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  windows XP home et ASP!!


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windows XP home et ASP!!

Posté le 07-10-2002 à 19:00:41  profilanswer

quelqu'uun conaitrait-il un logicel ou une methode pour faire de l'asp sur cette OS?
me dite pas de mettre  XP pro svp  ;o) ( je cherche une autre solution)

Posté le 07-10-2002 à 19:00:41  profilanswer

Posté le 07-10-2002 à 19:18:48  profilanswer

installe un server IIS d abord

Posté le 07-10-2002 à 19:39:06  profilanswer

tomate77 a écrit a écrit :

installe un server IIS d abord

ouais mais sous le xp home je peux pas!!  
puis c'ets aps gratuit si?
et si c gratuit ou le trouvé?  
sinon j'avais pensé a apache avce des modules perl , quelqu'un sait-il quelquechose la dessus?  
ou on les telecharges  , comment on les installes? et pour que ca marche sous windowws xp  

Posté le 07-10-2002 à 20:08:47  profilanswer

c pas gagner sous XP!!!
prend un vrai os (linux/unix ?? :sarcastic: )
ou sinon apache avec ses modules
(desole je sais po ou ca se trouve, j ai jamais voulu mettre ca!)

Posté le 07-10-2002 à 20:29:37  profilanswer

tomate77 a écrit a écrit :

c pas gagner sous XP!!!
prend un vrai os (linux/unix ?? :sarcastic: )
ou sinon apache avec ses modules
(desole je sais po ou ca se trouve, j ai jamais voulu mettre ca!)

arf merci quand meme ;o)
:( quelqu'un sait se qu'il faut faire pleaseeeeeeee

Message édité par saxgard le 07-10-2002 à 20:30:07
Posté le 07-10-2002 à 21:24:28  profilanswer


Posté le 08-10-2002 à 21:13:08  profilanswer


Posté le 10-10-2002 à 21:19:57  profilanswer


Posté le 13-10-2002 à 02:50:46  profilanswer

bon si j'ai bien compris c'est peine perdu hein? ;o)

Musclor le shérif de l'espace
Posté le 13-10-2002 à 04:32:29  profilanswer

tomate77 a écrit a écrit :

c pas gagner sous XP!!!
prend un vrai os (linux/unix ?? :sarcastic: )
ou sinon apache avec ses modules
(desole je sais po ou ca se trouve, j ai jamais voulu mettre ca!)

de l asp sous unix ou linix :??: ?

Posté le 13-10-2002 à 04:32:29  profilanswer

Profil sup​primé
Posté le 13-10-2002 à 07:37:36  answer

(1) locate and edit the file C:\WINDOWS\INF\SYSOC.INF  
(2) locate a section called [Components]  
(3) find a line like this:
(4) change it to this (the iis cab in the i386 xp home folder looks to be nothing) iis=iis2.dll,OcEntry,iis2.inf,,7  
(some sort of ms caching thing keeps sticking back iis.dll when I try to nuke it. quickly renaming and making hidden dir called iis.dll seems to thwart, but not worth it, so iis2.dll is good enough)  
(5) I grabbed the iis.dl_ and iis.in_ from win2k advanced server cd.  
I would guess similar techniques would work from W98, FP, etc. Use "EXPAND IIS.DL_ IIS2.DLL" from a command prompt Same for IIS2.INF, place IIS2.INF in C:\WINDOWS\INF and IIS2.DLL in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SETUP  
(6) Now when I did "add windows programs" from the control panel's add new programs, I had IIS options and I could even check em off. yippee - could not check em off from my xppro cd :(((  
I just went with the defaulted ones though (all i needed was iis web server)  
(7) It will prompt you for files. Get em from MS XP Home CDs, Adv Server CDs, C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\INETSRV, C:\WINDOWS\I386, etc. (It will tell you the file it needs, you just need to have a searcher going, probably the CDs will have all you need)  
(8) You can get to your IIS from Control Panel's Administrative Programs. I stuck in an index.html file and reconfigure IIS to work like this.
No go :(((
I right clicked on my inetpub folder and did something with shared folders.
No go :(((
I looked at the event viewer and saw the error of my ways. Go to IIS and goto Directory Security tab and click Edit button and Browse for the user setup on my laptop.  
(9) Yippee, hello world from http://localhost  

Posté le 13-10-2002 à 11:54:39  profilanswer

kan je dis de mettre linux c po pour utiliser l ASP avec, pfffff :sarcastic:  :kaola:

Posté le 13-10-2002 à 23:00:22  profilanswer

Ultra Bestial a écrit a écrit :

(1) locate and edit the file C:\WINDOWS\INF\SYSOC.INF  
(2) locate a section called [Components]  
(3) find a line like this:
(4) change it to this (the iis cab in the i386 xp home folder looks to be nothing) iis=iis2.dll,OcEntry,iis2.inf,,7  
(some sort of ms caching thing keeps sticking back iis.dll when I try to nuke it. quickly renaming and making hidden dir called iis.dll seems to thwart, but not worth it, so iis2.dll is good enough)  
(5) I grabbed the iis.dl_ and iis.in_ from win2k advanced server cd.  
I would guess similar techniques would work from W98, FP, etc. Use "EXPAND IIS.DL_ IIS2.DLL" from a command prompt Same for IIS2.INF, place IIS2.INF in C:\WINDOWS\INF and IIS2.DLL in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\SETUP  
(6) Now when I did "add windows programs" from the control panel's add new programs, I had IIS options and I could even check em off. yippee - could not check em off from my xppro cd :(((  
I just went with the defaulted ones though (all i needed was iis web server)  
(7) It will prompt you for files. Get em from MS XP Home CDs, Adv Server CDs, C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\INETSRV, C:\WINDOWS\I386, etc. (It will tell you the file it needs, you just need to have a searcher going, probably the CDs will have all you need)  
(8) You can get to your IIS from Control Panel's Administrative Programs. I stuck in an index.html file and reconfigure IIS to work like this.
No go :(((
I right clicked on my inetpub folder and did something with shared folders.
No go :(((
I looked at the event viewer and saw the error of my ways. Go to IIS and goto Directory Security tab and click Edit button and Browse for the user setup on my laptop.  
(9) Yippee, hello world from http://localhost  

ouhla ouhla  rien que ca  ;o)

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  windows XP home et ASP!!


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