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  [Aide]router le trafic vers tunnel OpenVPN...


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[Aide]router le trafic vers tunnel OpenVPN...

Posté le 20-05-2012 à 16:34:33  profilanswer

j'espere avoir une réponse a ma question apres diverses recherche sur le net et plusieurs jours de galére, je ne toruve pas de solutions:
j'ai crée un server openvpn sous windows , mes machines a l'exterieur de mon réseau local sont bien connecté au serveur VPN
mais je souhaite router le trafic internet de mes machines a l'exterieur de mon réseau local vers le tunnel Open VPN....
voici ma conf du serveur:
port 1194
proto udp
dev tap0
dev-node "portable"
ca ca.crt
cert server.crt
key server.key
dh dh1024.pem
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
push "route"
push "redirect-gateway"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
keepalive 10 120
tls-auth secure.key 0
cipher AES-128-CBC    
verb 4
mute 10
en vous remerciant par avance!

Message édité par xxx31fr le 24-05-2012 à 20:08:18
Posté le 20-05-2012 à 16:34:33  profilanswer

Posté le 20-05-2012 à 20:45:51  profilanswer

si tu veux de l'aide il faut plus d'infos... notemment la configuration IP de chaque réseau. qui fait gateway, qui fait server, qui est client.l'idéal c'est un schéma.
sinon tu tiens absolument a faire du mode bridge? le routage sera plus simple en mode routé (eh oui!) (dev tun et directive server)

Posté le 20-05-2012 à 22:14:14  profilanswer
si c'est possible, autant garder le mode bridge.
sinon, bah, ma fois, je ferai sans.
merci de vos reponses

Posté le 21-05-2012 à 17:11:51  profilanswer

VOus manque t'il des informations pour m'aider?
merci d'avance.

Posté le 22-05-2012 à 12:00:08  profilanswer

Personne pour me donner une petite aide rapide?
merci d'avance

Posté le 22-05-2012 à 13:43:59  profilanswer

ben j'ai l'impression que tu fais un mix du mode routé et bridge.
Le mode bridge ça veut dire que tout le monde à les mêmes IPs que le lan de base soit du 192.168.xxxx même les clients openvpn comme ça les clients openvpn peuvent discuter avec ton lan via le serveur vpn au niveau ethernet, donc pas besoin de router quoique ce soit car ils reçoivent déjà par le dhcp du lan qui fait gateway.
alors que là dans ta conf tu dis que le server vpn et ses clients auront des IPs en 10.xxxx.
ça serait plutot:
server-bridge 192.168.0.sketuveu
push "route"  devient inutile car tout le monde est dans le même lan

Posté le 22-05-2012 à 14:17:13  profilanswer

salut exeral,
j'ai au debut, fait comme ca, c'est a dire que j'ai fais cela:
mon client a bien une ip en 192.168.0.xx, mais, ping depuis le serveur openvpn vers l'adresse du client :  ko
et inversement  idem.
donc du coup je ne sais pas comment faire....

Posté le 23-05-2012 à 11:05:21  profilanswer

Si une personne pouvez m'expliquer comment faire avant que je parte a l'etranger, cela serait rellement sympathique, car, je pars (tres tres) bientôt
merci d'avance

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 19:50:39  profilanswer

Je pars mardi a l'etranger
et je souhaite pouvoir router le trafic vers mon pc chez moi qui fait office de serveur openVPN.
une personne sympathique peut elle me donner la config, car, ce que me conseil  Exeral ne semble pas fonctionner.
merci d'avance!

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 20:07:23  profilanswer

je pars a l'etranger pour un petit moment, dans un pays ou l'internet est malheureusement filtré, et je souhaite donc que tt le trafic internet que j'aurai a l'etranger passe par le pc chez moi qui sert de server openvpn.
le serveur openvpn est sous windows XP
actuellement j'ai un pont entre la carte reseau physique du pc et la carte reseau "TAP" de openvpn
dans les propriété TCP/IP du bridge :
j'ai renseigné :
IP en 192.168.0.xx
et masque ss reseau
et config openvpn coté serveur:
port 1194
proto udp
dev tap0
dev-node "SGS2"
ca ca.crt
cert server.crt
key server.key
dh dh1024.pem
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
;push "route"
push "redirect-gateway"
;push "dhcp-option DNS"
keepalive 10 120
tls-auth secure.key 0
cipher AES-128-CBC    
verb 4
mute 10
merci de vos reponses

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 20:07:23  profilanswer

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 20:23:15  profilanswer

c'est pour quoi le vpn ?
avoir accès à tes machines lan ?
si c'est juste utiliser le pc comme passerelle internet part en mode routé, c'est plus simple.

