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Topic Unique - Langue Vivante - Anglais @ HFR

chat réincarné
Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:16:55  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :

phosphorus68 a écrit :

bla-bla's dead. Here is talk-talk  :lol:  :lol:  

maybe chi-chat or something like this ?
ciler ??

Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:16:55  profilanswer

chat réincarné
Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:19:12  profilanswer

SHUBAKA a écrit :

Like the rock'n roll group ... :whistle:  
I would like to know if someone have the occasion to discuss with japanese people.
Because during ma mission, I had a bad surprise concerning japanese skill in english level... it is worst as French level... :sweat:
I was sure japanese are better than french people concerning the english talk... :ouch:  

last year i had a meeting with a japanese engeneer (never knew how to write this word)
i didn't understand a thing  
such an awful accent !
worst than mine
the worst i have ever heard ;)

Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:21:17  profilanswer

When i read this topic i realise that i have a very bad english because i don't understand forty percent of the words. :cry:  
And it's need me at least three minutes to write the previous sentence.  :sweat:  

Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:23:58  profilanswer

bidibule a écrit :

When i read this topic i realise that i have a very bad english because i don't understand forty percent of the words. :cry:  
And it's need me at least three minutes to write the previous sentence.  :sweat:  

Your english is still better than many people's french here (and I'm not talking about TRK who is a kind of artist or something [:wam]).

Retraité de discussions
--== Elisez moi ==--
Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:24:57  profilanswer

moyen_moins a écrit :

last year i had a meeting with a japanese engeneer (never knew how to write this word)
i didn't understand a thing  
such an awful accent !
worst than mine
the worst i have ever heard ;)

I share the same experience than you .... it's very impressive to see the wrong reputation show on american film with Japanese people.
So,with patience and good ear .... we try to understand ourselves  :sweat:

Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:26:30  profilanswer

moyen_moins a écrit :

aren't you french ?
well if not, you're the exception to the rule ;)
maybe it's a legend...but it seemed to me that it was working :o

I am French... maybe it has something to do with the fact that I also am a girl [:meganne]

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. Revelations 6:8
--== Elisez moi ==--
Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:26:52  profilanswer

bidibule a écrit :

When i read this topic i realise that i have a very bad english because i don't understand forty percent of the words. :cry:  
And it's need me at least three minutes to write the previous sentence.  :sweat:  

I use this topic to improve my english level ... to avoid to lose my skill in this language...
And if I don't understant some words ..i try to find them in the dictionnary or on google translator ...
In the worst case, I ask the definition to the "forumeur"  :whistle:

Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:30:24  profilanswer

bidibule a écrit :

When i read this topic i realise that i have a very bad english because i don't understand forty percent of the words. :cry:  
And it's need me at least three minutes to write the previous sentence.  :sweat:  

And it has taken me  ;)  

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. Revelations 6:8
Pseudo à n°
Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:31:59  profilanswer

moyen_moins a écrit :

maybe chi-chat or something like this ?
ciler ??

it'd lack a(n excellent) joke  :o (but you're right, there is an expression with "blah" as far as I remember)
Japanese ppl> Scientists I have heard in France have quite a good accent, with a few exceptions. But they are used to go in Europe, US, Asia, ...
I talked with 2 singaporian people while flying with Air Inter and they had an excellent accent. Their country was under british rule, so their good accent isn't a surprise.

chat réincarné
Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:37:17  profilanswer

phosphorus68 a écrit :

it'd lack a(n excellent) joke  :o (but you're right, there is an expression with "blah" as far as I remember)
Japanese ppl> Scientists I have heard in France have quite a good accent, with a few exceptions. But they are used to go in Europe, US, Asia, ...
looks like i found an exception :/
I talked with 2 singaporian people while flying with Air Inter and they had an excellent accent. Their country was under british rule, so their good accent isn't a surprise.
not very surprising

edit : typo, one more time :/

Message édité par moyen_moins le 03-07-2003 à 17:38:00
Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:37:17  profilanswer

chat réincarné
Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:39:03  profilanswer

ciler a écrit :

I am French... maybe it has something to do with the fact that I also am a girl [:meganne]

so you aren't concerned by our french accent while speaking english :o

HFR old timer ?
Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:48:03  profilanswer

The French Touch is for Hfr's Paydays  :D . The greatest accent is the belgian touch  [:pentier]  :sol: .
P.S : If you want to talk to me I'm already out  [:joce]

Posté le 03-07-2003 à 17:52:55  profilanswer

SHUBAKA a écrit :

Like the rock'n roll group ... :whistle:  
I would like to know if someone have the occasion to discuss with japanese people.
Because during ma mission, I had a bad surprise concerning japanese skill in english level... it is worst as French level... :sweat:
I was sure japanese are better than french people concerning the english talk... :ouch:  

I bet this has something to do with the fact that asiatic languages have a totally different way of pronouncing letters....  

