jtek59 a écrit :
j'ai une expression a faire en anglais et j'aimeré ke vou me donniez des idées le sujet est :
Vivre dans une ville est ce une existence artificielle ?? alor help me please si vou pouvé me donné vos idée en anglais ca seré cool mé o pire donnez les moi en francais ca sera deja vachemen sympa merci davance
So I was like "Wot da fuck man ? Livin'in a fucking town it's fucking artificial man !". So he goes all "Fuck man ! 'tis not fuckin'artificial to leave in'a fuckin town man ! It's da fuckin'people that make da fuckin'life fuckin'artificial !". SO I'm like "ow man, fuck ! You tellin' me it's da fucking people that fuck your fucking life artificial ? No way man". ANd that's when that fuckin' moron turned up and he's like :"Hey lads, I'm Nur, you're wrong, it's your mediocrity that makes life in town artificial. If you would open your mind and try to grab the concepts I am so not handing to you, you might attempt a pitifull understanding of what I mean". So we're like "what the fuck !" and we blasted the crap out of is ass. I mean, man, Fuck !
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. Revelations 6:8