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 20:37:44  profilanswer

dans l'idéal c'est en même temps pour avoir accés a mon Lan chez moi, et aussi que le "serveur openvpn" serve de passerelle
peux tu dans ce cas, me faire une petite explication sur le mode routé?
car, pour le moment, c'est le plus important
merci d'avance Exeral!

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 22:02:42  profilanswer

personne ne peut m'expliquer comment router le traffic dans le tunnel VPN?
tout ce que je vois via Google ne m'aide pas.
merci d'avance tu peux prendre juste 5 minutes de ton temps pour m'aider, cela serait sincerement sympathique.
en echange, je peux je donner du matos informatique que je n'utilise plus mais qui reste fonctionnel.

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 22:06:41  profilanswer

plein de tutos sur le net  :)  

# Port protocole et interface
port 1194
proto udp
dev tun
# Chemin vers les fichiers ssl
ca keys/ca.crt
cert keys/server.crt
key keys/server.key
dh keys/dh1024.pem
# réseau du vpn
# On définit le serveur VPN comme passerelle par défaut pour les clients.
push "redirect-gateway def1"
# On définit le dns google public comme DNS par défaut
push "dhcp-option DNS"
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
keepalive 10 120
verb 2

dans ton routeur ne pas oublier de rediriger le port 1194 vers ton serveur vpn.
et configurer le serveur vpn pour qu'il puisse servir de passerelle internet. (qu'il puisse transmettre les paquets des clients à destination d'internet a ta box qui se charge du reste) à faire au niveau de windows, partage de connexion internet  :??: je sais pas comment ça marche exactement sous windows

Message édité par exeral le 24-05-2012 à 22:09:18
Posté le 24-05-2012 à 22:09:08  profilanswer

est ce que j'enleve le pont que j'ai crée?
entre la carte réseau TAp
et la carte réseau physique?

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 22:11:35  profilanswer

merci exeral.
je vais essayer cela ce soir
super cool

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 22:13:18  profilanswer

oui car ce n'est plus du mode pont mais routé

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 22:14:52  profilanswer

ok j'enleve le brige alors
j'espere ca va fonctionner :d

Posté le 24-05-2012 à 22:25:28  profilanswer

d'où te connecte tu pour faire les test coté client ? l'idéal est d'être en dehors de ton réseau classique

Posté le 25-05-2012 à 07:23:21  profilanswer

je me connecte depuis mon smartphone
wifi non activé bien sur!
je sais que  
dans ma config de depart, en mode bridge
 ca fonctionne nickel!
je test en mode routé
 et te donne mon retour demain!
en esperant que ca fonctionne comme je veux

Posté le 25-05-2012 à 18:40:16  profilanswer

Re bonjour,
Avec la config de exeral, ca ne me donne rien de bon...
alors là, je suis un peu inquiet
car mon depart approche et j'ai pas trop envie de rester sans connexion full internet!

Posté le 25-05-2012 à 18:52:39  profilanswer

que dises les log du serveur?, du client? à la connexion, qui peut pinguer qui, regarder les routes
Il faut fouiner pour voir où ça coince.

