tuto trouvé ici: http://web.archive.org/web/2007032 [...] 750-1.htm# (désolé, réponse un peu à la bourre mais en même temps puisque la question est déjà posée, pas trop d'intérêt de créer un nouveau thread).
Fonctionne pour les sony ericsonn
En anglais, désolé. Si quelqu'un veut bien se dévouer pour la traduc...
D'après les témoignages ça marche très bien. Je suis en train de tester. Pour l'instant j'ai lancé opera mini et j'attends qu'il finisse de se configurer (et 'est très long ).
Internet on your phone with a broadband connection
I. Introduction
* A connection between your mobile phone and your pc (via Bluetooth, IrdA or USB Cable)
* Download the necessary software:
o Sony Ericsson SDK 2.2.3
o Opera Mini
* You also need the Java Development Kit (not Java Runtime) as it's required to run the Sony Ericcson SDK.
* If this isn't the first time you are trying this and are without success I will let you gauge by yourself how many of your steps were right and how many were not depending on the success you had, of course you can always undo everything and start from scratch if you feel like it, but its a long process and you've probably had to spend a lot of time just to get as far as you already have, so you can decide for yourself, but i would suggest reading through the entire guide, to make sure you did everything.
II. Setting up a connection
Once you've installed all the software, it's time to set up a connection with your phone.
1. Start SE Device Explorer. Since the connection proxy isn't set, you'll get an error.
Just ignore and move to the next step.
2. Go to the "Connection Proxy" window and click on the settings button
Connection Settings
Next, you have to pick a COM Port. The COM Port for your Bluetooth or USB connection can be found in the device manager.
COM Port
Once you have found your COM Port, pick a Baud Rate and click on OK.
3. Go to the File menu and enable "Serial Networking".
Install Connection
4. Once you're connected, the Connection Proxy window should look like this.
5. You can now see which programs are installed on your phone.
Device Explorer Connected
If you don't see this, try pressing the refresh button.
III. Installing Opera Mini
Once you're connected, it's very easy to install java applets.
1. First you download Opera Mini and extract the files somewhere. Then rightclick the opera.jad file and click on "Install on device"
Install Opera Mini
2. Now you should be able to start Opera Mini with Device Explorer.
Start Opera Mini
IV. Starting Opera remotely via HID
To use your broadband connection you need to start Opera from your PC. But there is an easy way that allows you to remotely open Opera from your PC using your phone!
* What you need:
o A working HID profile on your pc and phone
o A tool to determine the Entrypoint and ID of the Opera browser
o A shortcut on your desktop
* Download the necessary software:
o minibrowser.lnk (right click -> save as...)
o List.bat (right click -> save as...)
o List1.bat (right click -> save as...)
o Desktop.hid (optional)
1. First go to Entertainment > Remote Control on your phone and look for the Desktop profile.
If not, download Desktop.hid and send it to your phone via Bluetooth.
2. Copy minibrowser.lnk to your desktop. The name is not important so you can change it if you like.
3. Now you need to determine the Entrypoint (1 or 2 digits) and ID (5 digits) of the Opera browser. You can do this by running List.bat.
4. Once you got the numbers, go to the settings of the minibrowser.lnk shortcut and change the numbers. The first 2 numbers is the Entrypoint and the other 5 are the ID.
5. You should now be able to start Opera from your phone. To do this go the Entertainment > Remote Control and select the Desktop profile. You can start Opera by pressing the * button on your phone.
Once started, leave Opera running and close the HID as it can interfere with the Bluetooth Connection.
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Message édité par mahieu le 12-09-2008 à 00:53:01