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  Jv 16 power tools devient payant et regcleaner disparait


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Jv 16 power tools devient payant et regcleaner disparait

Posté le 18-07-2003 à 23:29:56  profilanswer

Triste nouvelle, le logiciel a droit a une nouvelle version mais est passé en payant, dans sa grande générosité l'éditeur Macecraft le nouveau propriétaire a offert une licence gratuite à la personne qui a développé et crée le logiciel (j'espere a vie quand meme !!!) >
The long development and testing process is now over, the jv16 PowerTools 1.4 is finally here.  
This might, however, be a sad news for some of you, since from now on the jv16 PowerTools is no longer freeware. The decision to convert it to a commercial product wasn't easy for the program's original author, Jouni Vuorio. He has been working in the field of freeware system maintenance tools from the age of 17, now at the age of 21 he had to made the call. The biggest actual change will be in the quality of the software.  
Also, as a thanks from Jouni all the people who have helped him with the development of jv16 PowerTools 1.4 have received a personal license for free. [...] =downloads
info supplémentaire, regcleaner n'existe plus

Message édité par orbitalcoil le 18-07-2003 à 23:36:47

A vendre
Posté le 18-07-2003 à 23:29:56  profilanswer

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  Windows & Software

  Jv 16 power tools devient payant et regcleaner disparait


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