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  devoir d anglais 2nd expose Sydney correction fautes


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devoir d anglais 2nd expose Sydney correction fautes

Posté le 04-11-2008 à 01:22:43  profilanswer

J ai un expose a faire sur Sydney en anglais.
Pouvez vous corriger mes fautes s il vous plait.(sachant que c est un niveau seconde et que j ai un mauvais niveau en anglais).  
D abord voici les consignes: (Ainsi vous pourrez me dire si mon expose correspond aux criteres demandés)
Merci d avance
You have worked on various English-speaking countries. Choose the country you would like to visit, find out more about it, make a poster with pictures,maps etc... and the topics you have chosen and explain why you would like to go there.
1. Plan
Choose a partner to work with.
Choose a country
Recap all you know about the country and decide what other information you need collect.
Do your part of the research and collect information and pictures.
Share them with your partner and decide which you will put on your poster and what will be its layout.
Prepare your oral presentation:take some notes,do not write complete sentences.
Read your notes again, making sure you understand all the words you have written.(You must be able to explain their meaning).
When you speak, focus on pronunciation.
Practice speaking without reading your notes.(Don t forget to use the structures used in class!)
Voici mon exposé:
Australia is on Oceania continent.
Sydney is the city more populated of Australia with a population of 4 284 379 (four million two hundred and eighty four thousand three hundred and seventy nine) inhabitants. (en 2005)
Sydney is the capital of Wales news of the south.
identity card of Sydney:          country:Australia
                                             state:News Galles of the south
                                             region:New South Wales
                                             postal code:NSW 2000
                                             population: (2006) 4 284 379
                                             Lord-mayor:Ms Clover Moore
                                             money:Australian dollar (AU$)
The first inhabitants of Australia are Aborigenes.
They arrived approximately 50 000 years ago. (fifty thousand)
On January 26, 1788 (seventeen eighty eight) The British arrive at Sydney and assert Australia like her colony.
So, since this day, January 26th is the national feastday.
After, much of other colonies were formed.And on January 1st, 1901 six colonies federate for become The Commonwealth of Australia.
So, the country is seperate in 6 states and 2 territories.
Jorn Utzon had realist Opera House and 14 years ago in October, 23rd 1973 there was the inauguration with Elisabeth II who is Queen of Australia.
Today, Sydney is frame of the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Montains Blues in the west, the river Hawkesbury in north and the plate of Woronora in south.
Over there, there is mainly that houses.
The climate is pleasant knowing that seasons are reversed.
Tourist city
Sydney is a international tourist city thanks to her beaches and her monuments like the famous Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.
There are much national park, what is good for the exits of people.
The large parks attract the hikers like The Park National Royal.
There are too much museums like:
        Australian museum:history
        Powerhouse Museum:sciences and technologies
        National maritime museum in Darling Harbourg
Tourists can also the oldest district of Sydney:The Rocks.
Finally, Sydney is a large country.
Voila merci de votre aide d avance .
ps: avec ceux ci j ai un tableau de photos qui illustre mon écrit ^^.

Posté le 04-11-2008 à 01:22:43  profilanswer

Posté le 04-11-2008 à 23:24:31  profilanswer

Aidez moi s il vous plait.
Merci d avance

" I have a dream"
Posté le 15-11-2008 à 19:42:24  profilanswer

ya un probleme dans le debut de ta premiere phrase tu met "more" mais il n y a pas "than" qui est indispensable je mettrai:
Sydney is the most populated city of australia.

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  devoir d anglais 2nd expose Sydney correction fautes


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