Auteur | Sujet : [topik unik] tout sur les cheveux ! |
-SaM- sc0user | Reprise du message précédent :
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
Publicité | Posté le 03-01-2004 à 00:18:23 |
bluelightneon |
il ne serat pas chauve il aura juste des algues a la ples des chvx |
lunabulle |
bluelightneon |
j'espere que t'es ni motard ni adepte des casquette ... j'imagine la culture la dedans |
extazy Pom Pom Pom | je vais vomir... |
bluelightneon |
heu c'est pas un topic rotten hein |
lunabulle |
bluelightneon |
tu test un mois sans lavges et tu prends une photos par jour pour qu'on etudie l'evolution |
Publicité | Posté le 03-01-2004 à 00:24:18 |
sadistyk I'll see you out there |
va pas te shampouiner en douce là !
extazy Pom Pom Pom |
-SaM- sc0user |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
lunabulle |
bluelightneon |
pour avoir un peut teste tu a l'impression d'avoir les tete humide et poisseuse avec une sorte de poussiere sur le cuire cheveulue et ca te demange |
-SaM- sc0user | http://perso.club-internet.fr/samb [...] cheveu.jpg
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
extazy Pom Pom Pom |
bluelightneon |
heu tu sais que sur les photo on n'a pas d'odeur ?
lunabulle |
-SaM- sc0user |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
bluelightneon |
c'est le programme special ula pour regime |
lunabulle |
bluelightneon |
bah vu que tu as un tonne de gel non
extazy Pom Pom Pom |
-SaM- sc0user |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
lunabulle |
-SaM- sc0user |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
lunabulle |
bluelightneon |
bah en fait les cheuveux salles tiennnent bien entre eux donc je comprend ( ca fait partie des trucs pour debuter des dread ) |
-SaM- sc0user |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
667 Le voisin de la Bête |
--------------- " ...arrêté par les flics avec 4g de sang par litre d'alcool... " |
bluelightneon |
ca me rappel une etude ou en france pour faire croire qu'une piece est prorpres on avait juste a mettre l'odeur de propres
sadistyk I'll see you out there |
-SaM- sc0user |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
-SaM- sc0user |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
lunabulle | je prefererais encore avoir une tete de plouc mal coiffée que d'avoir les cheveux degueulasses
bluelightneon |
c'est bien d'assumer ta tete |
-SaM- sc0user |
--------------- "It was great having Stevie back in training with the lads today, and if anything he seemed even more confident. I just had to put him in his place by playing table tennis with him. He didn't even get ten points." Neil Mellor |
bluelightneon |
tu vas chez le coiffeur ? |
Publicité | Posté le |