--== Elisez moi ==--
Posté le 15-07-2003 à 15:57:47  profilanswer

I don't agree with you.. I have more facilities to understand Japanese people than british people in way of pronouncing.
I talk about there language skill only and the the number of japanese people able to speak correctly english.
In my industrial application, technical explanation and terminology is common on all around the world (automotive and electronic application).
Despite this common terminology, it's very difficult to discuss with us.
It's not the same way of thinking and to describe a technical problem. It's a big cultural barrier between our world.

Thirrouard koa!
Posté le 18-07-2003 à 01:34:28  profilanswer

I didn't know that English was a Science :o  
Hi all :hello:  
And CU ;)

--== Elisez moi ==--
Posté le 18-07-2003 à 09:50:38  profilanswer

tbxfiles a écrit :

I didn't know that English was a Science :o  
Hi all :hello:  
And CU ;)

In my job, I use English to talk about electronic project with different firm  ;)

Posté le 28-02-2006 à 13:48:58  profilanswer

Bon j'ai cherché partout, c'est là que c'est le mieux.
Je suis pas mauvais en anglais,mais là je sèche : quelqu'un peut me dire ce que signifie la chanson des Connels 74/75 ?
Impossible de comprendre de quoi ça parle  :(

Posté le 05-02-2007 à 02:28:16  profilanswer

Après de longues recherches j'ai enfin trouvé ce topic où il semblerait que je puisse demander ce que j'avais demandé sur mon topic que l'on a fermé !  :)  

Citation :