Posté le 25-05-2012 à 20:23:22  profilanswer

log serveur:
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744299 Current Parameter Settings:
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744345   config = 'server.ovpn'
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744353   mode = 1
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744361   show_ciphers = DISABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744368   show_digests = DISABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744376   show_engines = DISABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744383   genkey = DISABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744391   key_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744399   show_tls_ciphers = DISABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744405   proto = 0
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744412   local = '[UNDEF]'
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744420   remote_list = NULL
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744427   remote_random = DISABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744435   local_port = 1194
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744442   remote_port = 1194
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744449   remote_float = DISABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744457   ipchange = '[UNDEF]'
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744464   bind_local = ENABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744471   dev = 'tun'
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744478   dev_type = '[UNDEF]'
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744485   dev_node = '[UNDEF]'
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744493   tun_ipv6 = DISABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744500   ifconfig_local = '[UNDEF]'
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744508   ifconfig_remote_netmask = '[UNDEF]'
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744515   ifconfig_noexec = DISABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744523   ifconfig_nowarn = DISABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744530   shaper = 0
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744537   tun_mtu = 1500
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744544   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744553   link_mtu = 1500
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744561 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744580 159 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=744590 OpenVPN 2.0.9 Win32-MinGW [SSL] [LZO] built on Oct  1 2006
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=761807 Diffie-Hellman initialized with 1024 bit key
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=762989 Control Channel Authentication: using 'secure.key' as a OpenVPN static key file
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=763029 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=763046 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: HMAC KEY: c2637d5b b7946aba a8f0047b 725bce43 0b659d42
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=763056 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: HMAC size=20 block_size=64
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=763068 Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 160 bit message hash 'SHA1' for HMAC authentication
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=763084 Incoming Control Channel Authentication: HMAC KEY: 30a1f60b 1b0bfe01 7f41e750 e0473c68 851fee79
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=763093 Incoming Control Channel Authentication: HMAC size=20 block_size=64
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=763114 MTU DYNAMIC mtu=0, flags=1, 0 -> 166
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=763127 TLS-Auth MTU parms [ L:1590 D:166 EF:66 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=763136 MTU DYNAMIC mtu=1450, flags=2, 1590 -> 1450
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=768309 TAP-WIN32 device [SGS2] opened: \\.\Global\{62F8EE58-E544-4A58-B75B-D9A27C07BB1B}.tap
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=768338 TAP-Win32 Driver Version 8.4  
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=768350 TAP-Win32 MTU=1500
Fri May 25 20:15:31 2012 us=768612 Sleeping for 10 seconds...
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=771573 NOTE: could not get adapter index for \DEVICE\TCPIP_{62F8EE58-E544-4A58-B75B-D9A27C07BB1B}, status=55 : The specified network resource or device is no longer available.  
SYSTEM ROUTING TABLE p=0 i=2 t=4 pr=3 a=27483 h=0 m=30/-1/-1/-1/-1 p=0 i=1 t=3 pr=2 a=27503 h=0 m=1/-1/-1/-1/-1 p=0 i=2 t=3 pr=2 a=27483 h=0 m=30/-1/-1/-1/-1 p=0 i=1 t=3 pr=2 a=27483 h=0 m=30/-1/-1/-1/-1 p=0 i=2 t=3 pr=2 a=27483 h=0 m=30/-1/-1/-1/-1 p=0 i=2 t=3 pr=2 a=27483 h=0 m=30/-1/-1/-1/-1 p=0 i=2 t=3 pr=2 a=27503 h=0 m=1/-1/-1/-1/-1
MAC Bridge Miniport - Packet Scheduler Miniport
  Index = 2
  GUID = {5DB6BE56-750A-49D3-9378-46A9D5A319C5}
  IP =  
  MAC = 02:ff:62:f8:ee:58
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774253 MTU DYNAMIC mtu=1500, flags=3, 1450 -> 1450
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774284 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1590 D:1450 EF:58 EB:135 ET:32 EL:0 AF:3/1 ]
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774319 Socket Buffers: R=[8192->8192] S=[8192->8192]
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774343 UDPv4 link local (bound): [undef]:1194
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774351 UDPv4 link remote: [undef]
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774360 MULTI: multi_init called, r=256 v=256
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774392 IFCONFIG POOL: base= size=81
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774414 IFCONFIG POOL LIST
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774429 WE_INIT maxevents=4 flags=0x00000002
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774437 WE_INIT maxevents=4 capacity=8
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774456 Initialization Sequence Completed
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774464 SCHEDULE: schedule_find_least NULL
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774477 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774504 WIN32 I/O: Socket Receive queued [1590]
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774513 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774521 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774540 WIN32 I/O: TAP Read immediate return [1532,52]
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774552 I/O WAIT TR1|Tw0|SRQ|Sw0 [10/0]
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774567 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=10000
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774576 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774584 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774591 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774606 WE_WAIT leave [2,0] rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774613  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774620 I/O WAIT status=0x0004
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774641 WIN32 I/O: TAP Completion non-queued success [52]
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774650  read from TUN/TAP returned 52
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774663 SCHEDULE: schedule_find_least NULL
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774671 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774680 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774688 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774700 WIN32 I/O: TAP Read immediate return [1532,52]
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774712 I/O WAIT TR1|Tw0|SRQ|Sw0 [10/0]
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774720 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=10000
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774727 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774735 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774743 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774754 WE_WAIT leave [2,0] rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774761  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774768 I/O WAIT status=0x0004
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774775 WIN32 I/O: TAP Completion non-queued success [52]
Fri May 25 20:15:41 2012 us=774784 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124187 267 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124213 MULTI: multi_create_instance called
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124246 Re-using SSL/TLS context
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124145 LZO compression initialized
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124179 MTU DYNAMIC mtu=0, flags=1, 0 -> 166
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124187 TLS: tls_session_init: entry
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124207 PID packet_id_init seq_backtrack=64 time_backtrack=15
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124504 PID packet_id_init seq_backtrack=64 time_backtrack=15
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124426 TLS: tls_session_init: new session object, sid=be10eef2 42f48586
