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Auteur | Sujet : [Star Wars] L'origine du nom "Chewbaka" :??: |
darkoli Le Petit Dinosaure Bleu | Est ce que par hasard ça ne viendrait pas du russe "Собака" (sabaka), qui veut dire "chien" |
Publicité | Posté le 06-02-2003 à 21:11:30 |
FunkyJedi Jazz in da house |
--------------- Desire is Irrelevant ! I Am a Machine ! |
darkoli Le Petit Dinosaure Bleu |
Clubber Je t'interdis de lire ça !! |
Il a dit "macher" ! --------------- Nul n'est plus stupide que la stupidité. Ou peut être pas, finalement. |
darkoli Le Petit Dinosaure Bleu |
FunkyJedi Jazz in da house |
FunkyJedi Jazz in da house |
--------------- Desire is Irrelevant ! I Am a Machine ! |
D-dayd Dedead for a day | Chewbacca --------------- Meme si tu as le bourdon, il ne faut pas prendre la mouche pour autant. |
potemkin Optimisateur relativiste. |
Publicité | Posté le 06-02-2003 à 23:42:14 |
elpoulpo nickel |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
PALPATINE The dark side of HFR |
--------------- ''We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones.'' R.Dawkins |
Atigrou |
elpoulpo nickel |
Brad Pitt I want to believe |
carrément pas --------------- Dieu se rit des hommes qui déplorent les effets dont ils chérissent les causes. J.-B. Bossuet |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
Atigrou |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
Atigrou |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
Atigrou |
Clubber Je t'interdis de lire ça !! | chubaca on t'appelle, ramène-toi ! --------------- Nul n'est plus stupide que la stupidité. Ou peut être pas, finalement. |
electroger | Peut être que "chewing tobacco" est l'une des origines. Dans la version francaise de ANH il est appelé "Chique tabac". |
Dion Acceuil |
--------------- When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====> |
electroger |
Message édité par electroger le 08-02-2003 à 01:37:52 |
latoucheF7duclavier |
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