Voilà j'avais deux rédactions d'anglais à faire :  
L'une portant sur ce sujet : A father tries to convince his son that education is the only road to success. His son disagrees. Imagine the dialogue. (150 words)  
Et l'autre : Do you personally think money has become the priority in modern society ? (150 words)  
Bon voilà j'ai fait les deux en français, que j'ai ensuite traduit en anglais. Je ne vais pas vous cacher que si je viens en parler ici, c'est surtout que j'aimerais savoir si ma traduction est correcte, au niveau de la grammaire, du vocabulaire, etc...  
Et je sais qu'en venant ici il y a de fortes chances que de nombreuses personnes lisent ce post, et parmi elles certaines qui parlent couramment l'anglais.  
La note qui en découlera sera très importante pour mon dossier car nous n'aurons que deux notes dans le trimestre, j'espère donc que j'aurai des réponses et que le topic ne sera pas fermé de suite.  
Si cela peut encourager un modérateur à ne pas fermer ce topic, je propose que vous débattiez des deux sujets si vous le souhaitez.  
Donc voilà, après tout j'ai fait mon travail,et n'ayant personne dans mon entourage parlant couramment l'anglais, je veux juste savoir ce qui n'est pas correct dans ce que j'ai écrit !  
1er texte :  
- Ecoute fiston, il va falloir que tu comprennes que de nos jours, nous ne pouvons rien faire sans diplôme.  
- Désolé de te dire ça papa, mais tu te trompes.  
- Ah oui ? Explique-moi donc pourquoi !  
- Eh bien, je peux très bien commencer par un travail modeste et gravir petit à petit les échelons !  
- Tu crois cela ? Mon garçon, de mon temps il est vrai que c'était possible. Mais maintenant...  
- Je ne suis pas d'accord ! Et de toute façon je peux très bien devenir sportif professionnel ou même comédien.  
- Bon, reste sérieux un peu... Tu crois vraiment qu'on devient sportif professionnel ou comédien comme ça, d'un coup de baguette magique ? Il faut faire énormément de sacrifices pour cela.  
- Oui c'est vrai... Mais il existe toujours des personnes qui arrivent à réussir sans diplôme pourtant !  
- Certainement, mais elles restent rares.  
- Et toutes les personnes qui sont au chômage alors qu'elles ont de bons diplômes, qu'est-ce que tu en fais ?  
- Oui c'est sûr qu'il est difficile de trouver un emploi de nos jours, même avec un diplôme. Mais en avoir un te laissera tout de même beaucoup plus de chances d'y parvenir !  
- Très bien, je vais suivre tes conseils papa, en espérant que tu ais raison...  
Traduction :  
-Listening son, you have to understand that nowadays we can do nothing without diplomas.  
-I’m sorry to tell you that but you get wrong.  
-Really ? Explain me why ?  
-Well, i can start with a little level job and clim the carrer leader gradually.  
-You really believe this ? My son, in my time it’s true that it was possible but now...  
-I disagree and in any case i could become a professional sportsman or an actor.  
-So, let us be serious, you really think that you can become a professionnal sportsman or a famous actor in the waving of a magic wand?  
-It’s true but it still have people who succeed without diplomas.  
-Certainly but they are rare.  
-In an other hand we find many unemployed people with a lot of diplomas, how do you explain that?  
-I admit it but it show you that it is very difficult to find a job even if you have diplomas, so you have to work at school.  
-Well daddy, i will follow your advice, expecting that you are right.  
2ème texte :  
A l'heure où, dans la société actuelle, tout nous pousse à consommer, nous pouvons penser que l'argent est ce que les gens veulent le plus. En effet, aujourd'hui, nous ne pouvons rien avoir sans argent.L’argent nous permet de voyager, de développer nos intérêts, d'améliorer nos conditions de vie. Avec l'argent on peut réaliser nos rêves, on peut enfin être indépendant.  
Par contre l’argent seul ne suffit pas pour faire le bonheur. Pour avoir du bonheur dans la vie, il faut une bonne santé, une famille et des amis, il faut avoir un travail et assez de temps libre pour les loisirs. Tout cela, l'argent ne peut pas nous l'assurer. L'argent ne doit pas être notre but principal dans la vie car ce n'est pas parce que nous aurons de l'argent que nous serons heureux. Il ne fait qu'y contribuer.  
Personnellement, l'argent n'est pas la chose la plus importante dans ma vie, mais il joue tout de même un rôle très marquant (prépondérant). Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, une vie sans argent serait très difficile voire impossible...  
Traduction :  
In the modern society all bring us to consume. According to this fact, we can think that money is mainly what people want. Indeed, nowadays we can’t have nothing without money. Money permit us to travel, buying what we need and want in order to improve our life conditions. With money we could realize our dreams and being independent.  
But money is not enough to make people happy. To have happiness in life, we need to be in good health, nice family and friends, a good work and free time for hobbies. All of this can’t be obtain thanks to money.  
Money don’t have to be our main aim in life because money don’t made us happy, however money can’t contribute to that.  
In my opinion, money isn’t the most important thing in my life but still have a dominating role. In the actual world, living without money will be very difficult.

Posté le 05-02-2007 à 02:51:53  profilanswer

Faut savoir qu'écrire en français puis traduire en anglais est une mauvaise méthode....Ce sont deux façons différentes de penser et tu tomberas sûrement dans des contradictions ou des traductions moyennes.
Il serait bien plus judicieux d'écrire directement en Anglais et de soigner son style petit à petit.

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 18-09-2008 à 21:40:32  answer

Quand est-ce que l'on met "the" devant un nom propre ?

Posté le 18-09-2008 à 21:49:37  profilanswer

Intéressant, je suis sûr que l'anglais sera plus facile pour moi.
I would like to speak english with you!

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 18-09-2008 à 21:51:01  answer

Ok, c'mon let's speak english togetha. I begin : Where do you come from ? [:petrus75]

Sick Sad World
Posté le 18-09-2008 à 21:53:04  profilanswer [...] nojs=0#bas

Welcome to my life
Posté le 18-09-2008 à 21:55:02  profilanswer

escuse me my english is very bad, i try, i live paris

Ad augusta, per angusta
Posté le 06-08-2009 à 17:46:00  profilanswer

Désolé si il y a un sujet dédié, je ne l'ai pas trouvé!
Bonjour à tous!
J'aurais besoin de l'aide de personnes calées en anglais pour une phrase :
"je n'accepterai jamais de vivre avec d'autre argent que celui que j'ai gagné".
Je le traduirai par "I’ll can’t accept to live with an other money that I won" mais ça ne sonne pas terrible!
qu'en pensez-vous?

