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  CA0A4982C26.EXE et pleins de fichiers MRT.exe et problèmes d'accent ^^


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CA0A4982C26.EXE et pleins de fichiers MRT.exe et problèmes d'accent ^^

Posté le 04-12-2011 à 03:30:58  profilanswer

I started to suspect my computer was infected as I couldnt use the \'ê\' correctly and it did \'^^\' each time I typed only once the keybord. I looked up on google and it said it was a virus. I opened C: and found another problem:
lots of long folders named with 20 or more charactors and within them is nothing but \"mrt.exe\" file. I know the mrt.exe is supposed to have something to do with the Malicious Software Removal but theses files are located right into C:\\ and not in C:\\Windows\\System32. and there are like 10 of them. when I open the folder it says \"You dont have the right to open this folder\" so I have to click \"Continue\" to open it and find the Mrt.exe file. all MRT.exe have different size but they are mor or less 45Mo. I googled it and found only a link which I quoted in this email because he description was good.
then last problem, I checked msconfig and I found a CA0A4982C26.EXE in C:\sooi832.bin which I google and found a lick to UnHackMe. I run it but nothing was foiund.
I stopped allowing this CA0A4982C26.EXE at the start of windows and now I can do ô or ê correctly again. and my computer seems to be faster. but all the files (both CA0A4982C26.EXE and all the MRT.exe are still on my computer and I dont know if just deleted them is the right thing to do..)
I think I really need help.

Posté le 04-12-2011 à 03:30:58  profilanswer

Posté le 05-12-2011 à 10:40:42  profilanswer

mj888 a écrit :

I started to suspect my computer was infected as I couldnt use the \'ê\' correctly and it did \'^^\' each time I typed only once the keybord. I looked up on google and it said it was a virus. I opened C: and found another problem:
lots of long folders named with 20 or more charactors and within them is nothing but \"mrt.exe\" file. I know the mrt.exe is supposed to have something to do with the Malicious Software Removal but theses files are located right into C:\\ and not in C:\\Windows\\System32. and there are like 10 of them. when I open the folder it says \"You dont have the right to open this folder\" so I have to click \"Continue\" to open it and find the Mrt.exe file. all MRT.exe have different size but they are mor or less 45Mo. I googled it and found only a link which I quoted in this email because he description was good.
then last problem, I checked msconfig and I found a CA0A4982C26.EXE in C:\sooi832.bin which I google and found a lick to UnHackMe. I run it but nothing was foiund.
I stopped allowing this CA0A4982C26.EXE at the start of windows and now I can do ô or ê correctly again. and my computer seems to be faster. but all the files (both CA0A4982C26.EXE and all the MRT.exe are still on my computer and I dont know if just deleted them is the right thing to do..)
I think I really need help.




sounds quite bad :D
Do you have any antivirus installed on your computer ?
What you can do is to try an offline antivirus solution like this one
It will scann your system and kick out infected files.


Once done, try to come back under windows and install a free antivirus like :
And re-scann your computer.


good luck :D

Message édité par darxmurf le 05-12-2011 à 10:41:01

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  Windows & Software

  CA0A4982C26.EXE et pleins de fichiers MRT.exe et problèmes d'accent ^^


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