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Configuring DCOM on Windows XP SP2
Microsoft has added some DCOM security enhancements to Windows XP Service Pack 2. In addition to the above Windows XP DCOM configuration settings, you will need to perform the following steps.
1. If the computer belongs to a workgroup instead of a domain, make sure that it does not use simple file sharing. Open Windows Explorer or double click My Computer, click Tools, then go to Folder Options, click View and uncheck Use simple file sharing (Recommended) in Advanced settings.
2. Click Start, click Programs, click Administrative Tools, click Component Services.
3. Expand Component Services, expand Computers, and right-click My Computer. Select Properties.
4. Click Default COM Security.
5. Under Default Access Permissions click Edit Default. Make sure SYSTEM, INTERACTIVE, NETWORK, and the user whose authentication credentials will be used to access the COM application all have Local and Remote Access permissions.
6. Under Default Access Permissions click Edit Limits. Service Pack 2 comes with the following default values: ANONYMOUS LOGON (Local Access) and Everyone (Local and Remote Access). Make sure these values are listed, and then add the user whose authentication credentials will be used to access the COM application. Allow this user to have Local and Remote Access permissions.
7. Under Default Launch Permissions click Edit Default. Make sure SYSTEM, INTERACTIVE, NETWORK, and the user whose authentication credentials will be used to access the COM application all have Local and Remote Launch permissions, as well as Local and Remote Activation permissions.
8. Under Default Launch Permissions click Edit Limits. Service Pack 2 comes with the following default values: MACHINE\Administrators (Local and Remote Launch, Local and Remote Activation) and Everyone (Local Launch and Local Activation). Make sure these values are listed, and then add the user whose authentication credentials will be used to access the COM application. Allow this user to have Local and Remote Launch permissions, as well as Local and Remote Activation permissions.
9. Service Pack 2 comes with a built-in Windows Firewall. If the firewall is turned on, you will have to allow your COM application network access to your machine. You can do this by opening Windows Firewall and adding your COM application to the list of programs under the Exceptions tab. If Display a notification when Windows Firewall blocks a program is selected, then you will be prompted to unblock the COM application when you run your J-Integra application the first time. Select Unblock when prompted.
10. If you still get an "access denied" or "permission denied" error after configuring your DCOM settings, try rebooting your machine to allow the new settings to take effect.
For more information on DCOM security enhancements in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, see [...] 121120120.