Mr Spoon
Posté le 10-08-2009 à 23:32:13  profilanswer

You can't have will and can following each other. "Will" expresses the future and "can" means you are able to do something or something is possible. You want to use "never" to signify that it will not happen.
Your sentence should either be "I will never accept..." or "I could never accept..." The first option means that you would never do it no matter what, the second option means you don't like it but you might do it.
Another thing, you can use the verb "to win" to refer to money you got  from working but "to earn" might be more appropriate since it really shows you worked for  your money, that you deserved it.
My suggestion: "I will never accept to live with money that I did not earn myself" = "je n'accepterai jamais de vivre avec de l'argent que je n'ai pas gagné moi meme"
I hope this helps.

Adamo K. Meglia
Posté le 11-08-2009 à 08:54:37  profilanswer

I come from France, what 'bout ya?

J'essaie de ne pas vivre en contradiction avec les idées que je ne défends pas.
Ad augusta, per angusta
Posté le 14-08-2009 à 14:11:05  profilanswer

Mr Spoon a écrit :

You can't have will and can following each other. "Will" expresses the future and "can" means you are able to do something or something is possible. You want to use "never" to signify that it will not happen.
Your sentence should either be "I will never accept..." or "I could never accept..." The first option means that you would never do it no matter what, the second option means you don't like it but you might do it.
Another thing, you can use the verb "to win" to refer to money you got  from working but "to earn" might be more appropriate since it really shows you worked for  your money, that you deserved it.
My suggestion: "I will never accept to live with money that I did not earn myself" = "je n'accepterai jamais de vivre avec de l'argent que je n'ai pas gagné moi meme"
I hope this helps.

Thank you for the lesson!!!
I need to improve my english!!

kitsch' me if u can
Posté le 13-10-2009 à 10:47:49  profilanswer

je demande un peu d'aide car je rédige une lettre en anglais pour le gouvernement australien.
Je souhaite dire en Anglais  :
"Je ne m'attendais pas à cette réponse négative dans la mesure ou "
"I did not expect to receive this negative answer, to the extent that"
Est ce correct ? enfait j'ai un gros doute sur "to the extent that".
Merci :hello:

Make Portraits, Not War!  
Mais que se passe-t-il?
Posté le 14-10-2009 à 22:41:08  profilanswer

Hi everybody!


someone could help me to correct this sentences?

Citation :

Mr. and Mrs. Smith,


I apologies for answering late.


We were waiting for the answer of  Rachel's manager.


We bought the plane tickets for the 31th December to London.


If you are still agree, I hope to be able to see you and your family in Sheffield this day.


Thank you for all.


Merci  :hello:

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Samourai le 14-10-2009 à 22:41:43

Nihon, gambare !
Profil sup​primé
Posté le 14-10-2009 à 23:27:07  answer

Samourai a écrit :

Hi everybody!


someone could help me to correct this sentences?

Citation :

Mr. and Mrs. Smith,


I apologiesze for answering late.


We were waiting for the answer of  Rachel's manager.


We bought the plane tickets for the 31th December to London. We bought airline tickets to London for December 31st


If you are still agree ou plutôt "if it is still alright with you", I hope to be able to see you and your family in Sheffield this day.


Thank you for all.everything


Merci  :hello:


Message édité par Profil supprimé le 14-10-2009 à 23:27:28
Mais que se passe-t-il?
Posté le 14-10-2009 à 23:32:43  profilanswer

Super!! j'ai tout de même énormément de progrès à faire :(.
Merci beaucoup en tout cas!

Nihon, gambare !
Profil sup​primé
Posté le 06-11-2009 à 09:50:02  answer

Bonjour, je dois faire mon CV en anglais, donc je l'ai fait, mais évidemment je ne suis pas un cador non plus.
Je vous propose ma version, si vous pouviez me donner un avis ou corriger des passages, ça m'aiderait beaucoup

Spoiler :