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124440 TLS: tls_session_init: entry
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124450 PID packet_id_init seq_backtrack=64 time_backtrack=15
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124518 PID packet_id_init seq_backtrack=64 time_backtrack=15
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124531 TLS: tls_session_init: new session object, sid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124542 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1590 D:166 EF:66 EB:0 ET:0 EL:0 ]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124551 MTU DYNAMIC mtu=1450, flags=2, 1590 -> 1450
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124562 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1590 D:1450 EF:58 EB:135 ET:32 EL:0 AF:3/1 ]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124594 Local Options String: 'V4,dev-type tap,link-mtu 1590,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,keydir 0,cipher AES-128-CBC,auth SHA1,keysize 128,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-server'
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124605 Expected Remote Options String: 'V4,dev-type tap,link-mtu 1590,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,keydir 1,cipher AES-128-CBC,auth SHA1,keysize 128,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-client'
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124629 Local Options hash (VER=V4): 'c5677ab3'
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124643 Expected Remote Options hash (VER=V4): 'a7133b47'
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124678 SENT PING
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124685 TIMER: coarse timer wakeup 1 seconds
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124712 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124730 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124744 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124757 RANDOM USEC=119182
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124766 SCHEDULE: schedule_add_modify wakeup=[Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=243944] pri=0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124780 GET INST BY REAL: [created]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124812 UDPv4 READ [42] from P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 kid=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a tls_hmac=23370d31 530ea823 2eb11f87 4c8ee376 90d597ed pid=[ #1 / time = (1337969759) Fri May 25 20:15:59 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124824 TLS: control channel, op=P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2, IP=
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124844 TLS: initial packet test, i=0 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, rec-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, rec-ip=, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124868 TLS: initial packet test, i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, rec-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, rec-ip=, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=124891 TLS: initial packet test, i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, rec-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, rec-ip=, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=126264 TLS: Initial packet from, sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=126308 PID TEST 0:0 1337969759:1
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=126327 TLS: received control channel packet s#=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=126349 ACK reliable_schedule_now
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=126360 ACK read ID 0 (buf->len=0)
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=126368 ACK mark active incoming ID 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=126376 ACK acknowledge ID 0 (ack->len=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=126430 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=126442 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_INITIAL lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=148173 ACK mark active outgoing ID 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=148207 TLS: Initial Handshake, sid=be10eef2 42f48586
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=148225 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=1 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=148247 ACK reliable_send ID 0 (size=4 to=2)
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=148256 ACK write ID 0 (ack->len=1, n=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=148280 Reliable -> TCP/UDP
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=148289 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=148297 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=148314 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=161674 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=161720 SCHEDULE: schedule_find_least wakeup=[Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=243944] pri=30867
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=161737 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=161757 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=161767 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=161780 I/O WAIT TrQ|Tw0|Sr0|SW0 [1/82212]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=161789 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1082
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=161798 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=178668 [1] ev=0x00000708 rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=178704 WE_WAIT leave [1,0] rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=178713  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=178721 I/O WAIT status=0x0002
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=178781 UDPv4 WRITE [54] to P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=a16ea711 dfc3c7ad 510fd387 95497cd8 c7c5a4e1 pid=[ #1 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ 0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=178884 WIN32 I/O: Socket Send immediate return [54,54]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=178893 UDPv4 write returned 54
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=178943 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=192009 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=192041 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=192069 Incoming Ciphertext -> TLS
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=192181 SSL state (accept): before/accept initialization
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=192205 TLS: tls_process: chg=1 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=192213 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=192226 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=192235 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=204555 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=204595 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=204643 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=204679 WIN32 I/O: Socket Receive queued [1590]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=204688 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=204697 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=204710 I/O WAIT TRQ|Tw0|SRQ|Sw1 [1/39307]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=204718 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=1039
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=204726 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=204733 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=225057 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=367046 WE_WAIT leave rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=367275  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=367285 I/O WAIT status=0x0004
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=367298 WIN32 I/O: TAP Completion success [52]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=367305  read from TUN/TAP returned 52
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=367206 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=367228 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=367237 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=367245 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459225 32 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459287 UDPv4 READ [42] from P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 kid=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a tls_hmac=5697fc69 6d941980 ca53afb5 f22664c2 fac1aa9f pid=[ #2 / time = (1337969759) Fri May 25 20:15:59 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459184 TLS: control channel, op=P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2, IP=
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459227 TLS: initial packet test, i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, rec-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, rec-ip=, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459241 TLS: found match, session[0], sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459267 PID TEST 1337969759:1 1337969759:2
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459278 TLS: received control channel packet s#=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459290 ACK read ID 0 (buf->len=0)
