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Auteur | Sujet : AOL !?! comment resilier ! |
Publicité | Posté le 24-11-2001 à 20:47:55 |
krafton | t'es cense avoir un contrat avec des conditions d'abonnement et de resiliation |
ludo83 | Dis moi tu n aurais pas une machine a laver a la place du modem |
wassabi Espece de biologiste à 2 roues | j ai le meme forfait et le meme probleme
eponyme-premier | pour le forfait illimité a 327frs/moi on peut resilier quand on veut hein??? |
karim63 |
darkangel C2FFA | Sinon, regardez vos lignes, notement et surtout au niveaux des prises telephoniques, fo kce soit nikel, parckilé tres titilleux leur logiciel merdique de ce coté la. |
Publicité | Posté le 24-11-2001 à 21:18:22 |
canaille beyond the limits |
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
karim63 |
karim63 | test [edtdd]--Message édité par karim63--[/edtdd] |
karim63 | test |
canaille beyond the limits |
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
canaille beyond the limits |
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
Murphy | un contrat est un contrat, et vu les rapaces que sont aol, il n'y a aucune raison pour qu'ils te fassent le cadeau de stopper ton contrat --------------- C'est pas moi ! C'est Murphy ! |
B-52 Contrario Contrariis Curantur | Il ya bien une solution, mais c'est un peu la roulette russe : arrétez de payer et bloquez vos comptes: Aol résilieras le contrat au bout de 2 ou 3 mois...reste à savoir si ils vous laiseront tranquille si vous vous acquittez des mois manquant ... |
karim63 |
canaille beyond the limits | y a pas moyen de passer en illimité a 327 frs et de resilier?
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
canaille beyond the limits |
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
wassabi Espece de biologiste à 2 roues | ya koi kommme motif dans ce contrat sa m interresse!! |
eponyme-premier | pauvre canaille essayes de refourguer ton contrat a quelqu' un |
eponyme-premier | ton abonnement je voulais dire |
canaille beyond the limits | ouais, ça peut marcher....
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
canaille beyond the limits | Vous souhaitez annuler votre abonnement, mais êtes-vous sûr d'avoir exploré toutes les richesses d'AOL ? --------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
canaille beyond the limits | y a ça aussi
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
canaille beyond the limits | idéeS !
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
karim63 |
ludo83 | Pour infos Aol lance son Adsl dans 1 mois a peu ils m ont dit !
Plouf02 Opencloud addict! | ta vraiment des merdes materiels parce ke moi ca rouler |
darkangel C2FFA | 5) Soit t entubé |
darkangel C2FFA | ou arretes les blagues nulles |
ludo83 |
canaille beyond the limits | bhen 56k Olitec interne.
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
canaille beyond the limits |
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
ludo83 |
canaille beyond the limits |
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
ludo83 |
canaille beyond the limits | arffff, jaais je e ferai !
--------------- You cannot refer to something as your sister's without showing a picture of the sister in question. || made in Mattighofen |
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