A trained technician in various applied sciences who can develop a bench test and to make the measurements. Able to interpret the results and be efficient in a company under the direction of an engineer.
Skills Able to find a solution, Technical writer
Tools Labview, Visual Basic, Matlab, Autocad, PSpice
Automation technician (internship),  February 2009 – June 2009  
EMC Laboratory
Programmed the automation of a bench test that is to acquire the electrical response of an electronic component under electric shocks. The result of this acquisition permits to have a SPICE simulation model of the component.  
- Programmed for automating the bench under LABVIEW.
- Programmed under VISUAL BASIC the conversion of results to a SPICE file.
- Discovered SPICE environment and EMC problematic.
Metrologist Assistant (scholastical project), ) October 2008 – January 2009  
Metrology Laboratory
Followed the laboratory activity. Discovered the importance of quality in a metrology laboratory (COFRAC audit : equivalent to Standards Council of Canada)
- Updated metrological procedures and formulars from new ISO standards (ISO NF E 11-200, ISO NF E 11-056,…).
- Calibrated callipers.
Metrologist (internship
Engineering Laboratory, Metrology service
successfully developed the automatic calibration of Rogowski coils (current sensor). Permitted to divide by three the calibration time.
- Defined the procedures for automatic calibration and uncertainties.
- Programmed the automatic calibration under LABVIEW.
- Writed the modus operandi of the calibration and the user manual.
- Worked as a typical metrologist : multimeters calibration, training module on metrology.  
Student job,   Summers 2007 and 2008
 (Buying branch) and International Guarantees, Paris – France
Worked as archivist. Worked as assistant for Middle Office  
- Decreased time to search for archived document
- Standardized documents from various colleagues  
- Managed the logistics of sending promotional DVDs to different branches in the world  
Licence Professionnelle  
Equivalent to specialized Bachelor 2008 - 2009
Training leading to professional able to lead teams and conduct industrial projects, with skills focused on measurement, instrumentation, quality control and materials..
DUT Mesures Physiques
Technologic Universitary Diplom équivalent to DEC + 2 years 2006 - 2008
University education characterized by a broad spectrum of skills focused on the physical sciences. The graduate can work in instrumentation and measurements in the fields of physics, physical chemistry, optics, electronics, computers, sensors and metrology.
Baccalauréat Scientifique with honours
Equivalent to DEC or British A level 2003 - 2006
Pianist, jazz band, Rosny sous bois
- Teamwork skills
Cycling, Paris and suburbs
« Scientist » childhood,science club
- Discovery of science and scientific projects (micro Rockets, self-guided robot,…)

Posté le 12-11-2009 à 17:32:52  profilanswer

Citation :

bidibule a écrit :

Citation :

When i read this topic i realise that i have a very bad english because i don't understand forty percent of the words.    
And it's need me at least three minutes to write the previous sentence.    

Your english is still better than many people's french here (and I'm not talking about TRK who is a kind of artist or something ).


Mais que se passe-t-il?
Posté le 02-02-2010 à 16:34:20  profilanswer

Bonjour à tous,
connaîtriez vous des sites gratuits pour réapprendre les bases de l'anglais?
Conjuguaison + construction des phrases.*
(would U know free website for learn again the english fundation?)
Thank You

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par Samourai le 02-02-2010 à 16:35:03

Nihon, gambare !
Posté le 17-05-2010 à 06:37:12  profilanswer

Samourai a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,
connaîtriez vous des sites gratuits pour réapprendre les bases de l'anglais?
Conjuguaison + construction des phrases.*
(would U know free website for learn again the english fundation?)
Thank You


Posté le 17-05-2010 à 10:16:29  profilanswer

drap et question : comment répond-on à quelqu'un qui vous souhaite un joyeux Noël ? Plus précisément, comment dit-on "à vous aussi" ?
merci !

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 17-05-2010 à 11:06:19  answer

Merry Christmas to you too?  [:crapulax]  
Ta question aurait plus sa place dans le "vrai" topic anglais ceci dit :o

Posté le 17-05-2010 à 11:10:02  profilanswer

oui j'y ai déposé ma question
"to you too" me paraissait bizarre (toutoutouyoutou) mais ça a l'air correct

Message édité par moonboots le 17-05-2010 à 11:10:16
sire de Bo​tcor
Armorican way of life
Posté le 24-05-2010 à 20:13:41  profilanswer

est-ce que vous sauriez reconnaître la phrase prononcée dans cet introduction de chanson ?
j'ai du mal à déchiffrer : ce que je comprends ne veut rien dire :/ "too high loop back someone who cares was gold fix"

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par sire de Botcor le 24-05-2010 à 20:18:15

«Ceux qui croient que les peuples suivront leurs intérêts et non leurs passions n’ont rien compris au XXe siècle.» © Raymond Aron
Profil sup​primé
Posté le 24-05-2010 à 20:28:16  answer

Salut :o
Il dit: "Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?"
"gold fix" -> tu penses trop à la bourse ou quoi? :o

Posté le   profilanswer

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