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459299 ACK 0 is a replay: [1]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459334 ACK acknowledge ID 0 (ack->len=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459376 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459422 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459434 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459468 ACK write ID 0 (ack->len=1, n=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459481 Dedicated ACK -> TCP/UDP
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459488 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459495 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459509 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459522 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459541 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459551 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459560 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459579 I/O WAIT TrQ|Tw0|Sr0|SW1 [1/26970]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459587 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1027
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459596 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459604 [1] ev=0x00000708 rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459618 WE_WAIT leave [1,0] rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459628  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459634 I/O WAIT status=0x0002
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459670 UDPv4 WRITE [50] to P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=4692440b ad2ad24d 6804e529 950d6b58 185a02bc pid=[ #2 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ 0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a ]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459682 WIN32 I/O: Socket Completion non-queued success [54]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459735 WIN32 I/O: Socket Send immediate return [50,50]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459745 UDPv4 write returned 50
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459768 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459778 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=459786 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461453 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461500 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461520 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461537 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461556 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461587 WIN32 I/O: Socket Receive queued [1590]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461598 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461610 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461623 I/O WAIT TRQ|Tw0|SRQ|Sw1 [1/24955]
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461631 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=1025
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=461642 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=474250 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:04 2012 us=474283 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=498955  event_wait returned 0
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=498987 I/O WAIT status=0x0020
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=498997 MULTI: REAP range 176 -> 192
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=498899 TIMER: coarse timer wakeup 1 seconds
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=498952 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=498964 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=498975 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=1 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=498984 ACK reliable_send ID 0 (size=4 to=2)
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499014 Reliable -> TCP/UDP
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499023 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499031 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499196 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499249 14 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499166 UDPv4 WRITE [42] to P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=d7f4cd7d a4ff5c1e 678e97b0 045220d1 35d771f0 pid=[ #3 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499237 WIN32 I/O: Socket Completion non-queued success [50]
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499322 WIN32 I/O: Socket Send immediate return [42,42]
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499338 UDPv4 write returned 42
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499385 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499395 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499403 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499441 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499449 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499464 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499479 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499494 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499506 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499517 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499534 I/O WAIT TRQ|Tw0|SRQ|Sw1 [1/118924]
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499545 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499553 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499561 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499568 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499581 WE_WAIT leave [2,0] rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499590  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499597 I/O WAIT status=0x0004
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499606 WIN32 I/O: TAP Completion success [42]
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499613  read from TUN/TAP returned 42
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499625 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499634 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499643 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499655 I/O WAIT Tr0|Tw0|SrQ|SW1 [1/118792]
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=499664 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=501028 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=501051 [1] ev=0x00000708 rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:05 2012 us=501091 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587795 96 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587855 UDPv4 READ [42] from P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 kid=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a tls_hmac=c5667f2a bb915b85 0634c075 26a32c42 2330d885 pid=[ #3 / time = (1337969759) Fri May 25 20:15:59 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587870 TLS: control channel, op=P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2, IP=
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587893 TLS: initial packet test, i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, rec-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, rec-ip=, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587907 TLS: found match, session[0], sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587932 PID TEST 1337969759:2 1337969759:3
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587830 TLS: received control channel packet s#=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587869 ACK read ID 0 (buf->len=0)
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587880 ACK 0 is a replay: [1]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587888 ACK acknowledge ID 0 (ack->len=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587933 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587947 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=587970 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588009 ACK write ID 0 (ack->len=1, n=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588022 Dedicated ACK -> TCP/UDP
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588030 ACK reliable_send_timeout 1 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588037 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 1
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588050 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588066 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588085 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588095 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588105 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588123 I/O WAIT TrQ|Tw0|Sr0|SW1 [1/66109]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588131 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1066
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588141 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588148 [1] ev=0x00000708 rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588160 WE_WAIT leave [1,0] rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588170  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588177 I/O WAIT status=0x0002
