexico because I needed to see you. I missed all of you too much. That's why I decided to take the risk to come back" says Ana.
"The children also needed to see you, if you knew. It's been so long since we last saw you. You were present through the gifts and money you sent, nut there was a big lack." says the Grandmother.
"I know, I hopethat the children always love me and that they understand this situation, despite my absence.." replies Ana.
"They will untersand all the sacrifices that you made for your family. We all are really grateful for this. Thanks to you, we are not poor, but we are now unhappy because you are not with us. But we are also proud !" "If only I did not have to go to work illegaly, I could come and visit you more often." says sadly Ana to her mother, looking at her children. "Are you going to leave again?" asks her mother.
"Yes, I think." replies Ana.
"But... How did you come here ?" asks her mother.
"I left the United States hiding in a car. Then I crossed the desert, and finaly I crawled in a pipe to reach you all safely."