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  Recalbox et contenu sur NAS


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Recalbox et contenu sur NAS

Posté le 06-01-2023 à 19:12:03  profilanswer

J'ai une Recalbox, et un NAS syno.
J'aimerais que ma RB aille chercher le contenu (les roms) sur le syno au lieu de gaver ma pauvre SD 32go. j'ai lu les tuto, mais ca coince toujours: la recalbox s'allume sans avoir plus que ce qu'il y a dans la SD.
je sais qu'il faut editer mon recalbox boot.conf, mais aucune des commandes insérées ne fonctionne...
voila mon fichier .conf:

Code :
  1. ### /boot/recalbox-boot.conf
  2. ### This file holds configuration related to hardware/peripheral detection
  3. # The `sharedevice` variable indicates where to find the SHARE folder/partition.
  4. # It can have the following values:
  5. #   INTERNAL      => the partition immediately following the partition mounted as /boot, on the same disk (e.g. `/dev/mmcblk0p2`)
  6. #                    (this is the default)
  7. #   RAM           => a temporary in-memory file system (tmpfs)
  8. #                    (use at your own risks, specially on boards with low memory!)
  9. #   ANYEXTERNAL   => any storage device other than the one the system booted on
  10. #                    (use this when you have several USB keys/drives, but plug only one at a time)
  11. #   DEV [FSUUID]  => the storage device with the [FSUUID] unique identifier
  12. #                    (use this if you plug multiple storage devices together but want a specific one to hold SHARE)
  13. #   NETWORK       => a network-mounted filesystem
  14. #                    (see complementary `sharenetwork_*` directives below)
  15. sharedevice=NETWORK
  16. # Network mount directives define how network filesystem should be mounted.
  17. # You can define as many as you like, they will be executed in order.
  18. # You can even mix basic and avanced commands.
  19. #
  20. # 1. Basic use (NFS or SMB):
  21. #
  22. #   sharenetwork_<nfs|smb>=<SHARE|ROMS|SAVES|BIOS|MUSIC>@<remote host>:<remote directory>[:<mount options>]
  23. #
  24. #   Examples:
  25. #     sharenetwork_nfs=SHARE@
  26. #     <or>
  27. #     sharenetwork_nfs=ROMS@
  28. #     sharenetwork_nfs=SAVES@
  29. #     <or>
  30. #     sharenetwork_smb=SHARE@
  31. #
  32. # 2. Advanced use (custom commands, usually `mount`):
  33. #
  34. #   sharenetwork_cmd=<command to run>
  35. #
  36. #   Examples:
  37. #     sharenetwork_cmd=mount -o port=2049,nolock,proto=tcp /recalbox/share
  38. #     <or>
  39. #     sharenetwork_cmd=mount -o port=2049,nolock,proto=tcp /recalbox/share/roms
  40. #     sharenetwork_cmd=mount -o port=2049,nolock,proto=tcp /recalbox/share/saves
  41. #     <or>
  42. #     sharenetwork_cmd=mount.cifs // /recalbox/share -o guest
  43. #
  44. sharenetwork_smb=ROMS@
  45. # The `case` variable enables presets for the given case (if supported by Recalbox).
  46. # It will enable some out-of-the-box configuration for fixed peripherals like screens, pads, etc...
  47. # Supported values:
  48. #   GPiCaseV1:1   => RetroFlag GpiCase (version 1)
  49. # Default: <unset>
  50. case=MegaPiCase:1
  51. # The `sharewait` variable defines the maximum time to wait for the SHARE partition to be mounted.
  52. # This is usually used with USB drives (since they are infamously slow) or network mounts.
  53. # Recalbox will regularly check if the device/host is ready to be mounted, up to <sharewait> seconds.
  54. # Note: in `NETWORK` mode, Recalbox will wait up to `sharewait` seconds for *each* `sharenetwork_*` directive.
  55. # Default: 7 for `DEV [FSUUID]` and `ANYEXTERNAL`, 20 for `NETWORK`
  56. sharewait=30
  57. installedCase=MegaPiCase

je m'en remets a vous pour une aide, merci!

Posté le 06-01-2023 à 19:12:03  profilanswer

Posté le 11-01-2023 à 14:17:29  profilanswer

le 5001 sur un syno c'est le https par defaut...

écrits sérieux, pas sérieux :

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  Recalbox et contenu sur NAS


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