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588214 UDPv4 WRITE [50] to P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=873dcb30 d6d45138 ac90e852 5e3b644b c0ce514d pid=[ #4 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ 0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a ]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588225 WIN32 I/O: Socket Completion non-queued success [42]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588278 WIN32 I/O: Socket Send immediate return [50,50]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588289 UDPv4 write returned 50
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588311 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588321 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=588329 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589787 ACK reliable_send_timeout 1 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589834 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 1
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589855 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589870 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589890 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589924 WIN32 I/O: Socket Receive queued [1590]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589934 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589942 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589956 I/O WAIT TRQ|Tw0|SRQ|Sw1 [1/64303]
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589966 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=1064
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=589974 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=603397 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:06 2012 us=603417 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667646  event_wait returned 0
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667679 I/O WAIT status=0x0020
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667689 MULTI: REAP range 208 -> 224
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667720 TIMER: coarse timer wakeup 1 seconds
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667748 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667761 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667773 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=1 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667781 ACK reliable_send ID 0 (size=4 to=2)
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667808 Reliable -> TCP/UDP
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667815 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667822 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667838 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667864 14 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667939 UDPv4 WRITE [42] to P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=648602f1 c1ad0215 36264f96 2a2825d1 f1037c6c pid=[ #5 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=667953 WIN32 I/O: Socket Completion non-queued success [50]
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668021 WIN32 I/O: Socket Send immediate return [42,42]
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668029 UDPv4 write returned 42
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668057 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668066 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668075 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668109 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668117 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668131 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668146 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668163 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668174 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668183 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668198 I/O WAIT TRQ|Tw0|SRQ|Sw1 [1/118870]
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668206 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668214 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668223 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668231 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668242 WE_WAIT leave [2,0] rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668251  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668257 I/O WAIT status=0x0004
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668266 WIN32 I/O: TAP Completion success [42]
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668273  read from TUN/TAP returned 42
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668285 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668294 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668303 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668313 I/O WAIT Tr0|Tw0|SrQ|SW1 [1/118748]
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=668320 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=669781 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=669813 [1] ev=0x00000708 rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:07 2012 us=669841 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=806887 61 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=806945 UDPv4 READ [42] from P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 kid=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a tls_hmac=94674696 a36a7f70 b6eef03d 1fbea27a 6ef8c642 pid=[ #4 / time = (1337969759) Fri May 25 20:15:59 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=806960 TLS: control channel, op=P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2, IP=
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=806981 TLS: initial packet test, i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, rec-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, rec-ip=, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=806994 TLS: found match, session[0], sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807021 PID TEST 1337969759:3 1337969759:4
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807032 TLS: received control channel packet s#=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807041 ACK read ID 0 (buf->len=0)
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807049 ACK 0 is a replay: [1]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807056 ACK acknowledge ID 0 (ack->len=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807092 TIMER: coarse timer wakeup 1 seconds
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807297 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807334 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807346 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807240 ACK write ID 0 (ack->len=1, n=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807255 Dedicated ACK -> TCP/UDP
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807263 ACK reliable_send_timeout 1 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807272 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 1
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807287 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807302 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807317 SCHEDULE: schedule_add_modify wakeup=[Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926495] pri=8830
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807329 SCHEDULE: schedule_find_least wakeup=[Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926495] pri=4512
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807341 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807351 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807374 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807386 I/O WAIT TrQ|Tw0|Sr0|SW1 [1/119158]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807396 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807405 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807413 [1] ev=0x00000708 rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807424 WE_WAIT leave [1,0] rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807433  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807439 I/O WAIT status=0x0002
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807470 UDPv4 WRITE [50] to P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=1c30ec9b 9847b24d 69627f69 ec67629a 1efcd13d pid=[ #6 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ 0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a ]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807481 WIN32 I/O: Socket Completion non-queued success [42]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807579 WIN32 I/O: Socket Send immediate return [50,50]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807588 UDPv4 write returned 50
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=807610 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=809179 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=809214 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=809274 ACK reliable_send_timeout 1 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=809297 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 1
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=809315 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=809333 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=809352 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=809404 WIN32 I/O: Socket Receive queued [1590]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822446 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822487 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822467 I/O WAIT TRQ|Tw0|SRQ|Sw1 [1/117147]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822497 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=1117
