Non-Profit Organizations
If you host a Teamspeak server strictly for non-profit AND you are not a commercial entity then you will not be subject to licensing fees. Each physical server that qualifies as a non-profit organization cannot exceed 100 slots for all instances of Teamspeak running on that server. If more than 100 slots is detected by our automated tracking system, your server may be subject to review (or suspended) and you may be held liable for ATHP-based or Single Server Use-based licensing fees.
An individual hosting a small Teamspeak server for their online gaming clan using their home Cable/DSL connection for non-profit.
An individual that rents a dedicated server from a hosting company but does NOT ask for fees from clan members AND does NOT rent or share space to others for profit.
A church or other non-profit organization hosting a free Teamspeak server for online bible study discussions.
A school hosting a free Teamspeak server that allows students to receive help with homework for their classes online. |
edit: j'ai oublier ! teamspeak c'est bon :
Message édité par bl@p_psx le 11-10-2004 à 17:48:49