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822506 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822513 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822520 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822532 WE_WAIT leave [2,0] rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822539  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822546 I/O WAIT status=0x0004
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822559 WIN32 I/O: TAP Completion success [42]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822570  read from TUN/TAP returned 42
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=822588 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=845633 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=845677 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=845693 I/O WAIT Tr0|Tw0|SrQ|SW1 [1/103910]
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=845703 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1104
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=845712 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:08 2012 us=845719 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926541 46 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926595 UDPv4 WRITE [42] to P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=a6c3992a 2e84ea24 01aa6b60 2cb1419f a7aa1415 pid=[ #7 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926476 WIN32 I/O: Socket Completion non-queued success [50]
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926583 WIN32 I/O: Socket Send immediate return [42,42]
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926601 UDPv4 write returned 42
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926674 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926688 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926700 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926742 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926750 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926764 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926779 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926797 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926807 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926817 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926830 I/O WAIT TRQ|Tw0|SRQ|Sw1 [1/118912]
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926839 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926848 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926855 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926862 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926876 WE_WAIT leave [2,0] rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926883  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926889 I/O WAIT status=0x0004
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926899 WIN32 I/O: TAP Completion success [42]
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926908  read from TUN/TAP returned 42
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926920 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926927 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926935 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926946 I/O WAIT Tr0|Tw0|SrQ|SW1 [1/118787]
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926953 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926962 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926971 [1] ev=0x00000708 rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:09 2012 us=926981 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=62880 96 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=62941 UDPv4 READ [42] from P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 kid=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a tls_hmac=59a3bfd4 a78e380e b0ca93a3 71cd1e81 a3991a4b pid=[ #5 / time = (1337969759) Fri May 25 20:15:59 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=62841 TLS: control channel, op=P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2, IP=
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=62879 TLS: initial packet test, i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, rec-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, rec-ip=, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=62894 TLS: found match, session[0], sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=62925 PID TEST 1337969759:4 1337969759:5
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=62939 TLS: received control channel packet s#=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=62950 ACK read ID 0 (buf->len=0)
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=62970 ACK 0 is a replay: [1]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=62978 ACK acknowledge ID 0 (ack->len=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63020 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63032 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63042 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63073 ACK write ID 0 (ack->len=1, n=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63085 Dedicated ACK -> TCP/UDP
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63100 ACK reliable_send_timeout 1 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63115 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 1
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63129 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63143 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63162 SCHEDULE: schedule_add_modify wakeup=[Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182337] pri=16279
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63174 SCHEDULE: schedule_find_least wakeup=[Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182337] pri=7935
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63186 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63195 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63204 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63217 I/O WAIT TrQ|Tw0|Sr0|SW1 [1/119156]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63229 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63237 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63246 [1] ev=0x00000708 rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63261 WE_WAIT leave [1,0] rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63269  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63277 I/O WAIT status=0x0002
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63313 UDPv4 WRITE [50] to P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=8f01248e 4efdd37b ee356423 773b91e2 0d1d7080 pid=[ #8 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ 0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a ]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63324 WIN32 I/O: Socket Completion non-queued success [42]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63432 WIN32 I/O: Socket Send immediate return [50,50]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63443 UDPv4 write returned 50
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63467 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=63476 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=66190 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=66279 ACK reliable_send_timeout 1 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=66288 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 1
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=66392 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=66408 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=66432 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=66477 WIN32 I/O: Socket Receive queued [1590]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=66486 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=66496 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=80542 I/O WAIT TRQ|Tw0|SRQ|Sw1 [1/115909]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=80650 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=1116
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=80661 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=80670 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=80692 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=82157 WE_WAIT leave [2,0] rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=82251  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=82260 I/O WAIT status=0x0004
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=82272 WIN32 I/O: TAP Completion success [42]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=82280  read from TUN/TAP returned 42
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=82299 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=82310 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=108789 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=108864 I/O WAIT Tr0|Tw0|SrQ|SW1 [1/100042]
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=108874 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1100
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=108882 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:11 2012 us=108890 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182301 46 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182357 UDPv4 WRITE [42] to P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=07f17b06 8dc4ac26 fe2b6523 fe077ede cfe90270 pid=[ #9 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182242 WIN32 I/O: Socket Completion non-queued success [50]
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182349 WIN32 I/O: Socket Send immediate return [42,42]
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182372 UDPv4 write returned 42
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182439 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182454 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182466 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182505 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182512 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182526 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182545 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182562 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182571 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182580 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182593 I/O WAIT TRQ|Tw0|SRQ|Sw1 [1/118908]
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182601 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182608 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182616 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182623 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182635 WE_WAIT leave [2,0] rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182644  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182652 I/O WAIT status=0x0004
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182662 WIN32 I/O: TAP Completion success [42]
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182670  read from TUN/TAP returned 42
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182681 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182689 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182697 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182706 I/O WAIT Tr0|Tw0|SrQ|SW1 [1/118787]
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182713 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182721 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182729 [1] ev=0x00000708 rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:12 2012 us=182737 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=72975 61 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73034 UDPv4 READ [42] from P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2 kid=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a tls_hmac=8c51aa38 b6195d74 f0a9f487 ee085d8d 754f3e35 pid=[ #6 / time = (1337969759) Fri May 25 20:15:59 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=72930 TLS: control channel, op=P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_CLIENT_V2, IP=
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=72973 TLS: initial packet test, i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, rec-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, rec-ip=, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=72989 TLS: found match, session[0], sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73022 PID TEST 1337969759:5 1337969759:6
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73036 TLS: received control channel packet s#=0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73047 ACK read ID 0 (buf->len=0)
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73065 ACK 0 is a replay: [1]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73075 ACK acknowledge ID 0 (ack->len=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73105 TIMER: coarse timer wakeup 1 seconds
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73125 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73138 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73150 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73181 ACK write ID 0 (ack->len=1, n=1)
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73195 Dedicated ACK -> TCP/UDP
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73203 ACK reliable_send_timeout 1 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73211 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 1
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73225 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73252 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73266 SCHEDULE: schedule_add_modify wakeup=[Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=192443] pri=16443
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73277 SCHEDULE: schedule_find_least wakeup=[Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=192443] pri=6785
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73288 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73298 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73305 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0000 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73319 I/O WAIT TrQ|Tw0|Sr0|SW1 [1/119159]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73330 WE_WAIT enter n=2 to=1119
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73338 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73345 [1] ev=0x00000708 rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73359 WE_WAIT leave [1,0] rwflags=0x0002 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73366  event_wait returned 1
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73374 I/O WAIT status=0x0002
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73405 UDPv4 WRITE [50] to P_ACK_V1 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=ad78f70d 189a9cb7 83dba672 913d21c3 697de415 pid=[ #10 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ 0 sid=68c8eabd de24850a ]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73417 WIN32 I/O: Socket Completion non-queued success [42]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73458 WIN32 I/O: Socket Send immediate return [50,50]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73465 UDPv4 write returned 50
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=73486 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=74980 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=75010 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=0 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=75073 ACK reliable_send_timeout 1 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=75081 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 1
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=75099 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=1 state=S_INITIAL, mysid=2dc1d4cf 35ab54a6, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=75114 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=2 state=S_UNDEF, mysid=00000000 00000000, stored-sid=00000000 00000000, stored-ip=[undef]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=75131 WE_CTL n=0 ev=0x00469984 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=75163 WIN32 I/O: Socket Receive queued [1590]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=75171 WE_CTL n=1 ev=0x00a2306c rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=88259 WE_CTL n=2 ev=0x00a2a7a8 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=88319 I/O WAIT TRQ|Tw0|SRQ|Sw1 [1/117317]
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=88330 WE_WAIT enter n=3 to=1117
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=88337 [0] ev=0x00000754 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453560
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=88346 [1] ev=0x00000710 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x00453558
Fri May 25 20:16:13 2012 us=88353 [2] ev=0x00000748 rwflags=0x0001 arg=0x0045355c
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205579  event_wait returned 0
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205616 I/O WAIT status=0x0020
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205627 MULTI: REAP range 48 -> 64
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205660 TIMER: coarse timer wakeup 1 seconds
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205574 TLS: tls_multi_process: i=0 state=S_PRE_START, mysid=be10eef2 42f48586, stored-sid=68c8eabd de24850a, stored-ip=
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205596 TLS: tls_process: chg=0 ks=S_PRE_START lame=S_UNDEF to_link->len=0 wakeup=604800
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205607 ACK reliable_can_send active=1 current=1 : [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205615 ACK reliable_send ID 0 (size=4 to=2)
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205646 Reliable -> TCP/UDP
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205656 ACK reliable_send_timeout 2 [1] 0
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205663 TLS: tls_process: timeout set to 2
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205670 NOTE: --mute triggered...
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205715 15 variation(s) on previous 30 message(s) suppressed by --mute
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205747 UDPv4 WRITE [42] to P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2 kid=0 sid=be10eef2 42f48586 tls_hmac=4cf1e8b4 2f140596 d6d9bace b41a49db 07fb6bd3 pid=[ #11 / time = (1337969763) Fri May 25 20:16:03 2012 ] [ ] pid=0 DATA  
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205762 WIN32 I/O: Socket Completion non-queued success [50]
Fri May 25 20:16:14 2012 us=205803 WIN32 I/O

Message édité par xxx31fr le 25-05-2012 à 20:24:30
Posté le   profilanswer

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